Topic: the change from sabbath to Sunday biblical or not?
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Sun 04/19/15 02:25 PM

Is the Greek word for God Elohim?
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim.
I have read that Elohim is a uniplural word. Like family, church or Canadian, it can mean one or many. John Smith and his son's Bill and Pete, are all Smith. God the father and the word are Elohim. Two separate entities of the same unit.

Elohim is actually Hebrew, and it's the plural for 'gods.'
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Sun 04/19/15 02:26 PM

Is the Greek word for God Elohim?
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim.
I have read that Elohim is a uniplural word. Like family, church or Canadian, it can mean one or many. John Smith and his son's Bill and Pete, are all Smith. God the father and the word are Elohim. Two separate entities of the same unit.

Elohim is actually Hebrew, and it's the plural for 'gods.'
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Sun 04/19/15 04:03 PM

Elohim is plural in form but is singular in meaning for ONE God.

sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

As for the world being created in 6 days, had a great explanation of that which adds up perfectly with the scientific age of the universe. I will try to find the article.

Edited by IamwhoIam1 on Sun 04/19/15 05:02 PM
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Sun 04/19/15 04:46 PM

Read more here:

Age of the Universe

15 Billion Years or Six Days?

Today, we look back in time. We see 15 billion years. Looking forward from when the universe is very small - billions of times smaller - the Torah [The Bible] says six days. They both may be correct.

What's exciting about the last few years in cosmology is we now have quantified the data to know the relationship of the "view of time" from the beginning, relative to the "view of time" today. It's not science fiction any longer. Any one of a dozen physics text books all bring the same number. The general relationship between time near the beginning when stable matter formed from the light (the energy, the electromagnetic radiation of the creation) and time today is a million million, that is a trillion fold extension. That's a 1 with 12 zeros after it. It is a unit-less ratio. So when a view from the beginning looking forward says "I'm sending you a pulse every second," would we see it every second? No. We'd see it every million million seconds. Because that's the stretching effect of the expansion of the universe. In astronomy, the term is "red shift." Red shift in observed astronomical data is standard.

The Torah doesn't say every second, does it? It says Six Days. How would we see those six days? If the Torah says we're sending information for six days, would we receive that information as six days? No. We would receive that information as six million million days. Because the Torah's perspective is from the beginning looking forward.

Six million million days is a very interesting number. What would that be in years? Divide by 365 and it comes out to be 16 billion years. Essentially the estimate of the age of the universe. Not a bad guess for 3300 years ago.

The way these two figures match up is extraordinary. I'm not speaking as a theologian; I'm making a scientific claim. I didn't pull these numbers out of a hat. That's why I led up to the explanation very slowly, so you can follow it step-by-step.

Now we can go one step further. Let's look at the development of time, day-by-day, based on the expansion factor. Every time the universe doubles, the perception of time is cut in half. Now when the universe was small, it was doubling very rapidly. But as the universe gets bigger, the doubling time gets longer. This rate of expansion is quoted in "The Principles of Physical Cosmology," a textbook that is used literally around the world.

(In case you want to know, this exponential rate of expansion has a specific number averaged at 10 to the 12th power. That is in fact the temperature of quark confinement, when matter freezes out of the energy: 10.9 times 10 to the 12th power Kelvin degrees divided by (or the ratio to) the temperature of the universe today, 2.73 degrees. That's the initial ratio which changes exponentially as the universe expands.)

The calculations come out to be as follows:

1. The first of the Biblical days lasted 24 hours, viewed from the "beginning of time perspective." But the duration from our perspective was 8 billion years.

2. The second day, from the Bible's perspective lasted 24 hours. From our perspective it lasted half of the previous day, 4 billion years.

3. The third 24 hour day also included half of the previous day, 2 billion years.

4. The fourth 24 hour day - one billion years.

5. The fifth 24 hour day - one-half billion years.

6. The sixth 24 hour day - one-quarter billion years.

When you add up the Six Days, you get the age of the universe at 15 and 3/4 billion years. The same as modern cosmology. Is it by chance?

But there's more. The Bible goes out on a limb and tells you what happened on each of those days. Now you can take cosmology, paleontology, archaeology, and look at the history of the world, and see whether or not they match up day-by-day. And I'll give you a hint. They match up close enough to send chills up your spine.

Edited by IamwhoIam1 on Sun 04/19/15 04:59 PM
CowboyGH's photo


Mon 04/20/15 03:50 AM

Elohim is plural in form but is singular in meaning for ONE God.

sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

As for the world being created in 6 days, had a great explanation of that which adds up perfectly with the scientific age of the universe. I will try to find the article.

Exactly, it can mean one being or more. There is no exact number on which the word "God/god" is. Because it's a title/rank not a species or anything of that.

God means being of authority. Thus why we are referred to as gods but yet it still says there is but one God. We have been given dominion over the beasts of this world, thus we are their "gods".

Jesus created us and then gave us instruction, thus he is our God.

Jesus and his father's will are the same, thus he came to do his father's will and not his own. Thus making the father his God by doing his father's will.
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Mon 04/20/15 10:18 AM

Elohim is plural in form but is singular in meaning for ONE God.

Dear I'mwhoIam1,

I'm assuming Your Hebrew is better than mine.

Correct me if I'm wrong... But, in Hebrew 'Eloha' is the singular for 'Thee God', and 'Elohim' is the plural for 'gods'.

Thus, the Almighty Jehovah is the Eloha of Elohim. (The God of gods)


Because, Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic or Shemetic languages...

There is a relative comparison to the words; Eloha and Allah...

And, likewise, the words Elohim and Illah.

In Arabic, the word 'Allah' means 'Thee God', and 'Illah means 'other (Would-Be) gods.'
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Mon 04/20/15 10:35 AM

We are referred to as gods but yet it still says there is but one God. We have been given dominion over the beasts of this world, thus we are their "gods".

Jesus created us and then gave us instruction, thus he is our God.

Jesus and his father's will are the same, thus he came to do his father's will and not his own. Thus making the father his God by doing his father's will.

This is staggering ! shocked

This isn't only a very common Mormon concept...

But, it's also Polytheism. (Veneration And Worship Of More Than One Deity)

You've made Humanity a god above the Animals...

You've made Jesus a god above Humanity...

You've made The Father a god exclusive to the god-Jesus.

(Yet Somehow, You Claim To Worship One God)

************* I sense another 'Vacillation-Session' coming on ************ whoa

CowboyGH's photo


Mon 04/20/15 11:31 AM

We are referred to as gods but yet it still says there is but one God. We have been given dominion over the beasts of this world, thus we are their "gods".

Jesus created us and then gave us instruction, thus he is our God.

Jesus and his father's will are the same, thus he came to do his father's will and not his own. Thus making the father his God by doing his father's will.

This is staggering ! shocked

This isn't only a very common Mormon concept...

But, it's also Polytheism. (Veneration And Worship Of More Than One Deity)

You've made Humanity a god above the Animals...

You've made Jesus a god above Humanity...

You've made The Father a god exclusive to the god-Jesus.

(Yet Somehow, You Claim To Worship One God)

************* I sense another 'Vacillation-Session' coming on ************ whoa

Not so my friend, you still seem to misunderstand what I'm saying here. It's not polytheism, as there is only ONE God that is worshiped. Man is above the animals, we know this from God's statement of us having dominion over the beasts of this world, putting us above them. Jesus is above humanity lol. Jesus is God of Gods, Lord of Lords, there is none greater then Jesus Christ. God the father isn't "exclusive" to Jesus, as Jesus and the father are one God, Jesus does the will of the father, so when we obey Jesus' will we are then also obeying the father's will. But that's kind of mute, as Jesus is our creator, our God. No where you'll find either Jesus referring to his father as our God or our father, or the scriptures explaining that he is. We are not brothers and sisters with Jesus Christ rofl.
CowboyGH's photo


Mon 04/20/15 11:38 AM

Elohim is plural in form but is singular in meaning for ONE God.

Dear I'mwhoIam1,

I'm assuming Your Hebrew is better than mine.

Correct me if I'm wrong... But, in Hebrew 'Eloha' is the singular for 'Thee God', and 'Elohim' is the plural for 'gods'.

Thus, the Almighty Jehovah is the Eloha of Elohim. (The God of gods)


Because, Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic or Shemetic languages...

There is a relative comparison to the words; Eloha and Allah...

And, likewise, the words Elohim and Illah.

In Arabic, the word 'Allah' means 'Thee God', and 'Illah means 'other (Would-Be) gods.'

But the term "god" is not specifically singular as Jesus and the Father are one God. As the USA is seen as one unit, one thing, one country, but is made up of millions if not more singular people. Thus in the same way Jesus and the Father are two different being, yet are one God to us, one authority over us, one ruler over us.
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Mon 04/20/15 12:16 PM

So, what You are saying is that the very term 'God' or 'gods' is a collective Entity ?

But, each of the separate Beings that make-up what God is are still separate, but jointly unified in being the Collective-God ?


smokin [ Thinking Very Deeply Here ]
Cowboy GH... !

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YOU'RE NOT A MORMON, YOU'RE A BUDDHIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You want to enter into the collective oneness of the Buddha in Nirvana. slaphead

CowboyGH's photo


Mon 04/20/15 04:06 PM

So, what You are saying is that the very term 'God' or 'gods' is a collective Entity ?

But, each of the separate Beings that make-up what God is are still separate, but jointly unified in being the Collective-God ?


smokin [ Thinking Very Deeply Here ]
Cowboy GH... !

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YOU'RE NOT A MORMON, YOU'RE A BUDDHIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You want to enter into the collective oneness of the Buddha in Nirvana. slaphead

Yes because the word "god" is a TITLE. It's not a title we tend to use any longer for our every day life, other then directly referring to God.

If where you work, you are say a supervisor and or with some employee(s) underneath you. You are in all technicalities their "god" by the definition of the word. That doesn't mean they deserve worship of any shape or form, as that's where God is a jealous God and only wants him to be worshiped. Thus why God also specifically even mentions "you shall not have any other gods before me". That sentence would be absolutely mute if there were no other possibilities to worship a "god". But again even with all this, Jesus is the God of Gods.

Deuteronomy 10:17

17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
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Mon 04/20/15 04:45 PM

(I Might Actually Be Getting Some Headway Here)

So, once more to re-iterate: You (CowboyGH) believe Jesus and The Father and I'm going to assume The Holy Spirit, as well, are three separate Beings that make-up The One Collective Entity, that is 'GOD ?'

(This Is A Unique Slant On Thee Divine)
CowboyGH's photo


Tue 04/21/15 06:30 AM

(I Might Actually Be Getting Some Headway Here)

So, once more to re-iterate: You (CowboyGH) believe Jesus and The Father and I'm going to assume The Holy Spirit, as well, are three separate Beings that make-up The One Collective Entity, that is 'GOD ?'

(This Is A Unique Slant On Thee Divine)

No, they don't make up one entity. They are totally separate entities. Found in verses such as when Jesus was on the cross the Father said "This is my son in whom I'm well pleased". And other various verses as such showing totally separate entities. Even before Jesus was "born" in the flesh, when still referred to as the Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was WITH God. They are one God, but different entities, different beings, for again the word "God" is purely a title, it's not a species, not a type of existence in itself. Again, why we are referred to as gods, Jesus is referred to as God, and Jesus refers to his father as God.

But in the end it doesn't matter that we are referred to as gods as well or anything along those lines. For Jesus is the God of gods.
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 04/21/15 06:34 AM
uche9aa's photo


Tue 04/21/15 07:32 AM

To be frank,it would be very difficult if not impossible for the modern church to totally rid itself of the doctrinal corruptions from the mystery babylon,the city on seven hills
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Tue 04/21/15 09:23 AM

That is true. The Babylonian Mystery Religion has survived for a long time. When the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and the romans were conquered, the religion survived. It is alive and thriving today.
Milesoftheusa's photo


Tue 04/21/15 09:50 PM

That is true. The Babylonian Mystery Religion has survived for a long time. When the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and the romans were conquered, the religion survived. It is alive and thriving today.

The change of the Sabbath is just a part of the Mystery Religion. Almost all of the people who believe that the Messiah is the son of the Creator see no relation or care when the Sabbath is. It is a sign. I am sure the Apostles if they could come alive today would say they see a Great Mystery.
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Wed 04/22/15 08:04 AM

How true. The "religion" preached by thousands of ministers today acknowledges Jesus as the Christ but deceives many.

Matthew 24:5
For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.

Mark 13:6
Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many.

CowboyGH's photo


Wed 04/22/15 10:22 AM

That is true. The Babylonian Mystery Religion has survived for a long time. When the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and the romans were conquered, the religion survived. It is alive and thriving today.

The change of the Sabbath is just a part of the Mystery Religion. Almost all of the people who believe that the Messiah is the son of the Creator see no relation or care when the Sabbath is. It is a sign. I am sure the Apostles if they could come alive today would say they see a Great Mystery.

It is the 7th day, there is absolutely no way to know the exact day of the Sabbath as God didn't necessarily create the calender when he created the world. It has been celebrate on Sunday for a long time as by our culture and in how things are normally ran makes Monday the first day of the week and Sunday the last day of the week"end". But all technicalities by our calender the Sabbath would be Saturday as that is the last day of the week, the 7th on the calender and starts again on Sunday. But again due to our culture/school and so on, Sunday has been placed as last day of the week.
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Wed 04/22/15 08:05 PM

They are totally separate entities. Found in verses such as when Jesus was on the cross the Father said "This is my son in whom I'm well pleased". And other various verses as such showing totally separate entities. Even before Jesus was "born" in the flesh, when still referred to as the Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was WITH God. They are one God, but different entities, different beings, for again the word "God" is purely a title. Again, why we are referred to as gods, Jesus is referred to as God, and Jesus refers to his father as God.

But in the end it doesn't matter that 'WE' are referred to as gods as well or anything along those lines. For Jesus is the God of gods.

Another switch-back...

Now, You're saying Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate Entities, where-as in the past You've said they are one Entity but separate Beings. (Mincing Words Big-Time Here)

I understand You believe the word 'God' is a title that represents a collective.

I'm not certain where You'd find the reference to ourselves as being gods, but that does sound more like a Quasi-Mormon/Buddhist thing, too.


To top things off... !

Uche9aa has introduced seven hills of Babylon of which I haven't a Snow-Balls hope in Hell in trying to figure-out. slaphead

All I can say is, "I Hope They're Well Rotted-Out And Don't Smell Anymore !" :laughing:
leo0077's photo


Sun 04/26/15 10:37 AM

I just like to make clear that Jesus the messenger of his father God Elohim, Jehovah kept the sabbath and teach his disciples to observe it too.
If Elohim made one long day back in the day remember he hold the sun there fore time stopped wen the sun resumed its movement so did time so the sabath was never lost the people of God kept observing it mormaly to this day and so on till the end.
If time had changed Jesus would have teached his disciples the right time of sabbath keeping.