Topic: The creative process...
GreenEyes48's photo


Mon 07/30/12 01:40 PM

How do you feel when you create something "new?" It's always felt like "giving birth" to me...I might start off with some plans and ideas ahead of time. But there usually comes a point during the creative process when the object I'm working or even an article or story I'm writing seems to "take charge" and "take over.".. And I end-up feeling like an "instrument" or even a "servant" who is simply assisting in the "birth process." Does this make sense? Or does it sound crazy?...For instance I designed and "made" dried and silk floral "items" for a number of years. When I started working on a wreath or swag or birdhouse (or whatever) I'd start to receive "further instructions" in my head. A voice would tell me to "add this" or "add that" or to "forget about" using something I planned etc..I didn't argue with the "voice" or "balk" about being handed "new instructions." Why? It seemed intriguing and exciting! And I love surprises!...I didn't mind being a "servant." And I never felt that my original plans and ideas had to be "set in stone." I loved being "guided" to step outside my "realm." How about you? What is the creative process normally like for you? Thanks!
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Tue 07/31/12 12:22 PM

i understand,
but i am crazy.
i don't think that's too comforting.
i come up with stuff.
let ideas sit for months/years.
finally make it.
feel fantastic during the process.
once finished i hate everything about it,
so i let it gather dust.
GreenEyes48's photo


Tue 07/31/12 02:04 PM

i understand,
but i am crazy.
i don't think that's too comforting.
i come up with stuff.
let ideas sit for months/years.
finally make it.
feel fantastic during the process.
once finished i hate everything about it,
so i let it gather dust.
Thanks for sharing. Do you make items for yourself? For gifts? To sell?...Can you post some photos of items that are gathering dust? I'd love to see them! Thanks.
Ladywind7's photo


Tue 07/31/12 02:40 PM

I feel all different emotions. At times I hear an abstract whisper or a definite shout that longs to be 'out'. I definitly have to be inspired first. I just go with the flow, so to speak. spock
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Thu 08/02/12 09:08 PM

Thanks for sharing. Do you make items for yourself? For gifts? To sell?...Can you post some photos of items that are gathering dust? I'd love to see them! Thanks.

all of the above,
and i don't like sharing.