Topic: Trump's bills soon come due
Bart's photo


Mon 05/13/24 03:46 AM

It's easier to fake a YouTube video than government statistics.
Biden says when he came into office inflation was at 9%. Just 1 of many lies from Biden. Inflation was 1.4 % when Trump left office, it took the stupidity of the Biden administration to crank the inflation up to 9%in a few short months. Along with gas prices, food prices, heating and cooling. Insurance premiums . If you think Biden has done anything or is working to make life better for all should pay attention to reality and that should make you rethink your opinion. Because of his lack of common sense and integrity , he is upsetting plenty of people from the right and the left. His chances of re-election is on a crash and burn path. And it’s because of his own making!
Edited by Bart on Mon 05/13/24 03:53 AM
Mortman's photo


Mon 05/13/24 10:19 AM

With the Trump tax cuts, there was probably little Biden could do to stop inflation from shooting up. Record corporate profits and lowest taxes ever for shipping jobs overseas. Even with Congress doing nothing about it, the Administration as brought inflation back down to around 3%. And it's not like Trump has a plan to deal with inflation. And while the national debt is soaring, all Republicans have is tax cuts. Mostly for corporations and the top 1%. What's going to really kick Republican butts is their stance on abortion and abiding Trump's crimes.
Bart's photo


Mon 05/13/24 12:15 PM

With the Trump tax cuts, there was probably little Biden could do to stop inflation from shooting up. Record corporate profits and lowest taxes ever for shipping jobs overseas. Even with Congress doing nothing about it, the Administration as brought inflation back down to around 3%. And it's not like Trump has a plan to deal with inflation. And while the national debt is soaring, all Republicans have is tax cuts. Mostly for corporations and the top 1%. What's going to really kick Republican butts is their stance on abortion and abiding Trump's crimes.

Abortion and Trumps crimes are at the bottom of concerns among voters..Our economy, the Border, and crime affects everybody and much more important than abortion and transgender issues that Biden is obsessed with..Biden gave out billions to corporations and individuals during the pandemic. Much of which now we find millions not accounted for because of a lack of common sense implantation . Trump does have a plan to turn our rising inflation around. He never had a problem w/ inflation. Biden does. Biden promises to end the Trump tax cuts. So things will get even worse for everybody..Bidenomics is hurting Americans.. Let’s go with Maganomics …
Mortman's photo


Mon 05/13/24 07:20 PM

Seems stupid to blow up the national debt even more than Trump did. And abortion is a major issue for suburban women whom Trump needs more than ever before.
JustJosh's photo


Mon 05/20/24 07:37 AM

Trump deserves to rot in jail
If for no other reason, he deserves jail for what he did to the environment
Toodygirl5's photo


Mon 05/20/24 10:19 AM
Bart's photo


Wed 05/22/24 03:32 PM

Just when cadaver Joe is getting the thumbs down from normal Americans and a thumbs up for Mr. Trump, now come the inflated lies and TDS rage and how America is a racist country about to be elevated upon his election.. LMAO.. this is the only option for these losers have to campaign on because their policies are asinine and impossible to understand for anyone with a active brain, why any U.S. president would do what Joe and his equally inept followers are doing to this country.. Trump will be exonerated because you can’t convict someone when there is no crime.. clearly no crime.. and the other cases are as politically corrupt as the one in Manhattan. Watch the reaction in the Bronx Tommorow for Trump.. it may shed some light on the truth behind who’s more popular for 2024…don’t be afraid to watch, you can watch him from your safe space… don’t forget your binkey …
Mortman's photo


Wed 05/22/24 04:29 PM

Just when cadaver Joe is getting the thumbs down from normal Americans and a thumbs up for Mr. Trump, now come the inflated lies and TDS rage and how America is a racist country about to be elevated upon his election.. LMAO.. this is the only option for these losers have to campaign on because their policies are asinine and impossible to understand for anyone with a active brain, why any U.S. president would do what Joe and his equally inept followers are doing to this country.. Trump will be exonerated because you can’t convict someone when there is no crime.. clearly no crime.. and the other cases are as politically corrupt as the one in Manhattan. Watch the reaction in the Bronx Tommorow for Trump.. it may shed some light on the truth behind who’s more popular for 2024…don’t be afraid to watch, you can watch him from your safe space… don’t forget your binkey …

Don't know how you missed it. Trump's crimes were real, and his defense is stupid. His lawyers in NYC just rested their case after their star witness reversed himself and then got aggressive with the judge. The defense's witness! The prosecution painstakingly laid out all the ways Trump broke the law in those 34 counts and all Trump could do was cry about it each afternoon and then refuse to testify after promising he would. That's not corruption from the D.A.

Also, Biden isn't doing anything nefarious to the country. Upholding law and order, respecting public servants and law enforcement, supporting allies and not supporting Russia's land grab are all good things. Go ahead and embrace Trump if you like, but repeating his lies here doesn't make you look smart.

With any luck, Trump will see at least a little jail time for his criminality, and if justice is served, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail after paying $billions in damages.
Bart's photo


Wed 05/22/24 05:14 PM

Just when cadaver Joe is getting the thumbs down from normal Americans and a thumbs up for Mr. Trump, now come the inflated lies and TDS rage and how America is a racist country about to be elevated upon his election.. LMAO.. this is the only option for these losers have to campaign on because their policies are asinine and impossible to understand for anyone with a active brain, why any U.S. president would do what Joe and his equally inept followers are doing to this country.. Trump will be exonerated because you can’t convict someone when there is no crime.. clearly no crime.. and the other cases are as politically corrupt as the one in Manhattan. Watch the reaction in the Bronx Tommorow for Trump.. it may shed some light on the truth behind who’s more popular for 2024…don’t be afraid to watch, you can watch him from your safe space… don’t forget your binkey …

Don't know how you missed it. Trump's crimes were real, and his defense is stupid. His lawyers in NYC just rested their case after their star witness reversed himself and then got aggressive with the judge. The defense's witness! The prosecution painstakingly laid out all the ways Trump broke the law in those 34 counts and all Trump could do was cry about it each afternoon and then refuse to testify after promising he would. That's not corruption from the D.A.

Also, Biden isn't doing anything nefarious to the country. Upholding law and order, respecting public servants and law enforcement, supporting allies and not supporting Russia's land grab are all good things. Go ahead and embrace Trump if you like, but repeating his lies here doesn't make you look smart.

With any luck, Trump will see at least a little jail time for his criminality, and if justice is served, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail after paying $billions in damages.
ha, ha,, you are funny. I stated my case and you stated yours . All it takes is one member of the jury that is immune to TDS and he’s exonerated. Two lawyers on the jury. Hopefully there not as lame as the judge on this case or the prosecutions main witness , a convicted felon who lied to congress and has admitted to grand larceny. He’s been labeled a habitual lier .. And everything he testified to during this trial was contradicted by the defense and his admission of lying and revenge and to prosper from his story…If Trump is convicted it will be overturned during appeal. The judge is conflicted and obviously helping the prosecution by threatening to dismiss the defense testimony if he ‘ rolled his eyes at him again’ among other very unusual actions taken by this judge.... are you kidding me? Who is this judge ‘ Jan Brady? Banana republic..
Edited by Bart on Wed 05/22/24 05:21 PM
pumpilicious 💕's photo

pumpilicious 💕

Thu 05/23/24 09:28 AM

Most experts expect him to win the appeal because of the partisan politics that is clearly involved with the Judge.. and the liberal prosecutor… Trump never had a fair chance for his defense.

Unless by "experts" you mean the commenters on the Conservative blogs you follow, I doubt that. Most opinions I've read confirm that appeals are difficult and citing the political views of the DA aren't sufficient. Tish James brought a carefully documented case and witnesses to court. Trump had no defense. It was such an obvious case that the judge granted a default judgement. Even the notion that there were no victims isn't enough. First the law doesn't require the prosecution to find a victim, and second, the state's witness testified that banks lost out on hundreds of $million in interest Trump would've otherwise paid. And besides, it's fraud. Saying you can't charge because nobody was hurt is like saying people can drive drunk as long as they don't get into an accident. Trump will lose his appeal.

Anyway, I only searched the web for a while to see if I could find any "experts" who agreed with you, and had no luck. Got a link?

Nope. There aren't any. And no matter how many links you have for evidence, they've all made up their minds and believe tfg lies. Here is a thread full of proof
being attacked by baseless bias, over and over. Or deflection about Biden, once again.
BTW, most in this forum watch fox or rw propaganda. I am like you sir, sources over opinions. Thank you for trying to make them understand.
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Thu 05/23/24 09:31 AM
Bart's photo


Thu 05/23/24 12:17 PM

Most experts expect him to win the appeal because of the partisan politics that is clearly involved with the Judge.. and the liberal prosecutor… Trump never had a fair chance for his defense.

Unless by "experts" you mean the commenters on the Conservative blogs you follow, I doubt that. Most opinions I've read confirm that appeals are difficult and citing the political views of the DA aren't sufficient. Tish James brought a carefully documented case and witnesses to court. Trump had no defense. It was such an obvious case that the judge granted a default judgement. Even the notion that there were no victims isn't enough. First the law doesn't require the prosecution to find a victim, and second, the state's witness testified that banks lost out on hundreds of $million in interest Trump would've otherwise paid. And besides, it's fraud. Saying you can't charge because nobody was hurt is like saying people can drive drunk as long as they don't get into an accident. Trump will lose his appeal.

Anyway, I only searched the web for a while to see if I could find any "experts" who agreed with you, and had no luck. Got a link?

Nope. There aren't any. And no matter how many links you have for evidence, they've all made up their minds and believe tfg lies. Here is a thread full of proof
being attacked by baseless bias, over and over. Or deflection about Biden, once again.
BTW, most in this forum watch fox or rw propaganda. I am like you sir, sources over opinions. Thank you for trying to make them understand.
Still following the heard I see… sad but not surprised…
Toodygirl5's photo


Thu 05/23/24 01:15 PM

J Biden is out soon but not soon enough! :)
JustJosh's photo


Thu 05/23/24 01:30 PM

Man that’s so rich
Trump ain’t even going to be able to finish his jail sentence
He’ll die from cardiac arrest after a few months of eating Lima beans and getting stuffed from behind every night by his cell mate
Toodygirl5's photo


Thu 05/23/24 01:50 PM


That is just Your wishful thinking! First Trump will have to go to Jail.

JustJosh's photo


Thu 05/23/24 01:59 PM

From YOUR lips to god’s ear toody
Bart's photo


Thu 05/23/24 02:52 PM

Man that’s so rich
Trump ain’t even going to be able to finish his jail sentence
He’ll die from cardiac arrest after a few months of eating Lima beans and getting stuffed from behind every night by his cell mate

LOL, how old are you ? I thought children were not permitted to join this site…
JustJosh's photo


Thu 05/23/24 03:13 PM

In a rambling fundraising pitch to oil executives in Houston on Wednesday, former president Donald Trump promised them he would immediately approve their projects and expand drilling in a second term — just as he worked to expedite the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines soon after taking office in 2016.
JustJosh's photo


Thu 05/23/24 03:14 PM

Trump better just forget about his chopped steak dinners and get ready for FOOD LOAF!
Bart's photo


Thu 05/23/24 03:54 PM

In a rambling fundraising pitch to oil executives in Houston on Wednesday, former president Donald Trump promised them he would immediately approve their projects and expand drilling in a second term — just as he worked to expedite the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines soon after taking office in 2016.

That’s right… he told American voters the same thing . On day one Drill baby drill. That’s what America needs.. energy independence for U.S. not Iran or Russia and China like Biden’s doing…
Mortman's photo


Thu 05/23/24 04:42 PM

In a rambling fundraising pitch to oil executives in Houston on Wednesday, former president Donald Trump promised them he would immediately approve their projects and expand drilling in a second term — just as he worked to expedite the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines soon after taking office in 2016.

That’s right… he told American voters the same thing . On day one Drill baby drill. That’s what America needs.. energy independence for U.S. not Iran or Russia and China like Biden’s doing…

"Drill baby drill" won't make America independent of the oil market; that's not how it works. Oil is sold on an international market, so no matter how much the US drills and sells, the price of oil is still whatever the market will bear, and the US oil companies will never give up their rights to sell to the highest bidders.

If you want energy independence, (and we already have it on most levels) we'll have to expand the use of wind, solar, hydro, nuclear and everything else where appropriate.