Topic: Success Stories
ICstarz's photo


Wed 12/05/07 08:51 AM

love I thought to myself "FINALY"! This site gave me the key and I drove away into the sunset with my ideal woman. Thanks to all the staff at justsayhi, you work miracles. What started as a date turned into a real heart felt relationship.

Edited by ICstarz on Wed 12/05/07 08:53 AM
JazzieJoHanna's photo


Sun 12/09/07 09:01 PM

That is so cool, nice to know some REAL GOOD came out of this site!
no photo


Sat 12/22/07 11:29 PM

Well hello there.... I just wanted to take a moment to say that I have found my PERFECT match here on this site. He's is everything I have ever dreamed for and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Funny thing is, both of us hadn't had much luck and we were going to cancel our profiles but came across each other first. We emailed back and forth a few times before taking it to the next level and talking on the phone. That's when we realized the true compatability between us and knew we had landed on something special. We are taking things slowly but deep down inside we know it was just meant to be. I have been waiting on a man like him for many years and here he was... on your site! Thank you Justsayhi for having a free site where people can have the opportunity to find companionship.
I have been swept off my feet by my Knight in Shining Armor. Thank you Justsayhi!

CJG41's photo


Wed 01/09/08 06:25 AM

Hi Everyone i had signed on to this site a while ago. Mostly for the jokes and forums, but did not join in. Recently in the last two months i met the most wounderfull lady ever we share so much in common and get allong perfectly. thank you Just Say Hi.
shokon's photo


Thu 01/10/08 09:50 AM

This is a great site. Even a nerdy guy like me, found someone really special.
SingleGentleman31's photo


Mon 01/14/08 01:20 PM

Well, I am a sucess Story. I have met someone on here. I posted my profile on January 7th. On January 10 I got an email that was the start of a new relationship. She matched what I was looking for and now we are enjoying the start of a new life for each other. She is a wonderful, beautiful, and kind woman, that I would never had found if it wasn't for this site. I was missing something that I found in her. This site is better then them "OTHER" paid sites that NEVER or RARELY work. I have joined numerous sites. This is one says FREE and it is. Thank you so much Just Say Hi. I have you all to thank. I hope other people can find their "ONE" on here. I can not say thank you enough.

Dan E.
Edited by SingleGentleman31 on Mon 01/14/08 01:27 PM
no photo


Mon 01/14/08 01:37 PM


Renata and I are a sweet success! :D

I accidentally posted this announcement on another link and now I just saw this one.

I met my sweetie back in March of 2007 and within the first week, we both knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

Today is Monday, January 14th... and I'll be flying down to Sao Paulo, Brazil on Wednesday, January 23rd, arriving on Thursday morning- January 24th... and we are getting married on Saturday, January 26th at 7:00 in the morning. We'll spend a few hours back at the hotel, have our reception at 5 p.m. - 8 p.m., go back to the hotel, get some casual/dance clothes and then go out to an open-air PsyTrance event in Sao Paulo. We'll go shopping during the week, go to an Irish pub, go to a karaoke bar (so that I can sing to her), and then enjoy Carnaval on Friday, February 1st and maybe a couple of days afterwards. Then, I leave on Monday in the evening and return to Seattle by myself. After I get back, I have to go through the immigration attorney I picked in California, and get her up here in early August hopefully (as soon as possible really).

So, yes... thank you very, VERY much JustSayHi. As I mentioned, I don't consider this a "dating" site per se... because people really make friends... as in pen pals, and friends from around the world really. So, if people meet and they talk and those who are serious are SERIOUS about one another... love can be 5 miles from your doorstep or 6,000 miles away. It just matters if both people are honest, don't play games and are dedicated to be the wife or husband that they want to be... and give out the love to someone else by thinking of them and not themselves.

Thanks again and as far as I know- you all can use us as a success story once we have our wedding pics taken, etc. I'll talk it over with Renata, but I'm sure she's fine with it.

Many blessings...

Marcas & Renata
disturbedminde's photo


Wed 01/23/08 07:59 PM

I just half to say i was able to find a wonderfull woman on this site thank you guys for all your good and hard work
horseman79065's photo


Thu 02/07/08 10:40 PM

I have an incredibel story to tell about this site. When I was15 I met a wonderful girl and although we neither of us new it we feel in love her father was a baptist minister and wouldnt allow her to date until she was 16 and we eventually drifted apart and lost track of each other she had given me a pictur of her sitting on her brothers motorcycle and my wife and kids at different times had asked me about the picture and I had told thenm it was my first true love over the years we had both hunted for each other but could never find out anything about each other the other night I was browsing on just say hi and ran across a picture of a woman in shamrock tx that looked familiar but I wasnt quite sure if I knew her finally I sent her an email and just seconds later i received one back telling me her name and I almost fainted when I saw that it was the woman I have loved for32 years the next morning she called me ( i had sent her my #) and we talked for a little while and I went to shamrock to see her we talked for hours and have beent together ever since she had kept a poem that she had written me when we were 15 that she emailed to me when our eyes met we both knew that we were just as in love as we were 32 years ago and have been together all day every day since if you have not found your true love keep searching it is out there maybe an old love like ours or a new one but it is out there good luke to you all and I am unavailabelfrom this piont on lol
jacksonman's photo


Sat 02/09/08 08:57 PM

TW & Trista....

I just want to send a Thanks out to... the Guy at work that Told me about this site..WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWEN... THANK YOU JUST SAY HI!!!

Well it's like TnT..we started talking on this site. She cought my Eye. So i sent her a message one night. And she sent one back which i didnt think would happen. Took me one whole week to get yahoo messanger..that later would kick me off every we didnt talk much that way.But got a date set to meet..."cry" and it snowed so i was waiting a whole nother week. Well the day came..or should say night came.. And when i seen her i didnt know what to think.. loved her that moment..even though she wouldnt look me in the eye.But she was a singel mom that is very strong and i can sence that about people when i first meet them. But as of now we are Liveing together..and i moved her to my Town... i Love this girl and dont want to ever leave her.. she is here with me now and is going to add a little..most likely what she was thinking the first time talking to me..

Well i guess its my time to type When i first started talking to him, i really didnt want anything but a friend. And that is what he was. Such a sweet caring person. Would leave lil messages just to say hi or see how i was doing. Which was a big change for me and made me feel really good. So to the nite we finally met. I was excided and nervous at the same time. (as most ppl would be) So i told myself, "Take a chance, there is this guy that can make your heart melt just by a look..and he likes you." So needless to say, we hit it off. For the next few weeks, we talked everyday..and spent every moment that we had open..together. I hadnt been happy in a long time. And for the first time, i started to smile again. So now here we together. Everyday is something new..which i love. I have finally found someone that i can share my heart with again..and it is all thanks to this site. When someone first told me about it, i not gonna get on a dating site..they dont work. Well i have been proven wrong, here we are. Two people in love. So we just wanted to say thank you.
jacksonman's photo


Sat 02/09/08 08:59 PM

and now This will be the last time that i am on..No reason to get back on this site.. i thank eveyone that was nice to me on here and wish eveyone luck..the luck that i had..we had.. thanks to all and to all good luck**
no photo


Mon 02/11/08 01:42 PM

Today is Monday, February 11th, 2008

I just returned from Sao Paulo, Brazil last Tuesday and I spent the most happiest 12 days of my life down there with my wife- Renata. Renata and I were married on Saturday, January 26th at a notary and we had a wonderful evening reception from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Many thanks to JustSayHi for bringing us together. :D


Tue 02/12/08 11:29 AM

i have found the most amazing man on jsh. he is a winner, hes my best friend and ,one soo we will be married,he has been through alot of bad relationships just like i have and we both had giving up on finding true love.but thanks to god and this site i will love again i do love now. byron(wolf_brave
) is the greatest man, so loving and caring and if i might ad sexxy too. so to all the men and women still looking ,hang in there you will find your perfect match
JimJim's photo


Tue 02/26/08 06:08 AM

Thanks JSH! This was a little valentines day note from the gal I met on your site. ( Smilemore) ( We now live together and are very happy)love Hope you all dont mind if I share it! flowerforyou When I think of love..... I think of roses and red hearts...Quiet walks.....and very soft,tranquil music...... I envision an eagle taking flight on a crisp fall morn....the first snow flake in the winter... and the sound of the first robin in the spring... I envision a glorious sunrise...a spectacular rainbow...and the stars shining on a summer night... But most of all, I envision you... your eyes radiating warmth, joy and vibrancy... and the tender feelings in my heart from your friendly smile.... I love you. Its as unconscious as my breathing and is inevitable as the passage of time... YES THE SITE DOES WORK!love :wink: Jim + Lisa
Edited by JimJim on Tue 02/26/08 06:16 AM
babieblues15's photo


Wed 02/27/08 07:27 AM


I also have met alot of great people on this site. One in particular, Txnoutofplace (Bill). I was like a lot of people on this site looking for new friends and maybe make a few relationships. Then I saw Bill's ad on here. I wrote to him the day after Christmas and we started emailing everyday. Then we started chatting everyday twice a day. Finally, he came down to meet me one month after we started chatting in January. He lives in St. Louis area and I lived in Mississippi. A week after we met and we hit it off extremely well I made the decision to move to the St. Louis area to be closer to him. Needless to say we are engaged to be married and we are quite the happy family.

I tried a lot of the other sites and this is the only one that I was truly comfortable with. I have been looking for someone like Bill for 23 years. So I want to tell all of your members that if you are patient enough and look long enough you will find your match. I know that I did.

Bill and Julia
aphroditiegirl80's photo


Fri 03/07/08 10:12 AM

Hello, I have only been on just say hi for a few months now and I have to say that this site like others has some wonderful people and some not so wonderful people!! But I think I have found my wonderful person!! He and I started talking about a week after I joined. We hung out and found that we were a lot more compatible that we first thought!! His kids like mine and visa virsa. I loved his kids right off the bat and he enjoys mine and for me that was a big deal. As we hung out our conversations became more and more frequent and longer in leangth untill we were talking like 2 or 3 times a day or more, for as long as we wanted, sometimes untill our phone batteries and I realise, even if he hasn't yet, that i will be with him for the rest of my life!! lol I went with my kids and spent the weekend with his family and we just seemed to fit. Everyone stepped into their place and things went so smoothly I was convinced and am convinced that god and Just Say Hi brought us together for a reason. I truly care about him and he for me and life couldn't be any more blissful than it is right now..I am still on this site and still meeting new friends but i am no longer looking for my mr right!! i beleive I have found him and if there turns out to be wedding bells, well, i'll let you know...untill then..good hunting..good luck, and remember don't look so hard cause it'is when you least expect to find it that love comes knocking on the door!!
prizm99's photo


Sun 03/16/08 10:21 PM

All I can say is, I was so tired of spending money just to contact other women. Don't I spend money just to have the internet in the first place? One site I was on charges $35 just to merely see who has looked at your profile. I was miffed.

That's when after much searching on the internet, I found JSH. What a miracle that happened afterwards. She contacted me first. Her name is Sheila and she is definitely the kind of woman you bring home to mom. 34 and a single mother of an 11 year old son that she loves with all her heart.

We went on our first date within a week after meeting here. Both of us were nervous. I hadn't had any luck with single mothers in the past and naturally was skeptical, but I gave it a shot. Am I ever glad. I was born with a sensory processing disorder that dampens my ability to intake everything around me. Occasionally my brain "burns out" from being around a huge crowd too long, thus making bars and clubs a nightmare for me. I also have mild/moderate Tourette's syndrome.

After I told Sheila about my illness, she told me that her son had a sensory processing problem as well, but at a more severe level that requires an intense training program. I sat there in absolute disbelief. Could I have finally found a woman who would know exactly what I have been fighting my whole life? At the same time I looked across the table at her and saw what I believed to be tears of joy that she was holding back as she talked about the struggles she had gone through raising her son. Apparently, she had never imagined that she would find a man who would know exactly what her son was going through for so long. At that very moment, the chemistry between the both of us shot through the stratosphere. Any insecurities about each other completely disappeared. Everytime her son came into the picture on previous dates with other guys, they'd act very distant and cold.

But not with me. Sheila always knows that she can talk about the good and bad days her son goes through because she knows I'll understand exactly. Any single parent out there certainly knows how tough it is to receive patience from the other when dating someone for the first time. Here I was skeptical at first, and now the two of us feel a magic to a level that not even many happily married people will ever experience. I feel like I'm living out a Disney movie in real life. And it all comes back to that wonderful son of hers. That has given us the most important thing in an intimate

How's that for a story? All I did was tell it the way I need it right in my profile. I just simply said I don't date bar-hoppers or clubbers at all. I date women, not overgrown girls who haven't grown up and earned the right to have a decent guy in their life. I knew I was going to wait longer than most guys would, but I didn't care. I know I want a long lasting relationship and friendship. I was honest and I got my queen to come and find me. I certainly plan to marry her some day, hopefully next year at some time. We text each other almost everyday.

Just want to thank JSH for putting this site online and making my dream come true. Perseverence everyone!!! Put your values on the table and show those singles out there that you mean business. I'm on cloud 9 and have been dating Sheila for 2 months now. Not only is she the love of my life, she is definitely my best friend.

Edited by prizm99 on Sun 03/16/08 10:24 PM
azrider24's photo


Fri 03/28/08 03:07 PM

I guess i am at a loss of words...almost 3 mounths ago i signed up for JUSTSAYHI.COM and thought well give it a shot and see what happens..

One day i had gotton a message from this girl but she had no picture so i asked her to put one up and she did.. It was like love at first site. a couple days later we decided to meet and hang out.

After that we went our sepret ways and i saw her a few days later and asked her to move in with me and be my lady. Things progresed from there. we saw how it was to live with eachother and things where going so great it was like we where ment for each other it was soo great..

Now we have been together almost 3 mounths and we are starting to talk about getting married its the best thing ever happened to me. Now we are set to get married next year in March of 09 i know its going to happen and we both will be so happy like we are now.

I am letting all my friends about this website the first dating site that really did something for me. I just wanted to thank this website and its creater and giving me the chance to meet the love of my life!
hellojoe's photo


Wed 04/16/08 06:38 AM

I was on plentyoffish for a year and couldn't get with anyone, not even a meet. So far I met two women off here and had a relationship with them both. This is why I dont go back to plentyoffish.
cstocktill's photo


Mon 04/21/08 06:47 PM

This site is pure magic. I moved after college to a brand new city. I was fearful and looking for friends. Late one evening after feeling a little lonely spell I came upon your site. I entered my information on here and with in a days time I had a whole bunch of responses. I was only interested in friendship. I found one guy though who peeked my interest. He sent me funny e-mails and made me smile. Over the next few days we began talking on the phone. He was the warmest, sweetest man I have ever met. I couldn't believe that this sweet guy was on this site. Well we met in person and he was everything I thought he was. Your site allowed me to connect with the other half of my soul. I have been with Matt now for 9 months and we are getting married this September. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to meet the man of my dreams.
With much love,