Topic: are Black Hole Models Are Wrong?
mightymoe's photo


Tue 08/29/17 08:10 AM[\img]
models showing what happens to matter just before it is sucked into a black hole may need to be revised after laboratory experiments using the world’s most powerful X-ray machine contradicted one of our best theories.

Black holes are regions of space where the gravitational field is so intense nothing—including light and radiation—can escape. This makes studying them extremely difficult.

However, just before matter is consumed by a black hole, it becomes an “accretion disk”—a structure formed from material orbiting the black hole as it spirals inwards. The disk radiates in the X-ray spectrum and, at present, examining this is one of the best ways for scientists to study black holes.

“There's lots of information in spectra. They can have many shapes," said Tim Kallman, an astrophysicist with NASA. “[Black holes have] bumps and wiggles in different parts of the spectra. If you can interpret those bumps and wiggles, you know how much gas, how hot, how ionized and to what extent, and how many different elements are present in the accretion disk."

A popular theory about material in the accretion disk is called the Resonant Auger Destruction assumption. It explains the absence of photons coming from the accretion disk—under the immense gravity and radiation of a black hole, energized iron electrons do not drop back down to lower energy states by emitting light in the form of photons.

Over the last five years, a team of scientists has been testing the Auger destruction theory using the Z machine at the Sandia National Laboratories, California. The machine allowed them—for the first time—to re-create the X-ray energies that surround black holes and apply them to material, meaning they can better interpret what they see in X-ray spectra collected from black holes.

Kallman explained: "The Sandia experiment is exciting because it's the closest anyone has ever come to creating an environment that's a re-creation of what's going on near a black hole."

black hole An artist impression of a black hole. NASA/JPL-Caltech

In the study, the team applied the X-ray energies seen around black holes to small pieces of silicon. This element is abundant in the universe and known to experience the Auger effect, so if the theory is right, it would have been observed in the experiment. But this was not the case.

"If Resonant Auger Destruction is a factor, it should have happened in our experiment because we had the same conditions, the same column density, the same temperature," Sardina’s Guillaume Loisel, who led the study, said. "Our results show that if the photons aren't there, the ions must be not there either."

He said there are many explanations that will need to be explored before the Auger effect is dismissed entirely, adding that new models are currently being developed to understand accretion disks: “Our research suggests it will be necessary to rework many scientific papers published over the last 20 years. Our results challenge models used to infer how fast black holes swallow matter from their companion star. We are optimistic that astrophysicists will implement whatever changes are found to be needed."

video here
Tom4Uhere's photo


Tue 08/29/17 12:09 PM

A Black Hole is neither Black, nor a Hole.

A black hole is a singularity of extreme gravity. It is a particle of matter that is so dense it's gravity pulls photons to it.

Things don't fall "into" a black hole. Things fall "onto" a black hole. The gravitational forces within the accretion zone spaghettify matter as it gets pulled.

As matter hits the singularity it compacts the point smaller and smaller while also increasing the mass greater and greater. This causes heat. White hot heat.

The reason we detect things is because something strikes a detector.
This means that the detected item must be traveling in a direction that can be detected. The reason we cannot detect a white singularity (Black Hole) is because all detectable sources are moving away from our detection devices. The gravity of the singularity is causing detectable sources to move in one direction only, towards the singularity.

Black holes have high energy gamma beams that can be detected once they clear the event horizon. The radiation is released as two beams emitted from opposite axis from each other. What this indicates is that the singularity accretion is lateral to the jets.

As material is pulled onto the singularity it strikes the singularity unevenly around the center (Equator) of the mass. This causes the singularity to spin (Just like the Sun and the Earth spin from their accretion). The Poles of the singularity have less active mass accretion compared to its equator. Thus, the high gamma radiation is expelled from its poles as jets (Just like the Earth's magnetosphere is pole to pole). This high emission of radiation is so forceful it sends the radiation out into space as long detectable jets. The jets are longer or shorter determined from the amount of mass being collected. A singularity that is gathering less mass has jets that are being redirected back onto the singularity before it can escape the event horizon.

The Event Horizon is not a ball shape. It is more of a pancake shape with a bulge in the middle. The Milky Way Galaxy has a bulge in the middle because at its center is a super massive singularity that has the rotating galaxy as feed material. It too has massive jets of radiation at the equators but from our perspective inside the galaxy those jets are difficult to detect. We see other galaxies with super massive singularities and we do detect their high energy jets.

As a singularity accretes more and more matter it doesn't get bigger, it gets smaller. However with more mass the event horizon gets bigger. There is an unknown extreme to the amount of mass a singularity can compact. The mass doesn't just sink to a different dimension, if it did, the event horizon would dissipate because there would be no mass in this dimension to act on other mass. At that unknown point of maximum mass the singularity starts to grow in size. A singularity that has the gravity of 10,000 Suns may only be the size of a pea or smaller. The event horizon may be the size of a small galaxy.

The event horizon is not a singular sphere either. There are many different event horizons around each singularity. Right now, we (the Solar System) is within an event horizon of the Milky Way singularity. We are within the gravitational influence of its singularity. The point at which light is affected by its gravity is not the same point that all matter is affected. This galaxy is spinning because of imbalance of its parent singularity. So, if you want to know which way the Milky Way singularity is spinning just look at the spiral arms of the galaxy. Those spiral forces caused the accretion of the Solar System and dictate the direction of its spin. Other massive objects within Orion's Arm also affect accretion spin. That is why the Sun moves up and down in relation to the Orion's Arm spin. The whole galaxy is a dynamo of gravitational influences with the singularity at the center having over-all influence.

The closer you get to the singularity, the faster you spin and the hotter you get. At the Norma Arm, The galaxy is dense and hot. At the Cygnus Arm, the galaxy is sparse and cool. There is a bar across the center of the galaxy which indicates a point where the singularity is currently most dense. Thus there is high gravity acting on the matter (White and Hot).

An event horizon is often mis-referenced as a single entity. What is referred to as 'the' event horizon is merely the event horizon of light. It is because that point of gravity is significant to the detection ability at the time it was named. There is a different event horizon for the x-ray spectrum and the infrared spectrum. It wasn't until we looked with a detector able to detect gamma radiation that we found the jets. The movie The Black Hole showed an event horizon as a place you could park a ship while studying the black hole. The problem with that is the event horizon of a space ship is going to be much larger than the event horizon of light. Because, the ship is more massive than a photon and the singularity is more massive than the ship. The gravity of the singularity would attract the ship's mass at a far greater distance. We live within the Milky Way's event horizon.
no photo


Tue 08/29/17 06:59 PM[\img]
models showing what happens to matter just before it is sucked into a black hole may need to be revised after laboratory experiments using the world’s most powerful X-ray machine contradicted one of our best theories.

Black holes are regions of space where the gravitational field is so intense nothing—including light and radiation—can escape. This makes studying them extremely difficult.

However, just before matter is consumed by a black hole, it becomes an “accretion disk”—a structure formed from material orbiting the black hole as it spirals inwards. The disk radiates in the X-ray spectrum and, at present, examining this is one of the best ways for scientists to study black holes.

“There's lots of information in spectra. They can have many shapes," said Tim Kallman, an astrophysicist with NASA. “[Black holes have] bumps and wiggles in different parts of the spectra. If you can interpret those bumps and wiggles, you know how much gas, how hot, how ionized and to what extent, and how many different elements are present in the accretion disk."

A popular theory about material in the accretion disk is called the Resonant Auger Destruction assumption. It explains the absence of photons coming from the accretion disk—under the immense gravity and radiation of a black hole, energized iron electrons do not drop back down to lower energy states by emitting light in the form of photons.

Over the last five years, a team of scientists has been testing the Auger destruction theory using the Z machine at the Sandia National Laboratories, California. The machine allowed them—for the first time—to re-create the X-ray energies that surround black holes and apply them to material, meaning they can better interpret what they see in X-ray spectra collected from black holes.

Kallman explained: "The Sandia experiment is exciting because it's the closest anyone has ever come to creating an environment that's a re-creation of what's going on near a black hole."

black hole An artist impression of a black hole. NASA/JPL-Caltech

In the study, the team applied the X-ray energies seen around black holes to small pieces of silicon. This element is abundant in the universe and known to experience the Auger effect, so if the theory is right, it would have been observed in the experiment. But this was not the case.

"If Resonant Auger Destruction is a factor, it should have happened in our experiment because we had the same conditions, the same column density, the same temperature," Sardina’s Guillaume Loisel, who led the study, said. "Our results show that if the photons aren't there, the ions must be not there either."

He said there are many explanations that will need to be explored before the Auger effect is dismissed entirely, adding that new models are currently being developed to understand accretion disks: “Our research suggests it will be necessary to rework many scientific papers published over the last 20 years. Our results challenge models used to infer how fast black holes swallow matter from their companion star. We are optimistic that astrophysicists will implement whatever changes are found to be needed."

video here

This is extremely important..the question remains...Do you have an answer, Sir?

I do apologize, I've posted my question and I didn't have time to open the video..

Thank you.
Edited by lu_rosemary on Tue 08/29/17 07:01 PM
mightymoe's photo


Wed 08/30/17 03:21 PM[\img]
models showing what happens to matter just before it is sucked into a black hole may need to be revised after laboratory experiments using the world’s most powerful X-ray machine contradicted one of our best theories.

Black holes are regions of space where the gravitational field is so intense nothing—including light and radiation—can escape. This makes studying them extremely difficult.

However, just before matter is consumed by a black hole, it becomes an “accretion disk”—a structure formed from material orbiting the black hole as it spirals inwards. The disk radiates in the X-ray spectrum and, at present, examining this is one of the best ways for scientists to study black holes.

“There's lots of information in spectra. They can have many shapes," said Tim Kallman, an astrophysicist with NASA. “[Black holes have] bumps and wiggles in different parts of the spectra. If you can interpret those bumps and wiggles, you know how much gas, how hot, how ionized and to what extent, and how many different elements are present in the accretion disk."

A popular theory about material in the accretion disk is called the Resonant Auger Destruction assumption. It explains the absence of photons coming from the accretion disk—under the immense gravity and radiation of a black hole, energized iron electrons do not drop back down to lower energy states by emitting light in the form of photons.

Over the last five years, a team of scientists has been testing the Auger destruction theory using the Z machine at the Sandia National Laboratories, California. The machine allowed them—for the first time—to re-create the X-ray energies that surround black holes and apply them to material, meaning they can better interpret what they see in X-ray spectra collected from black holes.

Kallman explained: "The Sandia experiment is exciting because it's the closest anyone has ever come to creating an environment that's a re-creation of what's going on near a black hole."

black hole An artist impression of a black hole. NASA/JPL-Caltech

In the study, the team applied the X-ray energies seen around black holes to small pieces of silicon. This element is abundant in the universe and known to experience the Auger effect, so if the theory is right, it would have been observed in the experiment. But this was not the case.

"If Resonant Auger Destruction is a factor, it should have happened in our experiment because we had the same conditions, the same column density, the same temperature," Sardina’s Guillaume Loisel, who led the study, said. "Our results show that if the photons aren't there, the ions must be not there either."

He said there are many explanations that will need to be explored before the Auger effect is dismissed entirely, adding that new models are currently being developed to understand accretion disks: “Our research suggests it will be necessary to rework many scientific papers published over the last 20 years. Our results challenge models used to infer how fast black holes swallow matter from their companion star. We are optimistic that astrophysicists will implement whatever changes are found to be needed."

video here

This is extremely important..the question remains...Do you have an answer, Sir?

I do apologize, I've posted my question and I didn't have time to open the video..

Thank you.

I'm sorry, I didn't see a question...
mightymoe's photo


Wed 08/30/17 03:26 PM

One thing to remember lu, that [luckly] we are nowhere near a black hole, everything they know is speculation done by mathematics... the slightest error/wrong figure is enough to throw everything off.. so I hold my reservations on black holes till can get closer to one... the closest one is around 27,000 light years away, so till then, it's all just an educated guess...
Soma_Ludicrisia's photo


Tue 11/21/17 01:32 PM

Black holes in a big bang universe equal incompatible maths.

While there is certainly highly energetic events that have been recorded via radio telescopes that have been named black holes, they are not black holes, which even Einstein disputed. One of the problems with modern cosmology is their dogmatic insistence that gravity is a prime mover, even though the electric fields are billions upon billions of times stronger.

What has been labelled black holes are more than likely a plasmoid, which is a highly concentrated energy tightly bound by magnetic fields, that have collinear jets and produce synchrotron radiation. If modern cosmologist had a more thorough understanding of plasma physics they would realize this. Plasmoids have been produced in labs.

Whenever there is a mention of magnetic fields the first thing that should pop into anyone's mind is electric current because the only way you can get a magnetic field in space is when an electric current is present.

Considering that 99% of observable space is plasma, it should be a high priority for cosmologists. And what separates a plasma from ordinary gas is free electrons and add into that that plasma has no resistance then you will get electric current as was postulated by Kristen Birkeland more than hundred years ago and is now confirmed every time NASA mentions "flux ropes".
Tom4Uhere's photo


Tue 11/21/17 05:13 PM

Sandia Labs has what is called the Z Machine which uses electric current to produce temperatures as hot as the Sun.

From what I understand of a Black Hole (A name placeholder, like Dark Matter and Dark Energy) is that it is an area where gravity is so great that even the particle components of light are affected.
A photon is both a particle and waveform.
Light Is Also a Particle! ... Now that the dual nature of light as "both a particle and a wave" has been proved, its essential theory was further evolved from electromagnetics into quantum mechanics. Einstein believed light is a particle (photon) and the flow of photons is a wave.

Mass determines gravitational properties. The greater the mass, the higher the gravity. You stick to this planet because it has greater mass than your body. You can move about because you are overcoming gravity's effects with muscles at a ratio.
Airplanes fly because of thrust and aerodynamics that use the atmosphere as a lifting force.
Rockets make orbit from thrust that overcomes the gravitational influence per mass. They are long and slender. A city could be launched to orbit if we could cause enough thrust to lift its proportional mass away from the planet's mass.

A Black Hole is mass that has been, is being, compacted to a smaller volume than normal. This creates a disproportional balance of normal mass volume to compacted mass volume which increases the gravity substantially.

In physics, the fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces, are the interactions that do not appear to be reducible to more basic interactions.
There are four fundamental interactions known to exist: the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, which produce significant long-range forces whose effects can be seen directly in everyday life, and the strong, and weak interactions, which produce forces at minuscule, subatomic distances and govern nuclear interactions.

Gravitation is by far the weakest of the four interactions at the atomic scale, where electromagnetic interactions dominate.

Even though electromagnetism is far stronger than gravitation, electrostatic attraction is not relevant for large celestial bodies, such as planets, stars, and galaxies, simply because such bodies contain equal numbers of protons and electrons and so have a net electric charge of zero. Nothing "cancels" gravity, since it is only attractive, unlike electric forces which can be attractive or repulsive. On the other hand, all objects having mass are subject to the gravitational force, which only attracts. Therefore, only gravitation matters on the large-scale structure of the universe.

So, gravity is an unrelenting force in the Universe.

Electricity and Energy is NOT the same thing.
You can isolate electricity but not energy or gravity.
Anything that is hotter than absolute zero has energy but may not have electricity (as in conduction of an electrical field).

Electricity is the displacement of an electron along a conductor. A rubber ball does not conduct electricity but it does have energy and is affected by gravity. If you throw that rubber ball to the ground it deflects the energy and bounces back up but will eventually come to rest from gravity. It has the same result if in a Faraday cage or not.
It can become statically charged if it has imperfections or is coated with something that does conduct electricity.

Electromagnetic fields are produced from electro-magnetic induction but a chunk of magnetite has magnetism without an electrical induction. For a generator to produce electricity it needs magnets and a spinning motion. However, a generator does not increase its attraction when it is operating. Matter is not pulled towards it or repelled by it. It is heavy because of the matter that it is composed from. All which can be scientifically proven by the periodic table and the weight of its elemental construction.

Electricity does have influence in matter dense spacial regions but gravity has influence in all of space, as proven by the confirmation of gravitational waves. A lot of space is empty. The space surrounding this planet is dense by comparison to outer space. Even at about 5 particles per cubic centimeter in the vicinity of the Earth.
Electricity requires atomic displacement of the electron. At 5 particles per cubic centimeter, there is no electron displacement.
Energy is different. Energy exists in all planes of existence, including vacuum of deep space.

Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. One contribution to the vacuum energy may be from virtual particles which are thought to be particle pairs that blink into existence and then annihilate in a timespan too short to observe.

Energy even exists in the quantum state.
Electrons have energy but are not electricity until they are displaced thru a conductor. A rubber ball is made up of atoms that have electrons but do not produce electricity.