Topic: Flat Chested Women
bobtail76's photo


Sat 11/23/24 05:58 PM

I still wear the same shirts from when I was 12-years old.

no photo


Sat 11/23/24 07:04 PM

I'm the woman that wears many layers in winter to stay warm. In Summer, t-shirts. Larger breasts would just get in the way and I decided I like to be small.
bobtail76's photo


Sat 11/23/24 07:35 PM

I actually already believe you!
Ss Singh 's photo

Ss Singh

Thu 11/28/24 07:23 AM

same still in women
no photo


Fri 12/06/24 06:27 AM

What a stupid Q. Natural is good :thumbsup:
Dai's photo


Mon 12/16/24 06:34 AM

when god sings with all his creations, will small boobs not be part of the choir?
amen :pray_tone1:
manlooking56's photo


Mon 12/16/24 11:31 AM

I totally agree
Big meech's photo

Big meech

Fri 12/27/24 11:00 PM

Small chest usually have nicer nipples
no photo


Sun 12/29/24 03:42 PM

I mean, I seriously don't even know where to start. well, should they - no. if they want to - who should say no? this is just an absolute nonsense question. as a guy, I feel I have absolutely no right to tell a woman what they should do with their body. all I will say, I would much rather be with a woman who's confident in themself as a woman regardless of the size of their breasts, as a sexual thing, having been with a woman with a flat chest and sensitive nipples, and a big breasted woman with little sensitivity, I'd much rather the former. but as a man this is nothing to do with me, a woman with a flat chest is as much a woman as anyone else, and their body is their body, this shouldn't in any way be a question
Chris692's photo


Mon 03/10/25 09:14 PM

Nope. anything over a mouthful is wasted
BK Rajput's photo

BK Rajput

Tue 03/11/25 09:20 AM

love you my friends