Topic: Is Sex Without Marriage a Sin?
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Sun 05/20/18 09:10 PM

everything is a sin today
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Mon 05/21/18 12:49 AM

Yes! But it's forgive able thankfully :)
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Fri 07/06/18 03:40 PM

BigD9832 what religion are you, i read your posts.

you must have your own religion, i know your not a Christian.
so what religion are you?
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Fri 07/06/18 06:47 PM

yes it's a sin
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Fri 07/06/18 06:50 PM

It’s not a sin.
Sex is healthy and beneficial for both if you use protection.

BigD9832's photo


Wed 07/11/18 12:00 PM

From bred69
BigD9832 what religion are you, i read your posts.

you must have your own religion, i know your not a Christian.
so what religion are you?

Actually, I am Christian.

I study the Scriptures in Ancient Greek and Hebrew.

So one might say I am closer to being a Christain than anyone you have probably meet.

However, this is not about the topic at hand.

BigD9832's photo


Wed 07/11/18 12:17 PM

Fornication is a word that did not exist when the NT was being written.

chandpasha7454's photo


Sun 07/22/18 10:33 AM

Richbrener's photo


Mon 07/23/18 08:03 AM

Yes sex without marriage is a sin...the Bible calls it fornication
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Mon 07/23/18 08:49 AM

From BigD9832

Actually, I am Christian.

I study the Scriptures in Ancient Greek and Hebrew.

So one might say I am closer to being a Christain than anyone you have probably meet.

However, this is not about the topic at hand.

So,if I study criminology that makes me a criminal.Interesting.

I would have thought studying Scripture might make you an expert in interpreting Scripture.Studying Scripture in Greek and Hebrew would indicate you are familiar with those languages and possibly capable of giving an accurate translation.Combined they should enable you to give a reasonably accurate interpretation of Scripture.However it doesn't make you a Christian anymore than studying criminology makes someone a criminal.
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Mon 07/23/18 09:02 AM

You guys who don't believe in sex before marriage just continue thinking like that.. it leaves more women for guys like me

NakiCare's photo


Thu 07/26/18 12:18 PM

yes it's a sin, God hates fornication and adultery and sex out side marriage is one of the two
Pruva's photo


Tue 08/14/18 08:30 AM

I didnt sign any contract before I born!

I do everything what i want / what i see!

Hello from Turkey..
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Tue 08/14/18 09:24 AM

If you dont try the goods first, how would you know you want to marry her? :joy:
Kendo73's photo


Sun 08/19/18 02:12 AM

Are you really a born again Christian? If you are, such a thought should even never cross your mind! In the end whether or not you are a Christian adultery/fornication is wrong. Sex is a wonderful gift from God reserved only for people joined together in holy matrimony. The biggest cause to marital problems today is spiritual. Most marriages are set on a faulty foundation and suffers the curse of "defiled bed". I was shocked to learn that up to 45% of couples who "try out the shoe" before buying end up in divorce. But what really astounded me was the revelation of how sexual sin is disruptive and how it can disconnect one from his/her blessings.Look at Joseph, because he feared the Lord he refused to sleep with Potipher's wife. His sons Ephraim (UK) and Manasseh (USA) received birth right blessings promised to their great grand father Abraham. Reuben, the first born son of Jacob on the other hand lost his birth right blessings to his younger brother Joseph because of sexual sin. But also Ephraim and Manasseh will soon be judged by God according to the prophesy of their grandfather Jacob because of walking against God's covenant by being the leading promoters of pornography, lesbianism, homosexuality etc. I wish I could go on and on...For more on this subject please download the book, "God's Design for Scriptural Romance".
Basha's photo


Sun 08/19/18 05:21 AM

What do you think about sex without marriage, is it a sin?

Mirage4279's photo


Tue 08/21/18 04:17 PM

What do you think about sex without marriage, is it a sin?

In the New Testament (if your Christian) fornication is a sin. If your Hebrew it is not.
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Wed 08/22/18 06:48 AM

What do you think about sex without marriage, is it a sin?

Yes.. its a sin... my favorite one too!!
BigD9832's photo


Wed 08/22/18 08:42 AM

Actually, the word "fornication" is not in the Bible. It didn't exist when the NT was written.

Much like the term "hell" "fornication" is used to substitute a different word from the Scriptures. Just as "hell" is used to substitute 4 different words, so is "fornication used to substitute 4 different words.

These are...

porne- That means prostitute (Revelation 19:2 uses porne)

porneia- Is Prostitution (1 Cornithians 7:2 uses porneia)

porneuo- Is committing prostitution (1 Cornithians 6:18 uses porneia)

pornos- That is a male prostitute, which might be known as a Gigolo today (1 Corinthians 6:9 uses pornos)

I list these verses as examples only.

The word "fornication" is used in the KJV 36 times, 4 times in the OT and 32 times in the NT.

Prostitution is a business transaction, where money is exchanged for sexual services. This practice (called the oldest profession) was so popular in Rome that there was a street named after it. Prostitution in Ancient Rome was legal and licensed.

Prostitution was big business in Rome. So why would it be so strange that Paul was addressing this widespread problem?

By restoring the word "Prostitution" to the Scriptures and eliminating the word "Fornication" we can see that the church has very little to say about mankind's sexual activities.

Adultery is defined as a married person having sex outside of his/her marriage.
Virginity is also defined in the OT.
But there is really nothing that says two people who are in love cannot have sex.

Unless, of course, you are willing to say that every woman who has ever given herself to a man is a Prostitute.

Are you?

Mirage4279's photo


Sat 08/25/18 10:26 AM

Actually, the word "fornication" is not in the Bible. It didn't exist when the NT was written.

Im pretty sure the NT was written in greek and would translate to English.

And if you look fornication is the word they use; at least in the KJV.