Topic: Sex before marriage...
Demilove70's photo


Sat 06/17/17 01:22 PM

Sex before marriage is an obvious sin, you know its carnal sin even before indulging in it. The problem here is the world is changing fast, things that use to be isn't anymore, no moral, or decency to what we do. Sex these days has become a handshake.

You can't change it anymore, it has become part of us and our society at large. The only way out now is a personal decision not have sex before marriage, that's if you can.
Park_skum's photo


Tue 06/20/17 02:48 PM

I hope you don't expect the lord to buy your excuse :(
Park_skum's photo


Tue 06/20/17 02:48 PM

I hope you don't expect the lord to buy your excuse :(
no photo


Wed 06/21/17 02:45 AM

reply for the first post : yes, some christians do it and in many churchech (catholic, protestants, lutherians, reformators - probably all ) it is considered as sin. But in my opinion better know each other before get married... but probably i am wrong. If you really love another and that person really love you it, the best option will be marry i think. Better do not marry someone who is not loved bz person who want marry
deema0090's photo


Wed 06/21/17 10:55 AM

God knows those who serve him,
LMTRIX's photo


Thu 06/29/17 08:31 AM

even if they involve God without going through the right process stipulated in the Bible is a sin, their her laid down rules to marriage so you not doing what's right and just believing you praying to God about means he approves of it. those rules were given for a specific purpose so you not going or doing things according to the stipulated principles it's a sin.
Conrad_73's photo


Thu 06/29/17 11:58 AM

so,I suppose Adam and Eve were having S*x outside of Marriage then?bigsmile
no photo


Thu 06/29/17 12:04 PM

so,I suppose Adam and Eve were having S*x outside of Marriage then?bigsmile

Oh no, don't even go there!
Who was the best man, who were the bridesmaids, who did the service?
msharmony's photo


Mon 07/31/17 07:35 AM

it is a difficult question because marriage is never truly defined in the Bible outside of a man and woman 'cleaving' to each other as one

it never states there must be a public ceremony or defines what begins a 'marriage' probably because it was not an issue during a time when people were married shortly after puberty anyway,, 'before marriage' was kind of not something that was being done or thought about

It was explained to me once, though also not discussed explicitly in the bible

that similar to the Trinity of God , Jesus and the holy ghost

we were created in Gods image as a duet of sorts,, man and woman shall become one,, was the premise of marriage,,,the duality that fell just short of the trinity,,

so for me , the absolutes are God, and man and womans devotion to cleaving as one in the name of God

and in modern culture , we have a man made legal requirement constituting legally recognized marriage but it is also now illegal for certain ages to interact sexually with each other

this is one of the issues that become more difficult as mans laws and expecations for each other change,,,,

on the safe side, I would opt for the MODERN and MAN MADE LEGAL aknowledgement of marriage, through documents and ceremonies,,,

before feeling secure sex was not sinful

no1phD's photo


Mon 07/31/17 09:20 AM

Sex before marriage?
yes please:smile:
cdro713's photo


Mon 07/31/17 09:23 AM

we've all done it..well most
msharmony's photo


Tue 08/01/17 07:00 AM

even if they involve God without going through the right process stipulated in the Bible is a sin, their her laid down rules to marriage so you not doing what's right and just believing you praying to God about means he approves of it. those rules were given for a specific purpose so you not going or doing things according to the stipulated principles it's a sin.

where in the bible does it state the 'right process'?
no photo


Tue 08/01/17 07:02 AM

I'm thinking to much talking about it, she /he will loose interest and have to dash for the last bus! laugh
Toodygirl5's photo


Thu 08/03/17 10:21 AM

sex outside marrige is a sin again onces own body, for we have been bought wth a price which jesus christ paid for our ransom on d cross.

Youlostme's photo


Thu 08/03/17 10:46 PM

This is quite a gas....I have had five female children from four women some I married some I didn't....cost me AUD2M...
This sin only becomes a sin when you don't pay her enough or you don't pay at all....
You never hear a word from her, after she rapes you, you may hear from her lawyer to make sure they got the lot.
For all those with nothing to lose, keep talking about the Bible, for those who are listening, get a prenup, I wish I had...
no photo


Fri 09/22/17 06:18 AM

well, Id say, if a man takes and clings to one woman, or one woman to one man,, with or without a ceremony or papers,, if their intent and promise to God is to be bound together,, those two having sex is not a sin,,,

the vow before God , imho, makes them husband and wife before God

if they have sex BEFORE The include God in such a vow,, its a sin

huh msharmony, I find nothing in the Bible to support what you said. It appears to me that you are making an excuse for two people having sex with each other without becoming legally married. It is as if you are redefining marriage in order to satisfy one's desire for sex.

I totally agree with you Dodo David. Now a days people puts the scripture away and are trying to pleases their follow human beings. Sad indeed
mubeelorcity's photo


Sat 09/30/17 03:49 AM

it still a sin
kikky55's photo


Sat 10/07/17 05:50 AM

May be
Poetrywriter's photo


Sun 10/08/17 12:28 PM

<<<<<<I admit I was a sinner tears
no photo


Sun 10/08/17 01:31 PM

Sex before marriage...

Do Christians do it? If so, do they consider it to be a sin?

this is the way it goes for us Catholic boys anyway.

As a kid

you go to church on Sunday, you have no idea what the priest is saying you just kneel and stand when the real old people do ( they know what he is talking about)

you go to confession but only tell him some of the bad things you did that week ( you lie to him a bit) you did that week. say a few prays.. and your good to go.. you are a kid, and you know God is not going to strike you down for BS'ing a bit.

get your communion ( and the cards with the money from your relatives)
then confirmation ( more cards and more money)

then you are around 14 yrs old and in public school and all you want to do is hang out with your friends, eat.. and get laid

you first try to pick up the catholic school girls.. because they are easier then the public school girls.

so to answer your question.. yes.. we our teens.. and as much as possible.