Topic: Edge of the universe
Blunt1968's photo


Fri 04/28/17 11:20 PM

There isn't really an edge because the universe is expanding ,and accelerating ,,some say faster than the speed of light,,true nothing travels faster than the speed of light In our universe but the universe itself can and does,,,
BamaLuv68's photo


Fri 04/28/17 11:41 PM

Oh so true! The Fate of the Furious lol
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Sat 04/29/17 01:40 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?
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Sat 04/29/17 03:15 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Hmmm...interesting point spock smile2
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:04 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Hmmm...interesting point spock smile2

Don't go there honey, I baffled myself by saying that rofl
Anyway, I have an update. I'm on the edge at the moment, will let you know how it goes surprised
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:29 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Think of the Universe as a percolation rather than an explosion.
In an explosion, it moves from center to edge. The center voids as the leading edge expands in a direction. Thus there is a direction to the expansion, a wave front so to say.
In a Percolating Universe, the initializing expansion erupts from all points and expands irregularly from all points within the affected area. You can't track the direction of expansion and therefore you can't back-track to the initializing bang.
To actually sense an expansion you would need to step outside the area of influence. You are inside the expansion. It appears to be expanding in all directions at once. At different trajectories and different speeds.
All matter is energy. Energy that has been...solidified, compacted into matter. The Universe is a plane of existence that is based on energy. Energy that becomes matter and returns to energy. It percolates.
The closest you can get to a traceable expansion is time. Time flows in one direction from a beginning to the present.

What do you see when you stand at the edge of the Universe? NOW
You don't see a moment before or a moment after.
You exist in the NOW and Now is the edge of the Universe.
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:37 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Think of the Universe as a percolation rather than an explosion.
In an explosion, it moves from center to edge. The center voids as the leading edge expands in a direction. Thus there is a direction to the expansion, a wave front so to say.
In a Percolating Universe, the initializing expansion erupts from all points and expands irregularly from all points within the affected area. You can't track the direction of expansion and therefore you can't back-track to the initializing bang.
To actually sense an expansion you would need to step outside the area of influence. You are inside the expansion. It appears to be expanding in all directions at once. At different trajectories and different speeds.
All matter is energy. Energy that has been...solidified, compacted into matter. The Universe is a plane of existence that is based on energy. Energy that becomes matter and returns to energy. It percolates.
The closest you can get to a traceable expansion is time. Time flows in one direction from a beginning to the present.

What do you see when you stand at the edge of the Universe? NOW
You don't see a moment before or a moment after.
You exist in the NOW and Now is the edge of the Universe.

What does percolation mean? rofl
I see what you're saying, I just see it even if it's expanding from different points the greater points must have a beginning?
Or does it not? whoa
Edited by Unknow on Sat 04/29/17 06:40 AM
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:41 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Hmmm...interesting point spock smile2

Don't go there honey, I baffled myself by saying that rofl
Anyway, I have an update. I'm on the edge at the moment, will let you know how it goes surprised

Sure, I'll even hold your hand so you don't fall over the edge biggrin
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:43 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Hmmm...interesting point spock smile2

Don't go there honey, I baffled myself by saying that rofl
Anyway, I have an update. I'm on the edge at the moment, will let you know how it goes surprised

Sure, I'll even hold your hand so you don't fall over the edge biggrin

Thanks honey,
Hey, just think, if the world had of been flat would that mean you wouldn't be here?
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:47 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Hmmm...interesting point spock smile2

Don't go there honey, I baffled myself by saying that rofl
Anyway, I have an update. I'm on the edge at the moment, will let you know how it goes surprised

Sure, I'll even hold your hand so you don't fall over the edge biggrin

Thanks honey,
Hey, just think, if the world had of been flat would that mean you wouldn't be here?

Good thing I'm here so you don't have to find out :wink:
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 06:49 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Think of the Universe as a percolation rather than an explosion.
In an explosion, it moves from center to edge. The center voids as the leading edge expands in a direction. Thus there is a direction to the expansion, a wave front so to say.
In a Percolating Universe, the initializing expansion erupts from all points and expands irregularly from all points within the affected area. You can't track the direction of expansion and therefore you can't back-track to the initializing bang.
To actually sense an expansion you would need to step outside the area of influence. You are inside the expansion. It appears to be expanding in all directions at once. At different trajectories and different speeds.
All matter is energy. Energy that has been...solidified, compacted into matter. The Universe is a plane of existence that is based on energy. Energy that becomes matter and returns to energy. It percolates.
The closest you can get to a traceable expansion is time. Time flows in one direction from a beginning to the present.

What do you see when you stand at the edge of the Universe? NOW
You don't see a moment before or a moment after.
You exist in the NOW and Now is the edge of the Universe.

That's really interesting Tom, thanks for explaining it smile2
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:00 AM

It's so interesting but so dam hard to get your head around!
I see it from a layman's point of view but obviously realise their is a lot more to it!
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:15 AM

If it is expanding then surely it still has an edge that is getting bigger?

Think of the Universe as a percolation rather than an explosion.
In an explosion, it moves from center to edge. The center voids as the leading edge expands in a direction. Thus there is a direction to the expansion, a wave front so to say.
In a Percolating Universe, the initializing expansion erupts from all points and expands irregularly from all points within the affected area. You can't track the direction of expansion and therefore you can't back-track to the initializing bang.
To actually sense an expansion you would need to step outside the area of influence. You are inside the expansion. It appears to be expanding in all directions at once. At different trajectories and different speeds.
All matter is energy. Energy that has been...solidified, compacted into matter. The Universe is a plane of existence that is based on energy. Energy that becomes matter and returns to energy. It percolates.
The closest you can get to a traceable expansion is time. Time flows in one direction from a beginning to the present.

What do you see when you stand at the edge of the Universe? NOW
You don't see a moment before or a moment after.
You exist in the NOW and Now is the edge of the Universe.

What does percolation mean? rofl
I see what you're saying, I just see it even if it's expanding from different points the greater points must have a beginning?
Or does it not? whoa

Perhaps boiling is better for visualizing?

must have a beginning?

I'm sure there was an initializing moment at one point on this plane where the frozen energy erupted into mass. At true absolute zero any movement would cause a reaction. It may be at the boson level of reference or perhaps even smaller to the point our science has no knowledge.
It could also have been a condition in the frozen energy that acted as a tipping point and all energy started movement at the same time?

As the Universe cools off, movement gets slower until all movement stops. Even the sub-atomic movement will stop over time. It won't be a wave of solidification, more of a sporadic freezing. First the matter then the energy will cease to move.

The reason we detect movement is because mass and gravity. When a star explodes it sends out mass and movement in all directions. Higher masses have gravitational affect on nearby mass and causes movement as well.
The dust that formed the Sol System was moving in the Orion's Arm of this galaxy. The milky-way is circling a mass at its center. That mass is circling other masses and so on. Movement is relative to the observer.

Imagine you had a pot of water as big as the Universe. You start to heat it. Looking from inside the volume where is the first boil point? Once that pot is boiling rapidly what does it look like? Can you focus on the point of origin? Does it matter?
When it cools, which part cools first? Look at it as if you are inside the pot. As far as you are concerned, there is no top, bottom or sides of the pot. You can figure out when it might have started to boil based on your range of detection. You can calculate when it might stop boiling if you know the entire volume and make up of the substance. You can't detect the location of origin or demise of the boil because there is boil in the way and the act of boil is fleeting as to location and your own distorted sense of time.
All you have ever known, ever witnessed or ever will understand is the act of boiling, the percolation. Everything you understand is based on that condition.
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:21 AM

Well tom, that is the simplest explanation I've read concerning this,
I think many more people would be interested in this if it were easier to understand.
no photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:31 AM

Nobody on this planet past or present has any friggin clue as to what is really out there. I don't care how smart they are.

How could they.

it is all guesses.. that is all it is.. guesses.

Earth is a spec.. a grain of sand.

How knows, maybe some entities ant farm?

no photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:31 AM

Nobody on this planet past or present has any friggin clue as to what is really out there. I don't care how smart they are.

How could they?

it is all guesses.. that is all it is.. guesses.

Earth is a spec.. a grain of sand.

who knows, maybe some entities ant farm?

Edited by greeneyes148 on Sat 04/29/17 07:32 AM
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:38 AM

A note on the Hubble Deep Field:

The Hubble Deep Field suggests that the Universe initialized in a series of steps. The closest we can get to observing the infant Universe is about 700 million years after the Big Bang. All other reports are speculation.

The thing about the Hubble Deep Field is that it is merely a tiny fraction of the observable Universe. If we were to detect the...Big Bang moment in the Hubble Deep Field it would only indicate that the tiny spot we were observing initiated.

The significance of the Hubble Deep Field is that what is detected there, exists at all reference points in the Universe. This implies that no matter where you aim the Hubble, you will see 700 million years after the Big Bang at present resolution/duration of exposure. This implies that the entire Universe intiated at the same time in all locations.

With no definate starting point, expansion has no wavefront. Thus there can be no edge of the Universe.

Now, considering that the Universe is a plane of a dimensional existence. The edge may be construed to be the edge where this dimensional plane bumps into a different dimensional plane. However, it may not be an edge as much as a blending region. Where is the edge of blue in a sunset?
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Sat 04/29/17 07:44 AM

So, if in theory there is no edge, would it be possible to travel it and end up where you started?
As in, if you left London in a straight line you will end up back in London?
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sat 04/29/17 07:58 AM

Nobody on this planet past or present has any friggin clue as to what is really out there. I don't care how smart they are.

How could they?

it is all guesses.. that is all it is.. guesses.

Earth is a spec.. a grain of sand.

who knows, maybe some entities ant farm?

LOL ~ Ant Farm
Makes me think of the Expanding Universe '2' dimentional balloon hypothesis I read about years ago.

Nobody on this planet past or present has any friggin clue as to what is really out there.

This is so true. Considering that the Universe has existed 13.7 billion years (to our understanding) and mankind has only been a species merely 2 million years and only civilized for less than 10 thousand years, we are mere infants in knowledge and understanding.

I don't care how smart they are.

And you shouldn't. Smart is the ability to use intelligence to gain wisdom without experience. People are only as intelligent as the validity of the knowledge they accept as accurate. Garbage in: Garbage out

Earth is a spec.. a grain of sand.

It is less than that. More of a proton than a grain of sand. In relative terms with the Universe. A grain of sand is HUGE.

it is all guesses.. that is all it is.. guesses.

In science, informed guesses are called hypothesis.
Laws of science are established when the hypothesis is validated by testing. The law becomes a confirmed guess. That is, until something is discovered that changes that confirmation.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sat 04/29/17 08:21 AM

So, if in theory there is no edge, would it be possible to travel it and end up where you started?
As in, if you left London in a straight line you will end up back in London?

If this plane of existence is spherical perhaps. What if the 3D universe is merely a condition within a plane and not the plane itself?

That's kinda confusing...
Lemme splain...

In this plane we exist in 3 dimensions. We encounter 'things' in 3 dimensions.
But, also within this plane of existence, there are things we encounter that have no 3d structure. Energy, sound, dreams, desires, thoughts, that kinda stuff.
It occurs in this plane of existence along with the 3D stuff. We call all of this the Universe.

Being within, part of, the Universe makes you part of the Universe as well. It also makes all your dreams and thoughts part of the Universe. Moving within yourself (The Universe) is insignificant to location points. You never actually departed from or arrived into.

Take a bowl of water. Move one molecule of H2O from one side of the bowl to the other then back again. Only, never allow that molecule to leave the water in the bowl. The molecule is the same as all the other molecules, it has no distinctive difference and cannot detect a change in location. By its reference, it never moved.

Now, take that molecule out of the water and move it to the other side of the bowl. Its reference changes, it sees air molecules. Then it changes again and it sees water molecules. It knows there was a change but it returned to its starting point after the change. It has no idea it is on the other side of the bowl. It was surrounded by other water molecules and it is once again surrounded by other water molecules. Thus its back where it started.