Topic: Vaccines, the Jesuits, Egypt, and the cow goddess Hathor
norslyman's photo


Sat 02/07/09 09:31 AM

Vaccines are a major part of the Medical Industrial Complex, a modern day Medical Inquisition. There is a major push to demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate, and soon it will be against the law to refuse under socialized health care. Forced vaccination! Just what is the history of vaccines?noway

Edward Jenner—a quack doctor— was the father of the filthy practice of vaccination:

Edward Jenner S.J. (1749 —1823). Edward Jenner was an S.J. -- a Slick Jesuit -- who taught the medical world how to use the POISONED NEEDLE. He was the first to associate human diseases with that of animals. This idea paved the way for vaccination which is responsible for the deaths of multiplied millions of people around the world. The idea that humans and animals are related and share the same diseases led to the theory of evilution which is responsible for the spiritual death of multiplied millions more.

In the countryside in Gloustershire, England, where Jenner lived, the farmers had a legend or superstition that catching cowpox (a disease of cows which was transferred to the cows' udders by unwashed or bleeding hands) would act like a charm or amulet to make them immune from catching the human disease of smallpox.

Medicine man Jenner took this local legend or old wives' tale and turned it into a scientific FACT. He did this by first getting some scientific credentials (M.D., F.R.S. - Fellow of the Royal Society). Next he wrote a book and on the title page only he used the term VARIOLAE VACCINAE. This means in Medieval Latin: smallpox of the cow. Thus associating a human disease with a disease of the cow. There never was such a disease as smallpox of the cow until "Dr." Jenner invented it for the title of his book.

Jenner invented a new disease—VARIOLAE VACCINAE—smallpox of the cow!!

Cover of Jenner's book written in 1798.
Notice how medicine man Jenner cleverly uses the scientific name for smallpox, VARIOLAE, and associates it with the cow disease of cowpox. He NEVER mentions the name VARIOLAE VACCINAE again in his book. It is mostly about HORSE GREASE being the cause of smallpox of the cow. Jenner figured that very few people would actually read the book but most would just look at the COVER and make a mental association between Smallpox and Cowpox.

This is like saying that a horse chestnut (a tree) and a chestnut horse are the same thing or that a beetle (an insect) is the same thing as a BEATLE (a decomposing rock musician).

The only correlation between smallpox and cowpox is that both names ended in POX. Heaven and Hell both start with the same letter H but they are vastly different places.

Jenner inoculating his 18 months old
son with swinepox. His son will die of
TB when he is 20.

"Getting the jab." Jenner inoculates an 8 year old boy named" James Phipps with cowpox. The boy will die of TB at 21.

Inoculation came from ancient Egypt via India.

Isis or Hathor— the Egyptian holy cow goddess.

Her name means "The Dwelling of Horus", for it was thought that Horus as the Sun God came to rest each evening on her breast before being reborn with the awakening dawn. Hathor is the great Sky-goddess that as a celestial cow gave birth to the universe. She was often represented as a cow or with bovine attributes such as a cow's head, cows’ ears or horns on her headdress. Hathor was the goddess of Joy and Motherhood and the embodiment of all that is best in women. She was also considered the goddess of music, song, dance and lighthearted pleasure, but she was essentially a Moon goddess.

She was considered the protectress of pregnant women and midwives. Her main cult centre was at Dendera, where she was worshipped along with her husband, Horus. Hathor was the Supreme goddess of sexual love in Egypt, immediately identified with Aphrodite by the Greeks.

Her temple at Dendera was in The House of Intoxication and Enjoyments. Her main attributes were two ritual instruments carried by her priestesses, the sistrum, a bronze sacred rattle and the menat, a necklace, thick with beads and a counterpoise long enough to be grasped in the hand which was only worn by Hathor, but used by her priestesses as a healing instrument. In Greece she was also known as Diana of the Ephesians and in Rome as Venus. Papal Rome later stole her from the Egyptians . . . and called her the Virgin Mary!!

During the Dark Ages, Papal Rome had a death grip on Europe. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse -- war, famine, disease and death -- rode roughshod over the world for over 1000 years. Lack of personal hygiene and sanitation led to plagues and epidemics which caused the deaths of millions of people. The monkish orders set the course that history took during this dark night of the world:

Ignatius LIEola (1491 — 1556) (Mr. I.H.S.).

LIEola found that the European demons were powerless to resist the sword of God's Word so he decided to send his disciples to the four corners of the earth in order to find more potent poison to kill the Reformation. One of them, Francis Xavier was sent to India and Japan.

Jesuit priests made contact with the most powerful medicine men in order to find more potent poison to kill the Reformation.

Francis Xavier (1506 —1552) was sent to India and Japan.

Francis Xavier was sent to India and he made contact with the powerful Brahmin priests and medicine men. It was there that the Jesuits learned the Brahmin mode of inoculating to appease the vicious, vengeful demon of smallpox.

A Malaba woman invoking the goddess of smallpox and carrying fire on her head symbolic of the disease.

Lady Mary Wortley Mongau (1689 -- 1762).

In the year 1717, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was the smokescreen that the Jesuits used to introduce this Indian religious rite into England. Lady Mary was not even a doctor. Inoculation or variolation was given the sanction of the Royal Family when 2 daughters of the Prince of Wales were inoculated. Barbaric as this religious rite was; it was the human disease of smallpox that was injected into the bloodstream. Inoculation was the FOOT-IN-THE-DOOR to prepare the people for something far worse.

Edward Jenner (1749 —1823).

When Jenner invented his Variolae Vaccinae or smallpox of the cow, he planted the insidious seed that men and beasts share the same disease . . . and therefore must be related. This opened the door to vaccination or the injecting of animal diseases into humans. This new bizarre rite spread like the plague all over England. It was not confined to England however, it soon spread to Continental Europe and even crossed the ocean to America.

Dr. Luigi Sacco - The Jenner of Italy.

"It was not unusual," Marshall wrote home to Jenner," to see in the mornings of the public inoculation at the Hospital, a procession of men, women, and children, conducted through the streets by a priest carrying a cross, come to be inoculated. By these popular means it met not with opposition, and the common people express themselves certain that it was a blessing sent from Heaven, though discovered by one heretic and practised by another." (Jenner and Vaccination, Dr. Creighton, p. 288).

Louis Pasteur - the Jenner of France.

Louis Pasteur was the Jenner of France. He conducted all kinds of ghoulish experiments on animals in order to prove his germ theory of disease. His ancestors were Huguenots who were forced to embrace Romanism by the Inquisition.

Pasteurization of milk is named after Pasteur. This process involved heating milk until ALL the nutrients are boiled away. We are not allowed to drink real milk but the medical Inquisition lets us be vaccinated with diseased calf lymph.

Timeline of the Medical Inquisition.

Date Event
1534 Ignatius LIEola founds the Jesuit Order in Paris, France, on August 15.
1541 Francis Xavier is sent to India and Japan by LIEola.
1717 Jesuits introduce inoculation from India using Lady Montague as a smokescreen. Lady Montague wasn't even a doctor. Women doctors did not appear until over 100 years later.
1767 Dr. Holwell sends back his report on the Brahmins inoculation techniques.
1797 Jenner sends a paper to the Royal Society about his newly invented disease: variolae vaccinae or smallpox of the cow. The paper is rejected and returned with a warning "He had better not promulgate such a wild idea if he valued his reputation."
1798 Edward Jenner publishes his Inquiry about his newly invented disease, variolae vaccinae, or smallpox of the cow.
1799 Doctrine and practice of vaccination spreads like the plague all over England.

1800 Doctrine spreads like wildfire all over the world. Benjamin Waterhouse of Harvard University brings it to the U. S.
1839 Smallpox epidemic sweeps England and kills 22,081 people.
1840 Inoculation is outlawed by the British Parliament.
1853 In England, the Compulsory Vaccination Act is passed by Parliament. Every parent is required to have their baby vaccinated within 3 months of birth or face a fine of 20 shillings.

1855 Medical Inquisition begins in U. S. as Massachusetts is the first State to adopt mandatory vaccination laws. Every State in the U.S. has them now.

1859 Charles ape-man Darwin publishes his Origin of Species --microbes to monkeys to men thesis. Since animals, especially monkeys, are our close relatives it should be no problem to inject animal diseases in the blood of humans.

1867 Nonpayment of fines for skipping smallpox vaccination result in harsher penalties. Thousands defy the medical Inquisition and leave Britain rather than submit their children to this barbaric rite.

1868 Anti-Compulsary Vaccination League is formed in Britain.
1870 Outbreak of smallpox all over Europe.
1871 Smallpox continues to rage all over Europe.
1889 In England, a Royal Commission is appointed to inquire into certain aspects of the vaccination question. The committee would be in session for 7 years and would issue 6 reports, with the final report in 1896. The result of the final report was the Vaccination Act of 1898.
1896 Final report of the Royal Commission on vaccination. The commission could not ignore the mountains of evidence against vaccination so they recommended that mandatory vaccination should be stopped.
1898 Vaccination Act removes penalties from vaccination law.
1900 The Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan syndicate buys Encyclopedia Britannica and all derogatory references to vaccination are removed.
1910 Flexner report is issued which calls for the elimination of over half the medical schools in the U.S.
1911 Vaccination is made mandatory in the U.S. armed forces.
1917 U.S. soldiers are vaccinated prior to going overseas to fight in WW I. They begin to drop dead by the thousands.
1918 675,000 Americans and 25 million die worldwide from vaccination in the worst epidemic in the history of the world. The medical Inquisition covers it up by calling it "Spanish flu."

1976 Great swine flu hoax. President Ford is vaccinated before a TV audience of millions. More than 500 people receiving flu vaccinations become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
1991 Gulf War begins. Thousands of coalition soldiers receive vaccination with the deadly anthrax germ.
2002 Gulf War II -the Sequel -leads to the vaccination of the entire U.S. population!!

Children of Israel worshipping the GOLDEN CALF.

The Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods and one of them was the HOLY COW. The children of Israel brought this evil practice out of Egypt with them.

Moses was given detailed instructions by God about sanitary conditions. He speaks of frequent bathing . . . and washing of clothes. Quarantine was commanded to prevent the spread of infectious diseases etc.,etc. God describes the promised land as a land flowing with MILK and honey meaning that there would be lots of COWS and bees in the promised land.

Moses' Four Steps to Good Health.


"If you will diligently hearken to my commandments I will put none of these diseases upon you which I put upon the Egyptians" (Exodus 15:26).

Moses prohibited the Israelites from copying the Egyptian practice of inoculation.

"Thou shalt not ....make any cuttings in your flesh."(Lev. 21:5).

Wherever the children of Israel settled we can be sure that they brought those hygienic practices with them.

"For Moses in old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogue every Sabbath day." (Acts 15:21).

Calf bound and tortured to produce calf lymph for vaccines!!

"BY referring to the cut on this page it will be seen that the living calf or heifer is first bound down on a movable tilting table, and its belly is shaved and on the clean, tender skin of a most tender part one or two hundred cuts or scratches are then made, as shown, and into these cuts or scratches is rubbed some "seed virus," obtained directly or indirectly from human smallpox,and other known or unknown human or animal infections.

But just what infections this "seed virus" contains it seems impossible to find out, and it seems also that even the virus makers themselves either do not know definitely what they are using and making, or will not state. But they certainly should be compelled by law to disclose fully the exact nature and origin of their viruses, and to publish the same clearly and openly, and should also be rigidly bonded to the State and the National Government for all damages to animals or mankind caused by any disasters from their dangerous methods and products. "(Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated, p. 79).

Cows are injected with a deadly Growth Hormone.

Thanks to Pasteur and the Medical Inquisition, we cannot buy whole raw milk anywhere in the United States but its OK to buy milk from cows injected with a DEALDY Bovine Growth Hormone.

It's OK to have diseased calf lymph injected into the bloodstream but we are not allowed to drink real milk. We can buy dead rats in the vats beer and wine at every corner but you cannot buy real uncontaminated milk anywhere!!

TBRich's photo


Sat 02/07/09 09:37 AM

Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing.
Jill298's photo


Sat 02/07/09 09:39 AM

"If you will diligently hearken to my commandments I will put none of these diseases upon you which I put upon the Egyptians" (Exodus 15:26).

Are you honestly saying that people shouldn't have to vaccinate because God won't put diseases on them if they follow his commandments??noway
johncarl's photo


Sat 02/07/09 09:39 AM

yea it is sick how they say we have to get them .they are so bad like the flue shot.their is no proof they help. a person can ask for a form to not have it it sounds like now they will take that away. they make you sign a form that if you die from the shots they cant get sued .the people that say we must have them they have stock in the company that make it. so they get money. the food is real bad in the us truefoodnow will tell you what they are doing to us. we are doomed. tears
no photo


Sat 02/07/09 09:39 AM

And what are you saying?

I'm not reading all that when you can shorten it to a few sentences.noway
Jill298's photo


Sat 02/07/09 09:41 AM

It's OK to have diseased calf lymph injected into the bloodstream but we are not allowed to drink real milk. We can buy dead rats in the vats beer and wine at every corner but you cannot buy real uncontaminated milk anywhere!!

I don't know what corners you have been shopping on but I have yet to ever come across vats of wine with dead rats in them.
norslyman's photo


Sat 02/07/09 10:51 AM

Government "Gets Tough" with Parents Befuddled by Color of Law Vaccinations
TruthNews | November 18, 2007
Kurt Nimmo

The Associated Press reports: "Scores of grumbling parents facing a threat of jail lined up at a courthouse Saturday to either prove that their school-age kids already had their required vaccinations or see that the youngsters submitted to the needle" in Maryland.

No word on the fact there is not a law mandating submission to a thimerosal-mercury laden vaccination. Only that parents submit to the "required immunization" and hurriedly line up like sheep and put their children under the needle or face going to jail. The AP did not bother to mention the fact there is vaccination exemption waiver and the "requirement" children of citizens be exposed to autism is nothing but a trick under color of law.

"The only wrongdoing is on the part of school officials who, first, neglected to inform the parents of the vaccination exemption waiver, and second, expelled these children from school without any legal grounds whatsoever," writes blogger Mack White . "The reason for these expulsions was to create a situation where, in the absence of a law requiring vaccinations, parents could instead be charged under truancy and neglect laws. In other words, children who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to return to school, thus making them truant and their parents legally complicit."

"Several organizations opposed to mass vaccinations demonstrated outside the courthouse. While the medical consensus is that vaccines are safe and effective, some people blame immunizations for a rise in autism and other medical problems," notes the AP.

The "medical consensus" (read: big pharma) is "that vaccines are safe and effective," in other words effective in promoting autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's Disease, and other neurological conditions. An FDA review conducted in 1998 determined that children who received the full "complement" of childhood vaccines administered by the loving government were potentially exposed to levels of mercury that were 30 to 50 times the acceptable levels established by the EPA.

But the question remains: Do the parents in Maryland know that there is a demonstrable link between vaccination and the above mentioned diseases? Do they know mercury is the second most toxic element on earth after plutonium? Do they want to subject their kids to autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, depression, and bipolar disorder?

"News networks and state authorities are once again engaging in mass public deception by claiming that vaccines for children are mandated by law and that parents will go to jail if kids do not take their shots. In reality, there is no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver forms for personal or religious exemptions are freely available," write Paul Joseph and Steve Watson . "A situation in Prince George's County, MD. has attracted media attention and once again provided the platform for a propaganda push that falsely implies it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass produced big pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked with dangerous side-effects."

For more on these "dangerous side-effects," watch the video at the right (Vaccination: The Hidden Truth, 1998; 1 hour, 30 minutes).

According to school bureaucrats, the color of law letter and court action, described as "very intimidating" by parents, was deemed a "success." School system spokesman John White "said the number of children lacking vaccinations dropped from 2,300 at the time the judge sent the letter to about 1,100 Friday?. After Saturday's session, 172 more students were brought into compliance, including 101 students who received vaccinations at the courthouse and 71 whose records were updated."

Of course, "compliance," or submission to "required immunization," is not legally mandated in Maryland. But then it is easy to scare ill-informed parents, especially with the prospect of jail hanging heavy as the Sword of Damocles over their heads.

It helps, as well, when the corporate media runs "news reports," as the one above, and the Associated Press publishes stories failing to mention parents actually have an option to waiver out of the mass vaccination-poisoning program.

norslyman's photo


Sat 02/07/09 02:39 PM

It's OK to have diseased calf lymph injected into the bloodstream but we are not allowed to drink real milk. We can buy dead rats in the vats beer and wine at every corner but you cannot buy real uncontaminated milk anywhere!!

I don't know what corners you have been shopping on but I have yet to ever come across vats of wine with dead rats in them.

What he is reffering to is the absolute "udder" ineptness of the FDA to protect us from ANYTHING. Every month there is a new tainted product from China, and the American sheeple better get used to it too - it is only going to get worse. Our food supply is already beyond the point of no return.

But don't worry, there will probably be a vaccine to protect us. Or just take enough Prozac and forget about it.
norslyman's photo


Fri 02/13/09 11:43 AM

The fixed courts have just ruled in favor of the vaccine makers in the autism case filed by the parents. WHAT A CRIME!

US Gov't Asks Court to Seal Vaccine Records

By Todd Zwillich
November 26, 2002

WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) - Attorneys for the Bush Administration asked a federal court on Monday to order that documents on hundreds of cases of autism allegedly caused by childhood vaccines be kept from the public.

Department of Justice lawyers asked a special master in the US Court of Federal Claims to seal the documents, arguing that allowing their automatic disclosure would take away the right of federal agencies to decide when and how the material should be released.

Attorneys for the families of hundreds of autistic children charged that the government was trying to keep the information out of civil courts, where juries might be convinced to award large judgments against vaccine manufacturers.

The court is currently hearing approximately 1,000 claims brought by the families of autistic children. The suits charge that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, which until recently included a mercury-containing preservative known as thimerosal, can cause neurological damage leading to autism.

Federal law requires suits against vaccine makers to go before a special federal "vaccine court" before any civil lawsuit is allowed. The court was set up by Congress to speed compensation claims and to help protect vaccine makers from having to pay large punitive awards decided by juries in state civil courts. Plaintiffs are free to take their cases to state courts if they lose in the federal vaccine court or if they don't accept the court's judgment.

The current 1,000 or so autism cases are unusual for the court. Because it received so many claims, much of the fact-finding and evidence-gathering is going on for all of the cases as a block.

Monday's request by the Bush Administration would prevent plaintiffs who later go to civil court from using some relevant evidence generated during the required vaccine court proceedings.

Plaintiffs' attorneys said that the order amounted to punishment of the families of injured children because it would require them to incur the time and expense of regenerating evidence for a civil suit.

"Wouldn't it be a shame if at the end of the day our policy would be to compensate lawyers," said Jeff Kim, an attorney with Gallagher Boland Meiburger & Brosnan. The firm represents about 400 families of autistic children who received the MMR vaccine.

Kim accused the government of trying to lower "a shroud of secrecy over these documents" in order to protect vaccine manufacturers, who he said were the only entities" that would benefit if the documents are sealed.

While federal law clearly seals most documents generated in individual vaccine cases, it has never been applied to a block proceeding like the one generating evidence in the autism cases.

Administration lawyers told Special Master George Hastings that they requested the seal in order to preserve the legal right of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to decide when vaccine evidence can be released to the public. Justice Department attorney Vincent Matanoski argued that to let plaintiffs use the vaccine court evidence in a later civil suit would confer an advantage on plaintiffs who chose to forgo federal compensation.

"There is no secret here. What the petitioners are arguing for are enhanced rights in a subsequent civil action," Matanoski said of the plaintiffs. "They're still going to have unfettered use within the proceedings."

Hastings would not say when he would issue a ruling on whether to seal the court documents, but did say that his decision would be "very prompt."