Topic: Trump's bills soon come due
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Thu 03/28/24 01:06 PM

I just heard him say he has driven and taken the train over that bridge , that just got destroyed in Baltimore, many times ???
Sure he is not lying .... but then what ???
Toodygirl5's photo


Thu 03/28/24 02:54 PM

Your missing a lot of news reporting if you don’t believe the list of lies I mentioned.. he absolutely lied about border gaurd’s strapping immigrants, never apologized. Everything I said you can find it on video cause it did happen.. it sounds like your choice of media outlets are depriving you and half the country of your 1st amendment rights. It’s the Left that is trying to kill democracy. Why does the Left try to stop people from their right to run for president like Trump and RFK. Anti democracy is Biden’s real agenda.

The left wing media today: Not one word or mention about the HUGE funeral today in NY for the 31 yr old slain officer who left a wife and 1 yr old child. Killed by a career criminal, arrested TWENTY ONE times prior, and let out early by progessive DA!!! Biden a no show, of course, as the optics are bad. Not a mention from msnbc, nbc, abc, or cnn. wtf.....and people still go there for the news?? They did, however, fill the airwaves about the obama/clinton fundraiser for Biden tonight. Anyone who can't see what's going on here is beyond impartial. I won't mention any names.


Interesting, Not Surprising !

J Biden is really not a intelligent or competent Man for a President.
Puppet Man for the Far Left agendas.
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 03/28/24 02:59 PM
Bart's photo


Thu 03/28/24 08:14 PM

Donald Trump was invited by that officers family to the funeral Trump was honored by that jester and was with the family at the funeral.. Joe Biden was a few miles away at a fundraiser with slick Wille and Barry Obama . $ 100,000 for a selfie with those three clowns. .. BTW there never was a train on the Key bridge. Another diminished thought by Joe.
Mortman's photo


Fri 03/29/24 06:14 AM

Your missing a lot of news reporting if you don’t believe the list of lies I mentioned.. he absolutely lied about border gaurd’s strapping immigrants, never apologized. Everything I said you can find it on video cause it did happen.. it sounds like your choice of media outlets are depriving you and half the country of your 1st amendment rights. It’s the Left that is trying to kill democracy. Why does the Left try to stop people from their right to run for president like Trump and RFK. Anti democracy is Biden’s real agenda.

Sorry, Bart, but I stopped watching TV several years back. I have to watch hockey from my tablet or phone, but I saw the video of border guards on horseback whipping straps at the migrants, even if we have no evidence any of the migrants were struck.

Also, "the Left" isn't trying to stop Trump or RFK from running for president. Trump's not being prosecuted because he's running. He's running to avoid prosecution; he still did all those crimes and more. And if Trump hadn't won the Republican nomination, he'd still have to face the charges.
Mortman's photo


Fri 03/29/24 06:17 AM

Donald Trump was invited by that officers family to the funeral Trump was honored by that jester and was with the family at the funeral.. Joe Biden was a few miles away at a fundraiser with slick Wille and Barry Obama . $ 100,000 for a selfie with those three clowns. .. BTW there never was a train on the Key bridge. Another diminished thought by Joe.

Yeah, must make the MAGA crowd sad that their former presidents don't help out with fundraising. But then again, Trump doesn't even have the support of most of his former staffers, much less previous administrations.
Bart's photo


Fri 03/29/24 06:35 AM

Donald Trump was invited by that officers family to the funeral Trump was honored by that jester and was with the family at the funeral.. Joe Biden was a few miles away at a fundraiser with slick Wille and Barry Obama . $ 100,000 for a selfie with those three clowns. .. BTW there never was a train on the Key bridge. Another diminished thought by Joe.

Yeah, must make the MAGA crowd sad that their former presidents don't help out with fundraising. But then again, Trump doesn't even have the support of most of his former staffers, much less previous administrations.

What you call straps that the border guard are strapping at immigrants is the gaurds using the reins to guide and control their horse.. There IS evidence that they weren’t strapping anybody, but go ahead and dismiss that so you can fell better about your president. Trump has never asked Bush to campaign for him, he doesn’t need a rino on his team.. The DNC is trying every way possible to stop RFKs ticket in every state not to mention the Biden DOJ trying desperately but to no avail to get Trump. . Jealous of the$$$ Biden has? not hardly, money can’t cover up the pathetic job Joe Biden is doing for our country.
Edited by Bart on Fri 03/29/24 06:37 AM
Toodygirl5's photo


Fri 03/29/24 04:25 PM

Fundraising comes from all his supporters for
the agendas in the making. Biden is just a puppet
man for Marxist criminals.

J Biden has done a pathetic job of doing anything positive for USA.
Hopefully he will be out come November along with
his vp Kamala.
Mortman's photo


Fri 03/29/24 08:52 PM

Fundraising comes from all his supporters for
the agendas in the making. Biden is just a puppet
man for Marxist criminals.

J Biden has done a pathetic job of doing anything positive for USA.
Hopefully he will be out come November along with
his vp Kamala.

Biden's done a good job. Despite Republican majorities in the House & Senate, he's passed over a $trillion in investments into the national infrastructure as well as programs to return manufacturing--especially semiconductor fabrication back to the US. Science education. How about the $35 cap on insulin? That's just off the top of my head.

But this next election will really just be about Biden vs. Trump. What has Trump done as President?
Bart's photo


Fri 03/29/24 09:29 PM

Biden apologizes to a murderer for offending him by calling him a illegal immigrant , but he couldn’t give his condolences to the victims family. And a week later he has a multi million dollar fund raiser party. 6 miles away from a police wake for a fallen officer killed lby a thug w/ 21 prior felony’s , out on the street by left wing policies, the same left wing policies that Joe sides with..The only people doing better now than 4 years ago is the criminals, the illegal immigrants and Hunter Biden.
Edited by Bart on Fri 03/29/24 09:33 PM
Mortman's photo


Sat 03/30/24 01:06 PM

Biden did not apologize to the immigrant who killed a police officer. He only apologized for using the incorrect and racially charged term "illegal." Also the family of the slain officer are rabid conservatives and did not invite Biden to appear at the wake. I don't know all the details of the crime, but even if Biden supports giving immigrants a chance, and some go on to commit crimes, the statistics still show that immigrants are less criminal on average than full US citizens, despite what your favorite conservative bloggers apparently tell you.
Toodygirl5's photo


Sat 03/30/24 01:23 PM

But this next election will really just be about Biden vs. Trump. What has Trump done as President?

Any competent conservative would be better than J Bide as POTUS. He is a puppet man for the far Left trying to change America for the worst.
Economy has declined since he been in office.
I know Businessmen personally who can tell Biden's Ugly story.
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 03/30/24 01:26 PM
Bart's photo


Sat 03/30/24 01:30 PM

Biden did not apologize to the immigrant who killed a police officer. He only apologized for using the incorrect and racially charged term "illegal." Also the family of the slain officer are rabid conservatives and did not invite Biden to appear at the wake. I don't know all the details of the crime, but even if Biden supports giving immigrants a chance, and some go on to commit crimes, the statistics still show that immigrants are less criminal on average than full US citizens, despite what your favorite conservative bloggers apparently tell you.

Wrong again! The illegal immigrant I’m talking about killed a young woman out for a run.. and your “ president “ only has feelings for the killer immigrant not the American victims. And certainly not the police.. he may gain the votes of the scumbags in this country but not true proud Americans. Put your stats where the sun don’t shine, nobody buys it because we see the carnage the democrats are doing to this country. Your president is as out of touch with people period. But he’s sells out this country and all of our Allie’s overseas.All for the power of the far left scumbags . There’s a reason he wasn’t invited and Trump was, and we all know that reason Also, they told the governor , the mayor and any other non-supporter of the police. To get the F**K out of here. Those politicians have blood on their hands and the know it.
Edited by Bart on Sat 03/30/24 01:34 PM
Mortman's photo


Sat 03/30/24 08:44 PM

You're right. I mixed up the Republican rage of the week. Biden didn't say the exact right thing to avoid yet more Republican rage, that incidentally makes no actual difference to 99% of the population.

Statistics are important, and I guarantee you that the next Republican president will parade all the statistics that make them look better, too. So an immigrant killed a woman in Georgia and statistics remind us how rare that is. The US could spend all our time and money on immigrant-on-citizen violence, or we could better spend it on other things because that rarely happens. Violent crime is trending lower overall, too.

Do you think the family of Laken Riley would feel better if she was killed by a "good old boy" from her neighborhood? No. They're just hurt and looking for anybody to blame.
Edited by Mortman on Sat 03/30/24 08:45 PM
Bart's photo


Sun 03/31/24 05:04 AM

You're right. I mixed up the Republican rage of the week. Biden didn't say the exact right thing to avoid yet more Republican rage, that incidentally makes no actual difference to 99% of the population.

Statistics are important, and I guarantee you that the next Republican president will parade all the statistics that make them look better, too. So an immigrant killed a woman in Georgia and statistics remind us how rare that is. The US could spend all our time and money on immigrant-on-citizen violence, or we could better spend it on other things because that rarely happens. Violent crime is trending lower overall, too.

Do you think the family of Laken Riley would feel better if she was killed by a "good old boy" from her neighborhood? No. They're just hurt and looking for anybody to blame.

Yea, that misplaced Republican rage over Biden letting in massive numbers of people that shown they are here for the freebies Joe has promised them. How dare those Republicans that don’t want the extra crime they bring or the billions that are spent on them with our money..Many are violent criminals . I guess we should be “ thanking “ Joe for all that carnage.. To bad the democrats are happy with the status quo, but I guess some people are happier if they can make others peoples lives miserable..
Toodygirl5's photo


Mon 04/01/24 04:45 PM

Seems Trump is continuing to loose Money.

His money Worth will not play a real factor in him being elected as President.
People have already made up their minds by now of whom they will Vote for in the upcoming election for POTUS.
This was a comment made by a Host on conservative Radio today.

Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 04/01/24 04:48 PM
Mortman's photo


Mon 04/01/24 11:19 PM

Seems Trump is continuing to loose Money.

His money Worth will not play a real factor in him being elected as President.
People have already made up their minds by now of whom they will Vote for in the upcoming election for POTUS.
This was a comment made by a Host on conservative Radio today.

The valuation of Truth Social was ridiculous. That network/app only has a tiny fraction of the regular users of any of the competing social networks, and Devin Nunez never even had a solid plan to make a profit. Maybe they were hoping once the merger became final, conservatives and sponsors would magically flock to it, and that's just not how it works.

In the short-term, share price could be misleading. Most stocks drop in price after IPO. Facebook famously fell to half it's IPO price in the first month, and that stock is a few thousand percent higher now. Maybe Truth Social changes its ways for the better and DJT (the stock) finds stability. We'll see.
Edited by Mortman on Mon 04/01/24 11:23 PM
Bart's photo


Tue 04/02/24 06:10 AM

Seems Trump is continuing to loose Money.

His money Worth will not play a real factor in him being elected as President.
People have already made up their minds by now of whom they will Vote for in the upcoming election for POTUS.
This was a comment made by a Host on conservative Radio today.

The valuation of Truth Social was ridiculous. That network/app only has a tiny fraction of the regular users of any of the competing social networks, and Devin Nunez never even had a solid plan to make a profit. Maybe they were hoping once the merger became final, conservatives and sponsors would magically flock to it, and that's just not how it works.

In the short-term, share price could be misleading. Most stocks drop in price after IPO. Facebook famously fell to half it's IPO price in the first month, and that stock is a few thousand percent higher now. Maybe Truth Social changes its ways for the better and DJT (the stock) finds stability. We'll see.

The financial judgement ( half a billion dollars) set by a Trump hating Judge was ridiculous, but you were giddy over that.. you dems are just p.o. cause that amount got reduced to 1.7 million. Laticieia James didn’t get to seize any of his real estate. And a apealate judge saw the unfairness being implemented and weighed in with a fair judgment. .. And Trump train keeps rolling..
Mortman's photo


Tue 04/02/24 08:50 AM

I don't really care that Trump's bond was reduced to $175 million. He's still responsible for the full $454 million plus interest when he loses his appeal.
Toodygirl5's photo


Tue 04/02/24 09:03 AM

I don't really care that Trump's bond was reduced to $175 million. He's still responsible for the full $454 million plus interest when he loses his appeal.

It would be nice to actually see in a figure what
J Biden is responsible for. When he looses this upcoming election.
Bart's photo


Tue 04/02/24 12:31 PM

I don't really care that Trump's bond was reduced to $175 million. He's still responsible for the full $454 million plus interest when he loses his appeal.

Most experts expect him to win the appeal because of the partisan politics that is clearly involved with the Judge.. and the liberal prosecutor… Trump never had a fair chance for his defense.