Topic: Parallel Universes: Are they real?
Wildlfower1017's photo


Fri 10/06/17 10:51 AM

Mysterious paranormal phenomena have been happening to me and around me and to others in close proximity to me since I was a child. These phenomena are witnessed by others who don't believe in this seemingly subjective world, to such a degree that a skeptical theoretical physicist began to believe in the paranormal as he was being pulled into it too. The world as we know it, is only the tip of the ice-berg, there are many, many layers to it...I only know that somehow I was allowed to creep through into another dimension, as well as have others creep through into this one and manifest themselves to me. In the bible it talks about, God having many rooms in his house...I believe this to be many dimensions. I believe that one has to change the emf frequency that surrounds one to be allowed glimpses into these other worlds. This seems to happen through altered states of consciousness which are affected by a few mediums, like drugs, breathing, stress and prayer/meditation. If space time is warped or folded back on itself, past, present and future can be manifested in all at once. I saw a diagram of that once, where a wormhole formulated like a needle thread through all the layers of folded back spacetime...That makes it more understandable when I have experienced pre-cognition before the event.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Fri 10/06/17 01:29 PM

I see the UFO/Alien/Paranormal contact thing as more likely to be alternate dimension beings or time travelers from the future. Dimensional or time portal manipulation is easier for me to reconcile. They "Make More Sense" to me.

Of the two, Time travel is less likely than a dimensional visitor. Time travel requires spacial displacement because the entire Universe is moving. A dimensional shift might occur in real time at a specific location (like stepping, or flying through a doorway).

Time is like a constant movie playing where every moment is like a picture of reality. The film moves these pictures as it plays, like a quadrillion frames per second (probably much faster than that) it rolls by. To travel back in time, you would need to go back to the place in space that coincides with the time destination.
Given chaos (butterfly effect) if you were to materialize 5 years ago, your presence would change the frame to include you at that place. If that frame changes in any way, all frames after changes as well. It could be something as simple as your craft or your body blocking a breeze that was supposed to blow a leaf. What happens to the original time movie? You would now have two movies playing at the same time. One without your presence and one with.

A dimensional transgression would still enable passage but the movie of time will have never played past that point without you. Your presence would be part of the developing timeline. There would be no rewrite required and no alternate stream created. Everything you do while you are in this dimension is part of the movie.

Time travel to the future isn't possible because the conditions and placements of matter have not happened yet. The time ship navigator would have to account for the butterfly effect on the entire Universe and materialize the planet where it will be and all the changes everywhere that coincide with it being at that location at that time.
While it may not be impossible to calculate everything involved, it is very highly improbable. There is just too much that could be miscalculated. Your navigator would simply have to create a Universe and hope that creation is perfectly set to intercept the timeline when it catches up.

There may be places where the separation of dimensions are significantly less of a barrier. There may also be places where the barriers overlap. Being within those overlapping dimensions may allow you to experience a merged dimension.
I believe it could also be possible for a person to manipulate their aura (sense of presence) in such a way that they can sense other dimensions but since their senses are tuned to this dimension it registers in different ways. Those differences cause certain feelings or emotions that someone 'tuned' to it describe as paranormal encounters. Since others are not tuned exactly, it is subject to "belief" in the observer but "fact" to the person experiencing it all.
mightymoe's photo


Fri 10/06/17 04:39 PM

I don't really believe in the butterfly effect... I think if someone went back in time and changed something, a new reality would be created from the point of change on...
notbeold's photo


Fri 10/06/17 05:27 PM

Parallel universes etc. don't necessarily have to be one place, or be in one place.
What's to say it (everything) isn't spread around everywhere, (instead of in layers or regions), like data on a RAM disc or similar, where bits get stashed where they fit, and are seen or re-compiled when and where needed. - we (or something) only assembles or sees the bits needed for now, while ignoring the surrounding un needed data (dark energy/matter?); so like the spectrums, we only see a very limited myopic view of total reality, but know there is much more out there - we just can't see it.
We are like a dog looking at a car, we may like what it does, but have no idea how it works, or how to operate it, or the science behind it. whoa
Tom4Uhere's photo


Fri 10/06/17 06:43 PM

I don't really believe in the butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is basically chaos and random events that affect other random events.
It happens all the time all around you.
The opposite of the butterfly effect is order. Events are decisive with logical predictable outcomes.
There is a postulation that insinuates that all chaos is predictable at all levels of reference in all applications but to have that level of understanding and observation is beyond human capacity.

I think if someone went back in time and changed something, a new reality would be created from the point of change on...

Yes, it would, hence my statement to that affect.
if you were to materialize 5 years ago, your presence would change the frame to include you at that place. If that frame changes in any way, all frames after changes as well.

Parallel universes etc. don't necessarily have to be one place, or be in one place.

Good point. They may not even be static. Not only varying in density or degree but shifting and spinning or sliding.
A different universe may exist outside this universe or could exist within a single cell or particle of atomic structure.

We are like a dog looking at a car

I like the analogy of an amoeba contemplating CERN.
Not only do we not know, we are hard pressed to even fathom the idea. We wouldn't recognize it if it were right in front of us.

Ooo...P R E T T Y
mightymoe's photo


Sat 10/07/17 11:52 AM

I don't really believe in the butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is basically chaos and random events that affect other random events.
It happens all the time all around you.
The opposite of the butterfly effect is order. Events are decisive with logical predictable outcomes.
There is a postulation that insinuates that all chaos is predictable at all levels of reference in all applications but to have that level of understanding and observation is beyond human capacity.

I think if someone went back in time and changed something, a new reality would be created from the point of change on...

Yes, it would, hence my statement to that affect.
if you were to materialize 5 years ago, your presence would change the frame to include you at that place. If that frame changes in any way, all frames after changes as well.

maybe i should say it this way: i don't think if anyone went to the past and killed a mouse that the human race might not evolve...the humans in that time frame the traveler is from would not change, but the time frame the traveler is in could evolve without humans...
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sat 10/07/17 12:15 PM

I don't really believe in the butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is basically chaos and random events that affect other random events.
It happens all the time all around you.
The opposite of the butterfly effect is order. Events are decisive with logical predictable outcomes.
There is a postulation that insinuates that all chaos is predictable at all levels of reference in all applications but to have that level of understanding and observation is beyond human capacity.

I think if someone went back in time and changed something, a new reality would be created from the point of change on...

Yes, it would, hence my statement to that affect.
if you were to materialize 5 years ago, your presence would change the frame to include you at that place. If that frame changes in any way, all frames after changes as well.

maybe i should say it this way: i don't think if anyone went to the past and killed a mouse that the human race might not evolve...the humans in that time frame the traveler is from would not change, but the time frame the traveler is in could evolve without humans...

This is speaking of a Time Paradox.
killed a mouse that the human race might not evolve

Only if that mouse were critcal to human evolution.
time frame the traveler is from would not change, but the time frame the traveler is in could evolve without humans

If humans never evolved, there would be no travelar to kill the mouse and humans would evolve.

Its called the Grandfather Paradox.

A person travels to the past and kills their own grandfather before the conception of their father or mother, which prevents the time traveler's existence.

Your mouse scenario works if applied to parallel dimensions.
The TV Show Sliders gave episode examples of it. Even if they were limited in scope.
notbeold's photo


Sun 10/08/17 06:14 PM

Bacteria or amoeba in amongst stacks of petri dishes in a laboratory incubator cabinet may believe in parallel universes too.

Why not also have different sized parallel universes within each other, like how hydrogen can fit in the spaces between larger atoms and molecules; unseen due to differences in scales of magnitude, but still within the same matter and reality.

For that matter, what about the enormous spaces between protons, neutrons, and the orbiting electrons. Plenty of unseen stuff could be hiding in there.
Quark, Strangeness and Charm, and other stuff is already in there, of which we barely know anything.

And what of the 17 or more dimensions postulated within an atom - anything could go on in there ! shocked
Tom4Uhere's photo


Mon 10/09/17 08:58 AM

Bacteria or amoeba in amongst stacks of petri dishes in a laboratory incubator cabinet may believe in parallel universes too.

Why not also have different sized parallel universes within each other, like how hydrogen can fit in the spaces between larger atoms and molecules; unseen due to differences in scales of magnitude, but still within the same matter and reality.

For that matter, what about the enormous spaces between protons, neutrons, and the orbiting electrons. Plenty of unseen stuff could be hiding in there.
Quark, Strangeness and Charm, and other stuff is already in there, of which we barely know anything.

And what of the 17 or more dimensions postulated within an atom - anything could go on in there ! shocked

I agree plus I will add that other dimensions may not be static or lasting.

Consider the zero point. A true 1 dimensional object exists in only one dimension so basically it is only a point in any direction at any scale. Having only one dimension means that everything else exists upon but not inside. Dimensions are not necessarily scaled containers. Its not like drawing a dot on a paper and using a microscope to draw a scene within that dot. No matter how magnified it gets it always remains a dot.

It is the energy of the vacuum, which in quantum field theory is defined not as empty space but as the ground state of the fields. In cosmology, the vacuum energy is one possible explanation for the cosmological constant. A related term is zero-point field, which is the lowest energy state of a particular field.
Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. One contribution to the vacuum energy may be from virtual particles which are thought to be particle pairs that blink into existence and then annihilate in a time span too short to observe.

Basically it is matter and antimatter particles that occur from a vacuum. It is the closest definition of aether (quintessence) of reality that makes any sense.

If you could see vacuum energy and the annihilation cycles of matter and antimatter it might look like a bubbling sea of boiling fluid everywhere you look. Perhaps dimensions might also be a bubbling sea of boiling liquid but at all possible scales and durations?

They may also be twinkling in and out of existence in a series of repetitions but without a defined pattern or scale. Overlapping, creating exotic dimensions within dimensions. Some lasting less than 6.626176 x 10-34 joule-seconds (Planck Constant) or more than 14 Billion years and every Planck constant of time in between.
mightymoe's photo


Mon 10/09/17 10:23 AM

I don't really believe in the butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is basically chaos and random events that affect other random events.
It happens all the time all around you.
The opposite of the butterfly effect is order. Events are decisive with logical predictable outcomes.
There is a postulation that insinuates that all chaos is predictable at all levels of reference in all applications but to have that level of understanding and observation is beyond human capacity.

I think if someone went back in time and changed something, a new reality would be created from the point of change on...

Yes, it would, hence my statement to that affect.
if you were to materialize 5 years ago, your presence would change the frame to include you at that place. If that frame changes in any way, all frames after changes as well.

maybe i should say it this way: i don't think if anyone went to the past and killed a mouse that the human race might not evolve...the humans in that time frame the traveler is from would not change, but the time frame the traveler is in could evolve without humans...

This is speaking of a Time Paradox.
killed a mouse that the human race might not evolve

Only if that mouse were critcal to human evolution.
time frame the traveler is from would not change, but the time frame the traveler is in could evolve without humans

If humans never evolved, there would be no travelar to kill the mouse and humans would evolve.

Its called the Grandfather Paradox.

A person travels to the past and kills their own grandfather before the conception of their father or mother, which prevents the time traveler's existence.

Your mouse scenario works if applied to parallel dimensions.
The TV Show Sliders gave episode examples of it. Even if they were limited in scope.
yea, that seems just as silly as every other time travel hypotheses...
notbeold's photo


Wed 10/11/17 06:30 AM

"If you could see vacuum energy and the annihilation cycles of matter and antimatter it might look like a bubbling sea of boiling fluid everywhere you look. Perhaps dimensions might also be a bubbling sea of boiling liquid but at all possible scales and durations? "

- Rippling like the boiling surface of the sun.

If the VOID is infinite, and matter is ubiquitous, then there should be infinite interfaces between VOID and matter. Thus the possibility of parallel universes, and/or non parallel universes; eg. maybe some 'paranormal' events have resulted from non parallel universes interacting at crossover 'nodes' in a way that someone noticed something.

And also, in our minds we see things through the meter of 'linear consecutive time' , which doesn't always apply; so we could be just missing other worlds because of timing, frequency, or whether they are matter or anti-matter worlds.

Or is the hand of a magical invisible imaginary friend at work, protecting and blinkering us from the scary unknown nether worlds, for our own good ? what
no photo


Sat 08/10/19 08:56 AM

Yes, I believe in parallel universes as well as parallel lives.
no photo


Thu 11/07/19 08:53 AM

I suppose there's always the Celtic Otherworld, that's said to reflect and intersect with our own at certain places like stone circles, cairns etc. That could be regarded as an example of parallel world/dimension.
I do have some considerable doubt about the kind of serious Physics proposals which suggest that an entire parallel universe can come into being from just something as simple as a coin toss. Where would the energy come from to create this new universe if it takes a 'Big Bang' just to create one?
Edited by Seamus on Thu 11/07/19 08:59 AM
Rock's photo


Fri 11/08/19 03:40 AM

Center Halos

Hasoooona's photo


Sun 11/10/19 01:01 AM

notbeold's photo


Sun 11/10/19 04:19 AM

And spheres inside spheres, like russian dolls, are parallel too.

Onion worlds, M and M worlds, as long as there is always parallelism between layers.

The black holes are not holes but circles, bent and 'lensed' by the curvature of the space which the 'endless' insular capsule / losenge shaped worlds occupy.

The separating layers of empty void are thick enough to prevent any telescopes from penetrating to the next layer, but only show nothingness.

Or warped layers stacked like pringles ?
no photo


Mon 06/22/20 05:59 AM

User deactivated...[/quote:lips:️]
no photo


Mon 06/22/20 06:08 AM

That's actually just a wild guess based on some not very related scientific fact -meant to explain the fine tuning of our universe.
I think it possible our universe could be as one of many flowers on a vine, but the idea that some universe has it perfect and some poor sods are having the worst possible time of things makes no sense at all.
notbeold's photo


Mon 06/22/20 07:24 AM

Agreed that unfortunate suffering for benefit of fortunate is illogical in many ways, but ying is not independent of yang, and everything must balance, thus the apparent disparity. It is a local uneven distribution, in a net zero system.
Everything in existence must balance out somehow, across everything.
Even if each world or universe occupied a unique frequency, and never directly interacted, all must balance.
In at least one alternative, the roles are reversed, and the fortunate suffer; another both suffer; another both are fortunate, and varying degrees of difference to infinity. If one alternative is allowed, then all must be allowed, so then infinite parallel worlds.

I'm still in a parallel world, but I'm used to it now. When it first happened, waking up and having to do everything wrong handed was hard, but driving to work, and then operating machinery was a huge challenge.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Mon 06/22/20 11:12 AM

That's actually just a wild guess based on some not very related scientific fact -meant to explain the fine tuning of our universe.
I think it possible our universe could be as one of many flowers on a vine, but the idea that some universe has it perfect and some poor sods are having the worst possible time of things makes no sense at all.

Wild guesses make interesting theories to an open mind.
The open mind results in wondrous innovation and technology.
Someone once had the wild idea there was more to light than what we see and now we have wireless technology.

some universe has it perfect and some poor sods are having the worst possible time of things

This is assuming best and worst are universal constants as defined by your own preferences.

Everything in existence must balance out somehow, across everything.

This is not entirely accurate, even in this Universe.
There are many natural examples of imbalance across the cosmos.
The easiest to identify is the effect of a star being absorbed by a black hole.
Balance is a human concept created by humans to promote unity in society (or religion).
We (as humans) perceive nature to be balanced when it actually isn't.
Our perception duration is limited.
Our observational capacity is limited.
Our understanding is limited.
All of it is based on how humans contemplate the world around them.
Problem is, the Universe is not based on humans.
Our reality is based on us and how we understand the minute fraction of the world around us.
Biased affirmation of delusional assumptions.

On the subject of Parallel Universes, many people define them as Similar Universes. In a Parallel Universe, everything, everywhere and everywhen is exactly the same. IE: Parallel.

Could an actual parallel Universe exist?
It could be possible. It could be possible many actual parallel Universes exist.
If you have one single Universe and something changes where where another Universe splits off and both Universes still exist side-by-side you have Similar Universes, not parallel.
In one Universe you went left, in another you went right and in another you made no change and in another you were not even there and so on.
Similar, not parallel.

a net zero system

What do YOU mean by 'a net zero system'?

"Net zero" refers to achieving an overall balance between emissions produced and emissions taken out of the atmosphere.

In the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space, one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter. So the total energy of the universe is zero."

The problem with a net zero Universe is the energy in question is based on gravitational effects. Gravity is related to mass.
The foundation of the atomic bomb is that mass is energy condensed. Releasing that energy from the mass of an atom results in a higher yield of energy than the mass itself.

The total energy of the Universe is not zero, it is one.
Zero energy is the absence of energy.
The entire Universe is energy.
Everything within the confines of the Universe is energy.
This imbalances the the equation to one.
To balance it, there would have to be a Universe of equal size and scope with an energy of zero outside this Universe.
Since we are confined to the scope of this Universe there is no way to tell if such a zero energy Universe exists.

Again, "Everything in existence must balance out somehow, across everything." is inaccurate based on energy. If your statement were true, the energy which composes mass would equal the mass itself. It would be a 1/1 ratio and we know it is not (as proved by actual atomic fusion/fission examples in realtime).