Topic: the bottomless pit of pics and videos..#4
no1phD's photo


Fri 04/15/16 02:43 PM

Hmm.. why is it whenever I try to do something nice.. like for instance, stop by a friend's house to take them to get some ice cream... and arrive at their place. just to find that they're not home... but every other day of the week they're always but I go out of my way..
To pay them a visit.. and they're not home..hmmm. or are they?.. are you guys hiding behind the furniture in there.. COME ON.. really I can see the curtains moving...ok.. just means more ice cream for my life sucks..wink
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Mon 05/09/16 08:50 PM


:heart: smooched love waving
Brought you a Pressie
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Mon 05/09/16 08:53 PM

And this...

:laughing: drool :angel: shades waving
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Thu 05/12/16 07:08 PM

no1phD's photo


Thu 05/19/16 07:26 PM

Thanks for stopping by and leaving such beautiful pics..flowerforyou

Hmmmm... I'm such a procrastinator still don't have my
I want it back but part of me is like..
Hmmmm.. you know PhD you do tend to get a little carried away... with the picture posting and don't even get me started on the YouTube

Oh well another day trying to stay upright in the land of milk and honey..
.. I have the long weekend alone.. it is very weird to be alone to be without the boys.... I would have thought I would have enjoyed this time to myself... but sadly all I can do is feel sad they are not with me...hmmmm..
. What to do what to do... la la la..
. Oh wait a minute I think I see a light bulb that needs dusting... yippee a
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Thu 05/19/16 07:49 PM is so hard for me when J is not lonely..I have grown accustomed to his company.
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Thu 05/19/16 07:50 PM

Finding Dory,is coming out here june 17th..on my to do list:)))
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Thu 05/19/16 07:52 PM

no1phD's photo


Thu 05/19/16 07:58 PM

I will have to pull out my notepad to view the full picture.. but it looks good what I can see...:smile: ..
And yes during the day it is easier to be without the ones you love..
It is night time when it becomes more difficult... at least for me..
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Thu 05/19/16 08:13 PM

Ha no worries,Im sorry it posted so big.
It is hard either way.but we tend to try to keep ourselves busy during the day.
I feel odd going alone..almost dont know what to do with my self..laughing*
Im off to bed soon.
J made finals this time racing,he won runner-up. sticker and check:)
Edited by 2KidsMom on Thu 05/19/16 08:16 PM
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Thu 05/19/16 08:23 PM

In case I forget,I always enjoy our time,
Thank you.
no1phD's photo


Wed 05/25/16 09:30 PM

.. I am sorry you are going alone..
But I'm sure you will have a good time... anything worth doing is always worth doing alone...

. The going it alone, being alone..
Are just being lonely!... it is something we all struggle with.. sure ! for most times of the day ,and even most days.
We can keep ourselves occupied ,keep ourselves from feeling alone...
its those times when you run out of
Things to keep yourself occupied your mind off of the fact..that you are alone and lonely.... those times, when you need to catch your breath ,steady yourself.. swallow hard.. and force your loneliness from your mind..
Because if you do not! you will linger too long ,dwell, on your loneliness...
And then all those questions come flooding back into your mind... why am I alone?..
What's the matter with me?... what is everybody else doing right! that I am not..? where is my better half?.. my Juliet! my Romeo.!........

Great!! now I need to go cry Into some ice cream..:cry: ..
Edited by no1phD on Wed 05/25/16 09:33 PM
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Thu 07/07/16 08:18 PM

:heart: smooched love flowers smooched waving
Couldn't pop in without stopping here.
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Sat 08/27/16 08:25 AM

Ha ha ha...brought you a friend.
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Mon 08/29/16 07:58 AM

no1phD's photo


Tue 08/30/16 03:16 PM

...sooo.. I'm guessing this is your pick for your Halloween costume hi.u.. I've noticed you have not been around much... just between you and me I don't blame I still haven't put any effort into figuring out how to post pictures on here again without Photobucket..I.KNOW..!!!..OMG.. how lazy can I I do miss posting pics and videos.. going to have to figure it out soon because this baby's going to flip in a few more pages..

Hope all is well kids are back in school Thursday.. and yes Halloween is just around the corner... can't freaking
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Tue 08/30/16 07:34 PM

J started last school..7th far seems very happy.
We race this Saturday..been rain delayed last two times.We get to take a trip too!for a race,excited about that.
He is growing up so much.
Costly I know you understand that.
First school dance next week...a girl has already been trying to talk to him..since day 1..ha ha ha..and she has a both 8th grade...he's a little woman killer..Neen busy with work, been off line so long had to email Mark for my password..lmao.Thank goodness he is so kind to help me remember it..x2 already.
Halloween oh yea...can't wait..:)
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Tue 08/30/16 07:39 PM
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Tue 08/30/16 07:40 PM

love :heart: flowers laugh
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Tue 08/30/16 07:41 PM