Topic: How Do You feel right now? - part 6
adivorcedone's photo


Fri 04/22/16 02:26 PM

Not a single trick, between you two ladies, otherwise by now....mischief would have taken place....Ha ha...u guys make me laugh and cry at the same time...just saying...
Kathyzee's photo


Fri 04/22/16 04:15 PM

Hi Annie, Hi Peggy waving
I can definitely help you two out with a plan for sure. But I want in pitchfork :laughing:
adivorcedone's photo


Fri 04/22/16 05:45 PM

Now we talkin baby......with the help of the ladies may pull it off....Only dont try and pull the wool over my eyes.....I am on to you guys already......well, just say I wont be surprised...

I feel like I just conspired to prank someone....hope its could use a laugh and a distraction huh!!??:tongue: :wink:
peggy122's photo


Fri 04/22/16 07:19 PM

Ok Annie and kathy.

Listen up...

This mischief is not gonna orchestrate itself.

We need a plan

What if we drape toilet paper all over adivorced one's house while he sleeps tonight? spock

If he wakes up prematurely, and spots us outside, kathy could stroke his hair until he gets sleepy again.

And Annie could make him some tea laced with something potent to erase all memories of the night .

After he nods off to sleep , I cold finish up the toilet paper draping mission on his house.

Then I could spirit you gals away in my pimped out get- away car .smokin

Maybe we could blame it all on no1phd.explode

You know how he loves his kleenex.

He's an easy scapegoat pitchfork
Edited by peggy122 on Fri 04/22/16 07:41 PM
adivorcedone's photo


Fri 04/22/16 07:48 PM

This is a kinda something I was expecting....but your two partners in crime, had a little drinky on the way and for sure have lost their are on your own...till they show up.....lets hear the excuses now....laugh laugh
peggy122's photo


Fri 04/22/16 07:53 PM

This is a kinda something I was expecting....but your two partners in crime, had a little drinky on the way and for sure have lost their are on your own...till they show up.....lets hear the excuses now....laugh laugh

I'm not daunted one bit.

Operation Plaster D-ONE is hereby postponed until further notice.:wink:
adivorcedone's photo


Fri 04/22/16 08:53 PM

Nice try girls!! Peggy do yourself a favour... Get new help. Presently, all u have is a known bratz, and the other one is in love with a local guy, from all the reports I keep getting, from another NZ bombshell, who is also on this site... So her head is in the clouds....Yeah! I know, good help is hard to find these days... But u better be better when you come against one of the best... Just saying
Edited by adivorcedone on Fri 04/22/16 08:58 PM
Annierooroo's photo


Fri 04/22/16 10:36 PM

Perfect plan Peggy
No1 gets the blame while we look like angels.
Lol I'm in hehehe.
Adivorcedone won't even think of us lol
Annierooroo's photo


Fri 04/22/16 10:38 PM

Nice try girls!! Peggy do yourself a favour... Get new help. Presently, all u have is a known bratz, and the other one is in love with a local guy, from all the reports I keep getting, from another NZ bombshell, who is also on this site... So her head is in the clouds....Yeah! I know, good help is hard to find these days... But u better be better when you come against one of the best... Just saying

Lol I always make time for my sisters because they are always there. No man will stop that.
Annierooroo's photo


Fri 04/22/16 10:40 PM

This is a kinda something I was expecting....but your two partners in crime, had a little drinky on the way and for sure have lost their are on your own...till they show up.....lets hear the excuses now....laugh laugh

I had an assignment to do but I'm back lol
No man distracted me this time. Lol
adivorcedone's photo


Fri 04/22/16 10:46 PM

too's up and!!
Annierooroo's photo


Fri 04/22/16 11:00 PM

Lol ypu won't even know until it's too late
adivorcedone's photo


Sat 04/23/16 03:15 AM

I see you are on your sisters to back u up bring it as the Bratz would say...
peggy122's photo


Sat 04/23/16 04:45 AM

Nice try girls!! Peggy do yourself a favour... Get new help. Presently, all u have is a known bratz, and the other one is in love with a local guy, from all the reports I keep getting, from another NZ bombshell, who is also on this site... So her head is in the clouds....Yeah! I know, good help is hard to find these days... But u better be better when you come against one of the best... Just saying

You underestimate us D-ONE..

Women are exceptional multi taskers.

We can be head over heels in love and trash your house at the same time.

And still be on time afterwards for our bikini wax appointment.

OH YEAH!!!!smokin
adivorcedone's photo


Sat 04/23/16 04:57 AM

I am still guys are never going to carry out this mischief without me knowing it. Your group is already divided, and never seem to combine as one, to do do me a bit of harm...Even though, multi tasking was a good buzz word years ago, and women could love and thrash a house at the same time...albeit the wrong one, I don't believe the present group is capable of it.....Keeping appointments...ok I will give you that....
peggy122's photo


Sat 04/23/16 04:57 AM

Nice try girls!! Peggy do yourself a favour... Get new help. Presently, all u have is a known bratz, and the other one is in love with a local guy, from all the reports I keep getting, from another NZ bombshell, who is also on this site... So her head is in the clouds....Yeah! I know, good help is hard to find these days... But u better be better when you come against one of the best... Just saying

Lol I always make time for my sisters because they are always there. No man will stop that.

Annie and Kathy...

Pulling off this sting operation will be even more satisfying than I thought because D-ONE has downplayed our capabilities.

The three of us can take him down.

He won't know what hit him. Muah-hah-hah-hah-hah!!!!laugh
adivorcedone's photo


Sat 04/23/16 05:01 AM

Still thinking.....Peggy's cry for help goes unanswered, but I like the confidence being displayed.....
peggy122's photo


Sat 04/23/16 05:08 AM

Still thinking.....Peggy's cry for help goes unanswered, but I like the confidence being displayed.....

Don't you know about the animal kingdom tactic of pretending to sleep to lull the prey into a false sense of security? :wink:
adivorcedone's photo


Sat 04/23/16 05:12 AM

Ha ha...the prey is wide awake....the predators are still asleep....odds are the prey is gonna be the victor....for now....
peggy122's photo


Sat 04/23/16 05:25 AM

Ha ha...the prey is wide awake....the predators are still asleep....odds are the prey is gonna be the victor....for now....

To be continued D-ONE ,...laugh