Topic: My son
dj716100's photo


Tue 01/31/17 10:43 PM

My son drives me craZy at times but I will do anything for his happiness
krissy55101's photo


Thu 02/02/17 07:15 AM

Who's the parent here? Doing anything to keep you son happy is not the best way to raise a child. You have to set reasonable limits and don't let him run your life.

Just my opinion. Good luck smile2
Jonathan83's photo


Sat 02/04/17 01:51 AM

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." - Henry David Thoreau

My two cents might not be worth much to most but to the few it will be something they'll remember forever. No offense with what I say. Being an uncle of more than I can count, having to play father for some of them, I know how careful we must be with children. Most people do not have a clue just how important it is that we start off the right way.

Kids, like animals, respond to the stimuli you give them, whether good or bad. Children, much like pets, will work hard to train you to understand what they want. Don't let any dangerous habits form since they will be very hard to break. The younger the mind, the more potential (neuroplasticity) it has to grow. The more we use our minds for specific tasks the more specialized our minds become. Children are very impressionable. Just as Krissy says, don't let your kids run your life. They'll be much happier (in the end) with some relatively strict policies. Yes, he's cute, adorable, etc. but you don't want him to be mad at you later because you need to suddenly break habits that at first you didn't realize were detrimental.

I wish you the best. :)
no photo


Sat 02/04/17 07:14 AM

yeah, you can do the above or just whack the kids a** and tell him to knock it off!!

worked for my mother & father... and me too
Jonathan83's photo


Sun 02/05/17 06:51 AM

yeah, you can do the above or just whack the kids a** and tell him to knock it off!!

worked for my mother & father... and me too

That's basically what I was saying. I just wanted to elaborate a bit on some of the reasoning behind disciplining the child. You say no and if he doesn't listen then take it to the next level.
PacificStar48's photo


Thu 03/16/17 04:34 PM

Usually if a kid is really driveing you crazy probably want to do a little investigating why.

Sometimes just a low keyed conversation with your kid and they will tell you why. Kids are sirprisingly honest if you don't teach the not to be. If they are doing something "kid" that you don't like often just asking them why is effective. Example Dad "Why did you scream in the house?" Kid " I didn't" and in their ability to modulate their voice maybe they didn't". Then some experimenting with inside voice versus out can held them learn. And controlling the environment so they are not over tired or too wound up by rowdy play better done each day outside. Not realistic to let your kids watch Power Rangers and not let your kids know that play is outdoor fun.

But you have to set the example and not scream in the house just to save a few steps or whoop it up when the ball game is on or you are fussing with someone on the phone.

Other poor behaviors often have their base in fatigue, thirst, hunger, allergy, stress, lack of exercise, plaayes; theirs or yours. Kids are like sponges they exhibit what they often pick up.

If they get on your nerves you may need to take a jog around the block after work or other stresses before you hit the door. Kids bedtime is as much for your sanity as their well being.

Having kids is having two full time jobs and you need to factor in extra nourishment for yourself. You have to bag the late night TV or computer if you don't want to burn out.

PacificStar48's photo


Thu 03/16/17 04:34 PM

Usually if a kid is really driveing you crazy probably want to do a little investigating why.

Sometimes just a low keyed conversation with your kid and they will tell you why. Kids are sirprisingly honest if you don't teach the not to be. If they are doing something "kid" that you don't like often just asking them why is effective. Example Dad "Why did you scream in the house?" Kid " I didn't" and in their ability to modulate their voice maybe they didn't". Then some experimenting with inside voice versus out can held them learn. And controlling the environment so they are not over tired or too wound up by rowdy play better done each day outside. Not realistic to let your kids watch Power Rangers and not let your kids know that play is outdoor fun.

But you have to set the example and not scream in the house just to save a few steps or whoop it up when the ball game is on or you are fussing with someone on the phone.

Other poor behaviors often have their base in fatigue, thirst, hunger, allergy, stress, lack of exercise, plaayes; theirs or yours. Kids are like sponges they exhibit what they often pick up.

If they get on your nerves you may need to take a jog around the block after work or other stresses before you hit the door. Kids bedtime is as much for your sanity as their well being.

Having kids is having two full time jobs and you need to factor in extra nourishment for yourself. You have to bag the late night TV or computer if you don't want to burn out.

no1phD's photo


Thu 03/16/17 04:43 PM

My son drives me craZy at times but I will do anything for his happiness
... I totally can relate my boys drive me crazy and I too will do almost anything for their happiness almost..nooooo.... I'm not buying you another video ((get a job you bum)).. start saving up for my old folks
PacificStar48's photo


Thu 03/16/17 04:52 PM


I forgot making your parents crazy is in some ways a kids job. It is part of how they learn to control or conquer their world.

If you try you can find a way to teach your child how to get from you what is just and fair or in their and your best interest by other means.

What you teach them about managing their parent is exactly how they will manage their neighborhood, teachers, and future employers. And this is the life and death difference for many children how to manage people,police, who hold authoritative over them.

Teaching obedience, even when it feels unfair,abitary, or even wrong still boils down to survival.

And let's getvreal sometimes as parents we will be all of the above because none of us is perfect but we are still better than the parents that give up, give in, or just give out because they don't parent from confidence and consistency.