That's actually just a wild guess based on some not very related scientific fact -meant to explain the fine tuning of our universe.
I think it possible our universe could be as one of many flowers on a vine, but the idea that some universe has it perfect and some poor sods are having the worst possible time of things makes no sense at all.
Wild guesses make interesting theories to an open mind.
The open mind results in wondrous innovation and technology.
Someone once had the wild idea there was more to light than what we see and now we have wireless technology.
some universe has it perfect and some poor sods are having the worst possible time of things
This is assuming best and worst are universal constants as defined by your own preferences.
Everything in existence must balance out somehow, across everything.
This is not entirely accurate, even in this Universe.
There are many natural examples of imbalance across the cosmos.
The easiest to identify is the effect of a star being absorbed by a black hole.
Balance is a human concept created by humans to promote unity in society (or religion).
We (as humans) perceive nature to be balanced when it actually isn't.
Our perception duration is limited.
Our observational capacity is limited.
Our understanding is limited.
All of it is based on how humans contemplate the world around them.
Problem is, the Universe is not based on humans.
Our reality is based on us and how we understand the minute fraction of the world around us.
Biased affirmation of delusional assumptions.
On the subject of Parallel Universes, many people define them as Similar Universes. In a Parallel Universe, everything, everywhere and everywhen is exactly the same. IE: Parallel.
Could an actual parallel Universe exist?
It could be possible. It could be possible many actual parallel Universes exist.
If you have one single Universe and something changes where where another Universe splits off and both Universes still exist side-by-side you have
Similar Universes,
not parallel.
In one Universe you went left, in another you went right and in another you made no change and in another you were not even there and so on.
Similar, not parallel.
a net zero system
What do YOU mean by '
a net zero system'?
"Net zero" refers to achieving an overall balance between emissions produced and emissions taken out of the atmosphere.
In the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space, one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter. So the total energy of the universe is zero."
The problem with a net zero Universe is the energy in question is based on gravitational effects. Gravity is related to mass.
The foundation of the atomic bomb is that mass is energy condensed. Releasing that energy from the mass of an atom results in a higher yield of energy than the mass itself.
The total energy of the Universe is not zero, it is one.
Zero energy is the absence of energy.
The entire Universe is energy.
Everything within the confines of the Universe is energy.
This imbalances the the equation to one.
To balance it, there would have to be a Universe of equal size and scope with an energy of zero outside this Universe.
Since we are confined to the scope of this Universe there is no way to tell if such a zero energy Universe exists.
Again, "
Everything in existence must balance out somehow, across everything." is inaccurate based on energy. If your statement were true, the energy which composes mass would equal the mass itself. It would be a 1/1 ratio and we know it is not (as proved by actual atomic fusion/fission examples in realtime).