Topic: What do men think of women carrying babies and showing
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Tue 09/16/14 10:31 PM

What do men think of women carrying babies and showing
Aus_niceguy's photo


Tue 09/16/14 11:09 PM

i think it is very cute. pregnancy is an amazing thing, and seeing a pregnant chick is very sexy ;)
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Tue 09/16/14 11:47 PM

Oh wait. I didn't realize this was a porn site.noway
Dodo_David's photo


Wed 09/17/14 04:10 AM

What do men think of women carrying babies and showing

Probably the same thing that women think.
Awatersign's photo


Wed 09/17/14 04:52 AM

What do men think of women carrying babies and showing
Just curious,is this your first time being pregnant, or are you just curious ?Lol I'm not trying to be sarcastic or nothing !:smile: flowerforyou
Edited by Awatersign on Wed 09/17/14 04:57 AM
CowboyGH's photo


Wed 09/17/14 06:52 AM

What do men think of women carrying babies and showing

It's a beautiful thing. Everything about child birth is incredibly beautiful. In the comment of "showing" I'm assuming you're only referring to the belly. Pregnant women have an absolutely beautiful body, it's beautiful because of the thought of the beautiful being inside of her and the beauty of child birth in general.
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Wed 09/17/14 07:46 AM

So your saying you would stick by the girls side and be there for her and the baby and be coaching her through labor
CowboyGH's photo


Wed 09/17/14 08:58 AM

So your saying you would stick by the girls side and be there for her and the baby and be coaching her through labor

Absolutely. "Dad/father" is a concept not someone who get's a woman pregnant. Any man/male "if naturally possible" can make a woman pregnant. Takes a man to be a dad/father. And if it just so happened that the man get's into a relationship with a woman who is pregnant, they would know the probability of her having the child. If he loves her, there would be absolutely no problem as he would raise it as his own and therefore be the child's dad/father. I personally "could" do that myself since you asked me personally, yes.
TawtStrat's photo


Wed 09/17/14 09:33 AM

I don't know if I agree that you can step in (excuse the pun) and say that you're going to be someone else's kid's father if the kid already has a father. You hear these stories all the time where a kid isn't discouraged from calling a new partner daddy and that's not really right. Kids being used as weapons is wrong and just because a relationship doesn't work out that does not reduce a father of a child to a mere sperm donor. Even if the pregnancy is unplanned or the product of a one night stand fathers do have rights and responsibilities.
CowboyGH's photo


Wed 09/17/14 09:41 AM

I don't know if I agree that you can step in (excuse the pun) and say that you're going to be someone else's kid's father if the kid already has a father. You hear these stories all the time where a kid isn't discouraged from calling a new partner daddy and that's not really right. Kids being used as weapons is wrong and just because a relationship doesn't work out that does not reduce a father of a child to a mere sperm donor. Even if the pregnancy is unplanned or the product of a one night stand fathers do have rights and responsibilities.

But dad/father is a conceptual word. Just because someone helps in the boring of a child does not make them their dad/father. Makes them there biological dad yes and nothing can change that. But there is also a conceptional side of the word dad/father. Again any male if naturally permitting can help "bore" a child. And nobody can "step in" in this situation. There would be no room for any other man to "step in" if the rightful dad/father was present. Regardless if the man and woman are "together". Both parties still have an obligation to raise that child. And again if the birth dad/father is present in the child's life, it would not be possible for anyone to "step in" regardless if again the man and woman are together or not.
TawtStrat's photo


Wed 09/17/14 10:25 AM

It's not always that simple. You see these stories on TV chat shows all the time where fathers claim that the mother is making it difficult or just denying access. Of course it's then up to him to fight for access or custody but he still might not get it. He might want to see the kid but there's too much drama and animocity from the mother and then there are women that turn their kids against their real fathers because they can't seperate their feelings about the guy from what's actually right for the kid.

If I knock a woman up and she doesn't tell me that she's pregnant or that it's mine, what then? At the very least biological fathers that aren't stepping up to the mark need a boot up the arse and to be given a proper chance but a child does have the right to know who its real father is and to make up their own mind about him without having it poisoned against him.
CowboyGH's photo


Wed 09/17/14 11:29 AM

It's not always that simple. You see these stories on TV chat shows all the time where fathers claim that the mother is making it difficult or just denying access. Of course it's then up to him to fight for access or custody but he still might not get it. He might want to see the kid but there's too much drama and animocity from the mother and then there are women that turn their kids against their real fathers because they can't seperate their feelings about the guy from what's actually right for the kid.

If I knock a woman up and she doesn't tell me that she's pregnant or that it's mine, what then? At the very least biological fathers that aren't stepping up to the mark need a boot up the arse and to be given a proper chance but a child does have the right to know who its real father is and to make up their own mind about him without having it poisoned against him.

First I want to apologize to pregnantmom28 for this thread getting way off topic and into the topic of a woman having a kid specifically when it was a thread for you looking for someone.

Secondly, it is that simple. The woman can NOT refuse the dad's access to the child UNLESS there is some form of plausible and proven possibility that the child is in danger around the dad. Outside of that, there is absolutely NO way for a woman to refuse access to the child.

And thirdly what exactly does this all have to do with her being pregnant specifically and looking for someone to love her as she is even in spite of being pregnant with someone's child? Absolutely nothing, so please I ask that it's dropped now so the thread can return to it's original purpose. Thank you for your comments TawtStrat :)

And I wish you the best of luck in your search for someone that will love you and love your soon to be child as it was his own pregnantmom28.
Dodo_David's photo


Wed 09/17/14 12:23 PM

What do men think of women carrying babies and showing


Why do you keep asking these questions about men and pregnancy?
What are you wanting?
TawtStrat's photo


Wed 09/17/14 12:59 PM

You brought it up mate and what it has to do with it is that you would apparently not see any problem playing daddy with another man's child and consider him to be irrelevant in your perfect world where there's no problem with fathers seeing their kids. I, on the other hand, would see it as a potentially very messy situation that I was getting myself into, with people taking sides and a lot of drama.
Dodo_David's photo


Wed 09/17/14 02:03 PM


What you say would be true if ...

... a single woman were to become pregnant as a natural consequence of her choice to have sex with her boyfriend, and ...

... the woman then decided to abandon her boyfriend after becoming pregnant with his baby, and ...

... the woman decided to find another boyfriend before giving birth, and ...

... the woman expected a second man to rescue her from the consequences of her original choice to make a baby with her baby's father.

I, for one, would pity any second man who allowed himself to be used that way.
willing2's photo


Wed 09/17/14 02:06 PM

I'm sticking with, at least ya' can't knock her up.


Her in the States, if you support a kid, even if ya not married to da broad, break up, you could find yerself stuck with child support.
Dodo_David's photo


Wed 09/17/14 02:29 PM

I'm sticking with, at least ya' can't knock her up.


Her in the States, if you support a kid, even if ya not married to da broad, break up, you could find yerself stuck with child support.

Yep. Unless a baby's father is dead or incarcerated, the baby's mother should make every effort to have the father support the baby.
willing2's photo


Wed 09/17/14 02:36 PM

I forgot to mention.
To be liable for child support, you don't have to be the sperm donor.
no photo


Wed 09/17/14 10:14 PM

What do men think of women carrying babies and showing


If she's struggling with something, like lifting a case of beer into the back of her car, men might think they need to help her.

If she's kind of nasty and smelly, or homeless, men might feel sorry for her.

If she's smoking, men might feel mean towards her.

If she's attractive, clean, and in a similar social position, they might think she's glowing and attractive in an abstract way.

If she's constantly asking for attention because she's pregnant, men might think she's annoying.

Men can think all sorts of things.
no photo


Mon 01/19/15 06:02 AM

I think they are pregent
and would become mother soon