Topic: Number cosmology
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Mon 03/27/17 04:18 PM

-1. All subatomic particles going inward to this geo earth star sphere.

0. This earth sphere - Distinct soul groups materialised as and on Earth plane resonance.

1. Gravity

2. Magnetism

3. Electromagnetism

4. Time or motion. Time is relative to place

5. Energy

6. Air, atmosphere, radiofrequencies

7. Is astro or space, ie the moon is considered a heavenly body, the seven heavens etc..

8. Connection between heavenly bodies and soul goups: Here's where it gets funny, invisible strands connect the heavenly sphere's which act as portals for various soul groups, a science that was once well known, astrology etc.
In the case of this Earth plane dimension, the ancient cultures that once welcomed and initiated souls into materialisation on this Earth plane (Ancient Egypt and others) had been broken or lost. So when souls arrive here now mostly they would be born into a world of pain or chaos.
That just may be this current cycle on Earth at this time, until we enter into a new cycle, and those broken or lost connections could be properly restored. Oh no, do I sound new agey....

9. This inward spiralling galaxy and all others like it: The woman on Earth was supposed to be the direct connection and gateway between the cosmos above on Earth.
I think that connection has been tainted somewhat up until these times, and people no longer have that connection, so as a consequence people are overly concentrated in their consciousness in the materialness of this Earthly plain.
This disconnection was for a time whilst this Earth plain went through the turbulent times it needed to go through. A bit like quarantining a really sick town etc.

10. Everything and the infinite beyond

I could be wrong......
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Mon 03/27/17 04:23 PM

I could be wrong


that was the only thing that made sense to me.
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Mon 04/03/17 06:44 AM

I could be wrong


that was the only thing that made sense to me.

If number cosmology like quantum physics made sense, it wouldn't be number cosmology.