Topic: Flat Earth
Tom4Uhere's photo


Wed 11/18/20 09:46 AM

That stuff is Flat. Neil DeGrasse Tyson --

That video is out of context.

Look at the Moon with a telescope.
You can SEE it is a sphere.
The Sun is also a sphere.

Most importantly tho, GRAVITY.

Gravity is based on mass.
When you stand on the Earth your mass is being pulled towards the greater mass of the Earth.
Asteroids are not round until their mass becomes great enough to form a sphere.
Size has nothing to do with mass.
A chunk of neutron star the size of Rhode Island would cause water in the oceans to rise depending on how close it is to the Earth.
Gasses have low mass but they still encompass the Earth because they have some mass.
Moving light has no mass, Its a waveform which can be reflected but not affected by gravity (In general, but there is such a thing as gravitational lensing in which mass acts on the particle aspect of a photon. Light is a particle (photon) and the flow of photons is a wave).

The Earth is not a smooth sphere. It has mountains and valleys which increase and decrease the amount of mass, changing the gravity from place to place. Bread rises at different degrees depending on the elevation. The air-fuel mixture in a car engine changes according to elevation. Its hard to breathe at the peak of Mt Everest than it is at the base.

A piece of paper has two sides and is flat. What is on the other side of the Earth if its flat? Morlocks?
Looking4honey's photo


Wed 11/18/20 09:54 AM


With a rim velocity of a 1000 miles per hour an 8000 mile wide flywheel made of dirt would explode. There's nothing un-scentific about that, in fact there's engineering software you can plug the numbers into see what nonsense it is.

The problem here is that somebody like yourself who's emotionally invested in the globe faith can never be reasoned out of your belief system, as it was never something you were reasoned into in the first place. Your fear of social ostracization and being mocked and humiliated by your peers is so overwhelming you'll never come to grips with it.
no photo


Wed 11/18/20 10:13 AM

And all aircraft pilots in the world are part of the conspiracy I suppose?
Looking4honey's photo


Wed 11/18/20 10:15 AM


The moon is evenly lit with no optical hotspot, if it were infact a sphere illuminted by the sun the hotspot would be apparent.

The fact is we're inside an enclosed system, the sun, moon and stars are all small and close objects made of electrical plasma. The earth is stationary, flat and covered by a dome; we're inside an engineered structure with electric lighting.

The entire copernican/heliocentric model is a fraud, gravity i.e. the glue that holds it all together is an unproven theory. The reality is that objects that are more dense than their medium are pushed down just like a helium balloon gets pushed up. This mechanism of density and buoyancy is driven not by an unproven theory, but by an electric force known as the coulomb force that exists between the ground(-) and the dome(+).
Looking4honey's photo


Wed 11/18/20 10:30 AM


With a 200k+ year a job and pension + benefits they're not going risk being grounded and losing it all by rocking the boat. Commercial pilots all know it's flat.
no photo


Wed 11/18/20 10:42 AM

no photo


Wed 11/18/20 11:01 AM

So, the moon landings, voyager and all the many other exploratory craft were just an elaborate hoax?
Poetrywriter's photo


Wed 11/18/20 11:04 AM


I agree Tom! waving
Tom4Uhere's photo


Wed 11/18/20 11:50 AM

we're inside an engineered structure with electric lighting.


The Moon isn't lit. It reflects sunlight. Its why we see eclipses. Its also why we see the different phases of the Moon. The crescent shows it is a sphere.
Despite common observations, I'm sure you have some theory to disprove what others see. Its all some big conspiracy against you.

Erm, Gravity is not the 'glue' that holds everything together.
There are four forces (Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak, and Gravity) that are responsible for the behavior of the particles and thus keep the atom together.

Before you dismiss scientific theory try to realize much of the modern world was created using those theories. You owe much of your modern civilized existence to the work of scientists.

Your sources have led you astray. Perhaps you should reexamine the subject using actual experience and verifiable sources.
Looking4honey's photo


Wed 11/18/20 12:47 PM

Nice, it logged me out and my lengthy and well articulated post got nuked. sad
no photo


Wed 11/18/20 02:45 PM

That seems quite unlikely (that you had a cogent response, given your previous statements).
Poetrywriter's photo


Wed 11/18/20 06:58 PM


With a 200k+ year a job and pension + benefits they're not going risk being grounded and losing it all by rocking the boat. Commercial pilots all know it's flat.

I flew in jets and I could see the curvature of the earth! I guess I was imagining it huh? Your comment about Commercial pilots is like a hot air balloon - full of hot air!
ivegotthegirth's photo


Wed 11/18/20 10:09 PM

I have faith in science esp when I can think it through and understand it myself.
I think that being so PC is not needed, when someone is babbling on in a nonsensical way call them on it, it may help them get in touch.
no photo


Thu 11/19/20 09:53 AM

I have faith in science esp when I can think it through and understand it myself.
I think that being so PC is not needed, when someone is babbling on in a nonsensical way call them on it, it may help them get in touch.

He's probably gone away to bone up on his arguments and I, for one, am curious to know what will be said.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Thu 11/19/20 10:48 AM

It is entertaining...
Looking4honey's photo


Sun 11/22/20 02:23 AM

Nah, I was getting D/C every few mins and couldn't post. The problem seems to have stopped now however.

The arguments here for the globe center around emojis, gaslighting and appeals authority. The video evidence I posted is the most damning **** ever, there's no coming back from the testable, measurable, repeatable proof there's no geometric horizon.

You're not even playing with a full deck here, even if the moon was illuminated by the sun (it is not) it would still be "lit". There no optical hotspot, that's game over for the claim the moon is a sphere lit up by the sun.

Also in regards to the modern world, every smartphone has sensors that employ the Sagnac effect, an effect that confirms the 1886 Michelson Morley experiment's findings that the earth is motionless. The effect also falsifies relativistic gravity.

Grab a pipe and smoke it boys!
no photo


Sun 11/22/20 04:00 AM

The Michelson Morley experiment was designed to test the then still popular theory of the Luminiferous Ether, a substance thought to fill the universe and responsible for the transmission of light etc. They reasoned that any such substance must act in a similar fashion to water, causing retardation of objects at certain angels.
Their experiment (repeated several times with more sensitive equipment) failed to find this effect thus disproving the theory.
It did not 'prove' that the earth was stationary as you claim.
Aldtrao's photo


Sun 11/22/20 02:12 PM

Wow, too bad I’ve missed out on this conversation for the past couple of years. If I may, I’d like to put in my two cents, since this subject occupied so much of my attention a while back. Although I have formed an opinion on the matter based on the results of my own honest inquiry, there are still a couple of questions I’ve been looking to see if anyone can answer.

First, I should state that I began to investigate this about 3.5 years ago, and continue searching out the matter for about a year, before I reached a conclusion. At first, like many, I didn’t want to bother looking into since it seemed preposterous to return to a flat earth model. However, I began to observe a certain phenomenon of the sun’s motion across the sky that caught me off guard, and after continuing to observe it throughout all seasons for a number of years, I became convinced that the ball earth model could not possibly explain my observations. To wit, I live at about the 47th parallel north, and throughout the year, I was observing the sun rising and setting slightly to the north of true east and west, then curving on a circular path toward the south (where it should always be at my latitude) during the day. The sun at dawn and dusk was off by about 30 degrees from where it should be, but in its proper place at noon. This should be impossible on a ball earth model; furthermore, only the flat disc model with the north pole at the center appeared to make sense according to my observation. On a disc, one would always observe the rising and setting sun appearing to the north of true east-west, since east-west would be a circle. All that being said, I still have not found an explanation for my observation that makes sense on a globe: if you think that you have an explanation, please share.

Now, after I had begun to take notice of this perturbing phenomenon, I finally began my investigation. As I said, I gave it a year, searching with an open mind, reading a number of articles and books, including the famous “Zetetic Cosmogony”. I listened to lectures, and many various answers offered to the challenges that a flat earth model faces; and after a year I had come close to conceding that a flat disc model surrounded by an Antarctic ring-wall was possible and maybe even true.

But then I remembered something, and I realized that no flat earth proponent that I’d listened to had ever addressed this question: What about the Southern Cross? For those that don’t know, the Southern Cross is to the southern hemisphere what Polaris is to the northern hemisphere. It always point south, no matter what longitude you are at. So, obviously, on a flat disc, this would be impossible: for it might always point toward one spot of the Antarctic wall if it were stationary, but if it were circling around along the wall, then it would only point south if you happened to be directly north of it. So if someone in Australia was viewing at the same time as someone in South Africa, it could only point due south for one of the observers.

Because of this unanswered challenge to the disc model, I remain, respectfully, a globe earth theorist until such time as a reasonable explanation or evidence that the Southern Cross doesn’t always point south comes to light; though the question of the sun’s motion remains.

My respect to all with the intellectual honesty and the courage to investigate this fascinating subject for themselves, and who never bow before peer pressure.

(Oh, and on the subject if helio- versus geocentrism, I’d have to say that I am a geocentrist, since we don’t actually have any hard evidence that the earth is not at the center of the universe, and mathematically speaking, the universe appears the same in every direction. The only valid reason for choosing one view over the other is purely philosophical.)
no photo


Mon 11/23/20 04:41 AM

I think that you'll find that the answer to the apparent variations in position of sunrise and sunset through the year is axial tilt.
This is the difference between the Earth's orbital plane, which remains constant, and it's Equatorial plane which "wobbles" by approximately 23 degrees from the perpendicular during the year. This phenomena is responsible for the fact that we have seasons at all. During what we call summer in the Northern hemisphere, the north pole leans towards the sun by a maximum of approximately 23 degrees mentioned earlier and is what we call mid-summer. During what we call winter in the Northern hemisphere, the North pole leans away from the sun by this same amount at maximum (mid-winter) and obviously is the reason why the seasons are opposite in the Southern and Northern hemispheres. As the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun in summer, the southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and experiences colder temperatures which we call winter and vice versa.
I hope that my explanation is clear enough but if not, just look up "Axial tilt".
Edited by Seamus on Mon 11/23/20 04:44 AM
Tom4Uhere's photo


Mon 11/23/20 08:23 AM

Nothing in the Universe is static.

Polar stars actually move position over time. ALL stars move position over time. Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Sun revolves around the galaxy. The Sun also moves up and down in its orbital plane.

The four main stars of the famous Southern Cross constellation are Acrux (Alpha Crucis), bottom; Becrux (Beta Crucis), left; Gacrux (Gamma Crucis), top; and Delta Crucis, right. There is also a fifth star, that is often included with the Southern Cross, 'ε' Crucis (Ginan).

We live in a world of social conspiracies.
Waaay back during the reign of the Greeks, it was suspected the Earth was not flat. As time progressed, experiments, observations and exploration supported the spherical Earth idea.

The earliest documented mention of the spherical Earth concept dates from around the 5th century BC, when it was mentioned by ancient Greek philosophers. In the 3rd century BC, Hellenistic astronomy established the roughly spherical shape of the Earth as a physical fact and calculated the Earth's circumference.

This was before social conspiracies were popular. The fact real science has developed real technology which works within the spherical Earth model signifies the Earth is spherical. Science based on flat-Earth models breaks down as the physics of a flat Earth fail.

Some airlines have established polar routes. There is an Emirates Airbus 380 flight that flies from Dubai to Los Angeles. Flight time is about 16 hours. It takes off and heads north over the polar cap.

At the Equator the Earth spins around 1100 mph. Much like riding a train, we don't feel it because we are moving with it on the surface. Space has little mass and no air. The movement of the Earth does not create a vortex in space because there is no medium which we can detect (without special equipment). It does create vortexes but they are in the form of minute gravitational waves in space-time. The Earth's magnetic field also creates what is called a magnetosphere around the Earth.
The Magnetosphere is a form of magnetism based on magnetic induction. An iron solid core spinning inside an outer iron liquid core which is also spinning.
The reason you do not burn up in sunlight is because the solar radiation from the Sun and cosmic radiation from space is deflected by the Earth's magnetosphere. The fact we can detect the magnetosphere with the right tools is not to support a conspiracy but as a proof of fact.