Topic: March For Our Lives
Bob Just Bob's photo

Bob Just Bob

Sat 06/18/22 10:16 PM

The US Department of Education is unconstitutional. It violates the Tenth Amendment. The US Federal government giving educational grants to states violates the Tax and Spend Clause of Article I. I support my Constitution and Declaration of Independence being STRICTLY followed by my government or at this juncture, I support exercising my natural right to abolish government which has become destructive to the natural rights of man. Violent armed revolution is a right when the government instituted among men no longer has consent and is destructive to the natural rights of man. We are $30.5 trillion in debt. I am not a tax slave. The US Constitution only allows taxes be collected to fund a militia for self defense, a navy to protect against invasion, a postal service to deliver mail, postal roads and a temporary tax for the useful sciences. Nothing else may be funded by taxation.
Edited by Bob Just Bob on Sat 06/18/22 10:23 PM
Mark's photo


Sun 06/19/22 06:51 AM

Au contraire, section 8 of Article I gives Congress near omnipotent tax and spend powers.

We really should read the actual Constitution before citing it.

As for this argument...

I had a pointless debate on the topic ten years ago, a fellow Libertarian started to berate me for proposing we require gun licensing for the fact that government would then have a picture I.D. and records of our personal info on a database.

I asked him if he had a drivers license.

The same individual made the argument for picture ID's for voting several months later.

AR 15's cannot be used for hunting, they emaciate flesh. They're overkill for self defense.

Also, "A well armed militia" is not the Constitution saying we have a right to overthrow government or murder officials we don't agree with.

That's what elections are for.

Edited by Mark on Sun 06/19/22 07:01 AM
Bob Just Bob's photo

Bob Just Bob

Sun 06/19/22 08:13 PM

Au contraire, section 8 of Article I gives Congress near omnipotent tax and spend powers.

We really should read the actual Constitution before citing it.

As for this argument...

I had a pointless debate on the topic ten years ago, a fellow Libertarian started to berate me for proposing we require gun licensing for the fact that government would then have a picture I.D. and records of our personal info on a database.

I asked him if he had a drivers license.

The same individual made the argument for picture ID's for voting several months later.

AR 15's cannot be used for hunting, they emaciate flesh. They're overkill for self defense.

Also, "A well armed militia" is not the Constitution saying we have a right to overthrow government or murder officials we don't agree with.

That's what elections are for.

Read the Constitution as it was ratified in 1788.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights,  Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.. "

"...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"

The Declaration of Independence says it is our right to overthrow the government dumbass
Mark's photo


Mon 06/20/22 03:30 AM

The Declaration of Independence addresses the English monarch, dumbass.

Now, read the Constitution.

Bob Just Bob's photo

Bob Just Bob

Mon 06/20/22 11:59 PM

The Declaration of Independence addresses the English monarch, dumbass.

Now, read the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence states what are natural rights you stupid ****
Mark's photo


Tue 06/21/22 04:32 PM

Hilarious, you misquote Article I as stating the Feds can only tax us to pay for a military, then state "Read the Constitution as it was ratified " and immediately follow that by copy/pasting segments of the Declaration of Independence.

Now, you say I'm the stupid f@@@.

I see a future for you in becoming a Constitutional law professor, or at the very least, a PR director.

Rock's photo


Tue 06/21/22 05:00 PM

A march is a grand idea.
The unemployed need something to do.
Kate Weller's photo

Kate Weller

Tue 09/06/22 11:59 PM

Smartazzjohn i gree with you totally
bobtail76's photo


Wed 09/07/22 07:04 PM

Here's some food for thought....

Could there be a correlation with the level of mass shootings (or violence in general) at a time when the lunatics and people of diminished capacity were institutionalized and sterilized - than at this point in history?

Pandora's box was opened only a few generations ago and now we are reaping what we sow. Lefties wanna ban guns, because the gene pool is shallow ( they're just not willing to admit it) and there are lunatics with guns - and they're making more of them with each generation. The right wants to protect themselves from those same loons.

This is not a gun debate - this is a "what do you do now that the bunch of retards that shoulda been locked up, has multiplied and have rights now" debate

Lefties - when you take the guns away, the maniacs will use another method to prove them right. Look at Canada right now. Today, they finally caught some deranged axxhole that killed 10 people with a knife. Canada has fairly strict gun laws

Righties - You can understand the position that the lefties are in. Is there a way to help them close that box?

The discussion will be endless.....
Smartazzjohn's photo


Thu 09/08/22 03:19 PM

Au contraire, section 8 of Article I gives Congress near omnipotent tax and spend powers.

We really should read the actual Constitution before citing it.

As for this argument...

I had a pointless debate on the topic ten years ago, a fellow Libertarian started to berate me for proposing we require gun licensing for the fact that government would then have a picture I.D. and records of our personal info on a database.

I asked him if he had a drivers license.

The same individual made the argument for picture ID's for voting several months later.

AR 15's cannot be used for hunting, they emaciate flesh. They're varmint and predator hunters.

Also, "A well armed militia" is not the Constitution saying we have a right to overthrow government or murder officials we don't agree with.

That's what elections are for.

Actually AR15's CAN, and are, used for hunting game.
AR15's are used to hunt deer but the most popular use for the AR15 is hog hunting. Anyone who hunts and intends to use the meat knows that the only area to aim for is the "vitals", NOT the flesh.
You are correct in saying they are also used by varmint and predator hunters.
It would behoove you to ACTUALLY do some research before emphatically saying what anything, not just a gun, CANNOT be used for as if you're stating a fact.

While some people say the AR15 is "overkill" others say the AR15 is effective, For home defense my shotgun loaded with magnum buckshot is just as deadly, if not more deadly, than an AR15 at close range.

I don't own an AR15, I don't want an AR15, but just because I don't want one who am I, or you, to say someone else shouldn't own one?

no photo


Sat 09/10/22 02:31 PM

Thanks to the Millions of illegal Aliens Massing over the Mexican/American Border, Sent by the Communist Left Democrat Politicians, and Shipped to Every Major City in America,and Thanks to the "Low Bail" "Low Punishment" for Criminals, I have to Sleep with a Gun Next to My Bed Every Night.
Mortman's photo


Sun 09/11/22 07:20 PM

Thanks to the Millions of illegal Aliens Massing over the Mexican/American Border, Sent by the Communist Left Democrat Politicians, and Shipped to Every Major City in America,and Thanks to the "Low Bail" "Low Punishment" for Criminals, I have to Sleep with a Gun Next to My Bed Every Night.

Looks more due to your personal insecurity.
Bart's photo


Fri 09/23/22 03:22 PM

Thanks to the Millions of illegal Aliens Massing over the Mexican/American Border, Sent by the Communist Left Democrat Politicians, and Shipped to Every Major City in America,and Thanks to the "Low Bail" "Low Punishment" for Criminals, I have to Sleep with a Gun Next to My Bed Every Night.

Looks more due to your personal insecurity.

Because of the liberal woke mayors and governors running our biggest cities and a few states and their asinine belief that releasing violent criminals back on the streets will reduce crime. Well because of that the crime gets worse and spreads like cancer .Dangerous people are encouraged to commit violence against others when they know there is no punishment.. and now it seems leftists are being emboldened by the Biden anti MAGA speeches to attack people they see as the Maga crowd. One 18 year old male pedestrian is dead now after a 41 year old leftist ran him over with his car because the young man was a maga trumper and this guy felt threatened. And now this guy is out with n bond and charged with vehicular manslaughter. It was premeditated murder but the woke culture protects its own.