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Tue 03/24/15 09:09 AM

how to make crisp fries mine are good but just not enough crispy.....and pls also suggest some herbs that they put in that after frying it..
TxsGal3333's photo


Tue 03/24/15 09:15 AM

Myself I use a deep fryer just fry them longer then you have in the past just watch them. Once you figure out the color you want them to be it will work out.. You may need to cut the potatoes slices more narrow to get the crispy you are looking for.. Myself I sprinkle mine with pepper and garlic salt as soon as I take them out.

Actually you can sprinkle them with what every spices you like at times I sprinkle them with Lemon Pepper.... Or Cajun Spices....drool
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Tue 03/24/15 10:06 AM
Super good, extra crispy and baked with olive oil coating. Check it out!
CallMeMB's photo


Tue 03/24/15 10:28 AM


Best fried potatoes EVER!

***Fresh lard is best.
no photo


Wed 03/25/15 11:54 AM

Peanut oil,
pre-deepfry them (called blanching) then let them sit a while.

then re-deepfry them till done!

BBQ steak spices on them is the cats meow :thumbsup:

no photo


Wed 03/25/15 11:57 AM

pre-deepfry them (called blanching) then let
them sit a while.
then re-deepfry them till done!

^^^^^^^^^^ This, it definitely works.
bashajones's photo


Wed 03/25/15 11:58 AM

I don't care if they're crispy or soggy, as long as they're greasy.

And I can dip them in mayo...bigsmile
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Thu 03/26/15 04:41 PM

The way we do it is ... White or Russet potatoes sliced into french fry desired thickness. In a large deep pan fry them in preheated (hot) vegetable oil until desired golden brown. I add a couple shakes of salt right in the oil while they are cooking. Mix then around a few times for even browning. Drain well, then spread on layered paper towels, also cover a couple minutes with a single paper towel before serving. Better then any fast food joints...3 teenagers can't be wrong!laugh :tongue:

Salt is all i like on them

Splash with vinegar is good

Always dip them in ketchup
Edited by Unknow on Thu 03/26/15 04:43 PM
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Thu 03/26/15 04:43 PM

how to make crisp fries mine are good but just not enough crispy.....and pls also suggest some herbs that they put in that after frying it..

Get a woman to cook themohwell
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Thu 03/26/15 04:44 PM

I don't care if they're crispy or soggy, as long as they're greasy.

And I can dip them in mayo...bigsmile

ewwwwwwwww how dare you abuse a french frie with mayonoway
metalwing's photo


Wed 04/01/15 02:34 PM

The magic trick is to fry them in beef fat!
no1phD's photo


Wed 04/01/15 02:40 PM

pre-deepfry them (called blanching) then let
them sit a while.
then re-deepfry them till done!

^^^^^^^^^^ This, it definitely works.
..this.. you have to hit them twice.. if you are making your own..
CallMeMB's photo


Thu 04/02/15 02:22 PM

The magic trick is to fry them in beef fat!

Like I said... LARD! That stuff is magical! :smile:
bashajones's photo


Thu 04/02/15 09:51 PM

I want some French fries!!!......sad
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Fri 04/03/15 08:01 AM

thnx for the help guys ...can't wait to try out your suggestions....thanks
NeonMidnight's photo


Mon 09/05/16 02:25 AM

soak them in water first before frying them
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Mon 09/05/16 02:37 AM

duck fat is the go
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Sat 10/08/16 07:51 PM

pre-deepfry them (called blanching) then let them sit a while.

then re-deepfry them till done!

this works.
proven by experience.
no photo


Thu 10/13/16 10:44 PM

If im making fries, i just whack the heat up, in standard vegetable or corn oil, cut the potatoes nice and thin. Perfect every time.

If im cooking chips (as in fish and chips not thin potato chips)
Then i do the following.

get the best potatoes, maris piper are perfect for this.

cut up the potatoes to about a 1cm thickness
put a pan or fryer on low heat with half oil, half beef dripping or lard.
lower the chips in, set the timer for 15 minutes.
When the timer pings, give the basket a shake. Turn the heat up to full. Let them cook for another 5/6 minutes until golden brown and crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside!

Place on a plate, add salt and vinegar.


P.s. although they are basically the same thing, there is a difference between French fries and chips,in both taste and appearance. They both suit different meals. I prefer chips with a steak, fries with a burger.
Rooster35's photo


Fri 10/14/16 03:50 AM

The magic trick is to fry them in beef fat!

That's the correct way to deep fry fries and 12 million Belgians agree bigsmile
Then there are the sauces:
Mayonnaise ( the original french-fries sauce )
Garlic sauce
Then there are french fries meals:
ff with beef carbonade
ff with chicken
ff with Vol-au-vent
ff with brochettes
and my favorite, ff a la steak sauce with mushrooms biggrin