Topic: The last book you read?
Greenerpastures's photo


Thu 04/18/19 04:19 PM

"Sally, Dick and Jane"
maybwecan's photo


Tue 04/23/19 04:10 AM

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

"The Book of Mirdad"
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Thu 04/25/19 03:29 AM

I'm not fond of these books , suggest something better
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Wed 05/01/19 03:00 AM

The Secret of Shamballa by James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy series)
ivegotthegirth's photo


Wed 05/01/19 05:41 AM

Cosmos (again)
Sammy Dan's photo

Sammy Dan

Wed 05/01/19 08:25 AM

Pandora's Star
Poetrywriter's photo


Wed 05/01/19 10:36 AM

"The Penguin Book of Romantic Poetry", edited by Jonathan and Jessica Wordsworth
badnuhrass's photo


Tue 05/28/19 10:03 PM

If you haven't already you should try the Spook's apprentice and the rest of the books in the series. It's fantasy if you like that genre and it far out classes the Harry potter or dare i say the LOTR series of books. though a few themes are similar. It amazes me the attention to detail and the completely different types of stories and characters. So completely original and absolutely unpredictable.
Edited by badnuhrass on Tue 05/28/19 10:06 PM
ivegotthegirth's photo


Wed 05/29/19 12:31 AM

The Walking Drum - Louis L'Amour
Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚's photo

Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚

Wed 05/29/19 02:07 AM

War of the Flea: The Classic Study of Guerrilla Warfare by Robert Taber
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Fri 06/07/19 05:29 AM

The winter ghosts!
Great book!
Natasha's photo


Sat 06/08/19 01:01 PM

I like reading and writing very much! It sounds little arrogant but i can't communicate with ppl who don't read... interested in books is vital to have an interesting conversation; it's a starting point to everything in life! Brain will shrink without reading... I believe so.
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steve B

Sun 06/16/19 05:03 AM

Rumo by Walter Moers

really good.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Final Dreamz's photo

Final Dreamz

Sat 06/22/19 06:53 AM

I guess they call me an Indie, published two books. One a book of Poetry another Fantasy last year.
Lou's photo


Fri 06/28/19 04:06 AM

Love Mitch Albom - but the last one I read was, I thought, the last - but have found some more which I could only download to my e-reader - not the same as having a real live book in my hands.. :)
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Thu 07/04/19 10:51 AM

Still reading in it, The New Feminine Brain.
Seriously amazing, gave me a very much needed breakthrough this afternoon!
Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚's photo

Sir Dino One Love ☝️💚

Thu 07/04/19 11:28 AM

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
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Thu 07/04/19 12:04 PM

Ive always wanted to read "How to win friends and influence people". I thought it an absurd topic when I was much younger, but the more I am confused by people, the more I want to know what a filthy rich guy thinks about it all. My future self will say that...
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Fri 07/05/19 02:15 PM

Yea im stupid. I have learning disabilities since childhood. Like dyslexia. Reading comprehension is very difficult. I have 3rd grade level in reading. I keep trying tho.
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Fri 07/05/19 02:35 PM

Having dyslexia doesn't mean you are stupid.