Topic: Introvert or Extrovert
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Tue 10/21/14 02:29 AM

Both, depending on the situation and my mood. Sometimes blending in is okay, I can handle being in the lime-light and anything in between.

I used to be very shy and insecure. Until I discovered I am not an introvert by nature.

Like Pancho I also need solitude to recharge batteries. Don't like lots of ppl around me 24/7
green407's photo


Tue 10/21/14 03:15 AM

Introvert, I avoid groups and crowds like enterobacteria Yersinia pestis.
traceye1983's photo


Tue 10/21/14 03:26 AM

Fair bit of extrovert but with my own individual hobbies/ time such as reading.
Rock's photo


Tue 10/21/14 03:53 AM

I'm shy