Topic: Don't feel religious
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Sun 04/16/17 03:31 PM

I had a discussion with an acquaintance I knew, Mike, in the street. He was calling me a priest from ancient Egypt (past life, don't even get into what that's about).

But I said to him "You know Mike, I don't think or feel like one" I'm talking about today, Now! He responded by saying, "yeah, like your going round telling people your not a priest". I went away honestly thinking to my self, I don't think or feel one, I just don't. Most religious text I read just don't make no sense to me.

Its only when I got on line and deserted my futile religious pretences I started to seek the things I wanted to know and understand, I felt changes significant to me, not to some expectations of some religious community.

Oddly, I currently reside in a religious building, a church, are there accountabilities for living in such "Godly" spaces? Even if you know now your not that religious or spiritual, even if it fancies people to think that you are?

Sorry don't mean to offend any Christians, they put quite a few of us once homeless guys in here, we try to keep it in best condition as possible. Hope you don't mind.