Topic: Beardies or other Reptiles?
Rabidity1981's photo


Mon 10/05/15 06:51 PM

Curious about other people with scale-babies out there! What lizards/snakes or even chelonians/amphibians/arachnids/invertibrates do you have?

My pride and joy is my beloved bearded dragon, Curly Sue, who is (as I tell her endlessly throughout the day during multiple snuggle sessions) the CUTEST creature on earth. I'm also in love with my chinese water dragon, Reptar, red-eared slider, 4 green tree frogs, rosehair tarantula, 5 different types of hissing roaches, and various other feeders I breed & care for, lol, so I guess my little zoo is not for the faint of heart : P

Datwasntme's photo


Mon 10/05/15 06:53 PM

i like dogs : )
Rabidity1981's photo


Mon 10/05/15 07:17 PM

Dogs are great, too : ) I have my share of fur-babies with a dog of my own and a rabbit, but my (comparatively newfound) passion is definitely of the cold-blooded variety : D
Datwasntme's photo


Mon 10/05/15 07:42 PM

as long as both of you are happy : )
PacificStar48's photo


Mon 10/05/15 08:30 PM

Have thought about getting a Reptile baby but I really don't know how much work they are or how much Vet cost is involved. I want to be able to do it right.
Rabidity1981's photo


Mon 10/05/15 09:07 PM

Yeah, it's always best to research and educate yourself beforehand, that's the sign of a responsible owner : D

They can take some getting used to, because you must have some things just right (lighting, temperature, humidity, diet, etc.) but once you have that down they are super rewarding (and depending on what kind, some downright snuggly) pets that are a complete joy to keep!

I've actually enjoyed breeding the feeder worms/bugs so much for my babies that it opened a business avenue for me, lol, which is pretty cool...
FlFarmGirl79's photo


Sun 11/08/15 08:00 PM

I have 2 beardies, a black and white tegu, 2 Savanah monitors, 7 snakes, 2 tokay geckos, a chameleon, and 3 leopard geckos!
kaz0009's photo


Mon 02/15/16 04:36 PM

Hello Mindi,( Rabidity1981)
I'm from Australia my name is karen. I also love my bearded dragons I have 3 females and & 4 males all different phases and morphs.I'm not sure how That happened lol ;) You don't find that many females that have a love for reptiles. Like you I've had to start breeding the live stock for them because of the expense.
mokblack's photo


Mon 02/15/16 06:38 PM

I have a parrot named Turkey!!!!!
Serchin4MyRedWine's photo


Tue 02/16/16 11:52 AM

Have 2 Cordylus giganteus (sun gazers) and an 8ft Boa
gatorboy1's photo


Thu 04/21/16 02:02 AM

C. giganteus have been on my wish list for years, I had some in the early 70s
dietra78's photo


Sat 08/26/17 06:36 PM

I hve 20 land hermitcrabs of 3 species from indonesia, 25 dwarf landcrabs species from 2 species, 1 aquatic crab, 2 river shrimps all from indo, and all living in one enclosure (100x50x50cm) paludarium.
I also hv a Green Tree Goanna in a 2meter high enclosure soon to be added some plants in it.
FilteredSmooth's photo


Mon 06/04/18 04:04 AM

I have 9 Ball Pythons, 2 wild type, 1 bumble bee, 1 pastel, 1 yellowbelly pinstripe het ghost, 1 100% poss het pied with ringer, 1 enchi and 1 not sure about yet till I really look her over. I believe she is a vanilla. Plus I have 160 rats all sizes.