Topic: Hello Good Parents, Meet The World!"
EyeAmYourHost39's photo


Fri 07/01/16 07:44 AM

Good Day M2, once again its a beautiful day in the city of Philadelphia. Shots outs to my " Vocal Avengers" all of you r comments are valued. I want to talk about something different but needed. Okay, If you are a parent today or taking care of someone in your household, let me ask you this question," What makes us good parents?" Take me for example I have 2 sons, my oldest is 17 and my youngest is 13. My methods of parenting is what I like to call " New Skool Parenting With A Little Bit Old Skool Values. I remember when I was a kid my dad wasn't around much but as I grew up I told myself I want my boys to always have a father, not just a sperm donor or be known as a walking ATM. Today, I spend quality time with both, I go there sports events, we go to family trips with me and there mom, I support them emotionally, physically, and even financially. Anybody raising teens known its a tuff period being a parent just like any teens your kids faces array of issues( Peer pressure, sex, drugs, and every once in a while rebel defiance). My Boys are so open with me and there mom I never really have to fear if we raised them right or if they make the wises decisions. Plus we incorporate god in our lives so its makes being a parent easier. My methods of discipline is I personally never believe in spank my boys when they were kids, I was always against the rod because for one I didn't want my kids to fear me. Secondly, I was a softy when it came to the heart I hated to hear my babies cry. Thirdly, I didn't want to teach my boys violence at that age. Now a lot of you may say "well I spank my child with a belt or whatever and my kids are successful today?". If you choose that method of punishment & your kids are great people today kudos to you. But me I find time out periods, groundations, and restrictions to work in our home. My boys today are honor students, great a sports, both want to go to college, both love me and there mom, so the question remains " what constitutes being a good parent in your eyes, tell me your thoughts, your opinions, your story, spill the beans I can't to hear what you guys have to say.....

Have a Great Day we 'll talk soon!
Edited by EyeAmYourHost39 on Fri 07/01/16 07:45 AM