Topic: Is Religion homophobic?
msharmony's photo


Sat 12/21/19 11:06 PM

I have too many of my own sins to deal with to worry about things that may or may not be sin for another person. Homosexuality is not a problem for me.

It is not a problem for me either, nor is adultery, promiscuity, bigamy, or any other sexual choice someone else makes for themselves.
msharmony's photo


Sat 12/21/19 11:11 PM

r2d2 posted:

It's funny how we know gay people exsist and we don't have proof of God, but we deny gay people basic human rights, because it might piss God off '

" I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an πrsehole."--Morgan Freeman

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?"--Author Ernest J. Gaines

"When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free."--Barack Obama

"It takes some intelligence and insight to figure out you're gay and then a tremendous amount of balls to live it and live it proudly."--Jason Bateman

And I agree with all of it except the notion that to believe sex should not be between same sex humans makes one an arsehole.

I do not think people should be denied 'human rights', though I may disagree what those are.

I am not comfortable seeing humans holding guns, regardless of gender or number.

I believe people should be treated equally regardless of sexual choices.

It takes balls to openly display sexual choices or lifestyles others might take issue with.

I likewise do not have the courage to walk around openly with bible in hand sharing what my personal values or morals are.
Edited by msharmony on Sat 12/21/19 11:14 PM
Ladywind7's photo


Sat 12/21/19 11:29 PM

MsHarmony...I am sure you speak into other's lives all the time in the face to face world, as the Word of God dwells within us. Not all conversations have to refer to the Bible. You can speak it's wisdom, without all the weird "In Galatians 49:14 it says ....".
That instantly shuts the majority down, in a heartfelt conversation, most believe the Bible is a fabricated work by men trying to control the populace of their day.
Most, but not all. :smiley:
msharmony's photo


Sat 12/21/19 11:37 PM

MsHarmony...I am sure you speak into other's lives all the time in the face to face world, as the Word of God dwells within us. Not all conversations have to refer to the Bible. You can speak it's wisdom, without all the weird "In Galatians 49:14 it says ....".
That instantly shuts the majority down, in a heartfelt conversation, most believe the Bible is a fabricated work by men trying to control the populace of their day.
Most, but not all. :smiley:

Thank you. I actually am a quiet person in real time, finding it much more 'natural' to listen, than to speak.
Edited by msharmony on Sat 12/21/19 11:42 PM
Ladywind7's photo


Sat 12/21/19 11:45 PM

MsHarmony...I am sure you speak into other's lives all the time in the face to face world, as the Word of God dwells within us. Not all conversations have to refer to the Bible. You can speak it's wisdom, without all the weird "In Galatians 49:14 it says ....".
That instantly shuts the majority down, in a heartfelt conversation, most believe the Bible is a fabricated work by men trying to control the populace of their day.
Most, but not all. :smiley:

Thank you. I actually am a quiet person in real time, finding it much more 'natural' to listen, than to speak.

Oh, I love to catch stranger's eyes and chat about everything and anything lol. My daughter used to hate shopping with me. laugh
msharmony's photo


Sun 12/22/19 08:42 AM

MsHarmony...I am sure you speak into other's lives all the time in the face to face world, as the Word of God dwells within us. Not all conversations have to refer to the Bible. You can speak it's wisdom, without all the weird "In Galatians 49:14 it says ....".
That instantly shuts the majority down, in a heartfelt conversation, most believe the Bible is a fabricated work by men trying to control the populace of their day.
Most, but not all. :smiley:

Thank you. I actually am a quiet person in real time, finding it much more 'natural' to listen, than to speak.

Oh, I love to catch stranger's eyes and chat about everything and anything lol. My daughter used to hate shopping with me. laugh

haaa, I have family like that too. Perhaps it is why I ended up so quiet, always listening to them.
Ladywind7's photo


Sun 12/22/19 11:51 AM

MsHarmony...I am sure you speak into other's lives all the time in the face to face world, as the Word of God dwells within us. Not all conversations have to refer to the Bible. You can speak it's wisdom, without all the weird "In Galatians 49:14 it says ....".
That instantly shuts the majority down, in a heartfelt conversation, most believe the Bible is a fabricated work by men trying to control the populace of their day.
Most, but not all. :smiley:

Thank you. I actually am a quiet person in real time, finding it much more 'natural' to listen, than to speak.

Oh, I love to catch stranger's eyes and chat about everything and anything lol. My daughter used to hate shopping with me. laugh

haaa, I have family like that too. Perhaps it is why I ended up so quiet, always listening to them.

I listen too lol.
no photo


Wed 03/11/20 08:55 AM

Is Religion homophobic?

That is too worldly. Everyone on earth is "Religious" including yourself.

To that end, Homosexuality doesnt exist to me. You cant really prove it. Give me any lesbian female and within time I will tell her why she isnt homosexual.

-I just pray others would do that same.

I dont think I can talk to guy in that way, I'll leave the guys to the ladies. Also, it's the younger people that are easier to talk to. Once you get to a certian age, its hard to turn back. Its like Politics, like faith in Jesus. Once a person thinks a certain way, its almost impossible to convince em' how bad that person is or how bad that smoking is.
Edited by SeantheChristian on Wed 03/11/20 08:57 AM
Tom4Uhere's photo


Wed 03/11/20 10:49 AM

Everyone on earth is "Religious" including yourself.

Not really.

Once a person thinks a certain way, its almost impossible to convince em'

Why would you try?

The primary teachers of morals is supposed to be the parents.
In society other interactions thru life also teach morals.
People gain morality mostly from their parents during their learning years but after adulthood is reached we gain morality by understanding the world in which we exist.

As an adult, no single teacher convinces us morality as a whole.
We learn it by observation, assessment, experience and guidance as we gain wisdom.

Morality is not isolated to religion. Religion might be the foundation of someones morality but we gain morality anytime we interact with another person, a group of people, a society, a culture, a nation and even ourselves.
Ladywind7's photo


Wed 03/11/20 02:06 PM

I have come to the conclusion religion is homophobic. I have been studying Theology for a month now and the amount of times in my readings that homosexuality has been bought up as wrong annoys me.
I am not what I call a liberal believer, I try to understand everything. I guess my tutors are in for a few debates with me...frustrated
no photo


Wed 03/11/20 08:37 PM

Everyone on earth is "Religious" including yourself.

Not really.

Once a person thinks a certain way, its almost impossible to convince em'

Why would you try?

The primary teachers of morals is supposed to be the parents.
In society other interactions thru life also teach morals.
People gain morality mostly from their parents during their learning years but after adulthood is reached we gain morality by understanding the world in which we exist.

As an adult, no single teacher convinces us morality as a whole.
We learn it by observation, assessment, experience and guidance as we gain wisdom.

Morality is not isolated to religion. Religion might be the foundation of someones morality but we gain morality anytime we interact with another person, a group of people, a society, a culture, a nation and even ourselves.

Athiesm is a religion. It has certain belief systems, generally if they dont believe in Jesus who is God or rather some other pagan false god, then they are in a sense humanists. It in itself in a sense is a religion. They are their own gods and think they are yours also, lol, they want to be worshiped, look at me sing, look at my movies at how great I am, lol! I could go on forever with this in detail... Politicians who rule over everyone LIKE GOD and the Catholic Pope who thinks he not only is god, but is Gods superior!

As for convincing people, its worse for older people. I say what I say because when you see that there is a certain truth in something and you let them see it, they can not no matter what, no matter how much proof you have. Well really, It's called demonic possession, but that's another story.

Mark 8:15-21
15And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.
16And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread.
17And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened?
18Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
19When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.
20And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven.
21And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?

-That was about Jesus turning five loaves into many into many and the unbelievers just couldnt believe it even when they saw it.

-I know people like this. Its almost scary. There is nothing that can be done, no matter how much proof. If someone is evil, you dont just say, Ahh who cares, they think how they think. You cant gain morality with a world that is immoral. People cant make up morals, that is what Jesus is for. Most rules and Laws like rape, theft and murder in all countries come from God himself. It seems to come natural for people to want to break every law God/Jesus has.
Edited by SeantheChristian on Wed 03/11/20 08:53 PM
darkowl1's photo


Wed 03/11/20 10:15 PM

It is.... absolutely it is..... and yet, when I was much younger, I have been hit on by numerous Evangelist clergy, Baptist clergy, and Catholic clergy... pissed me off to no end... bunch a hypocrites if you ask me...

each one started by adjusting his pants....then I knew it was coming, the question... "ever thought of being with a man before"??? Schitt, really???...(shakes head)...

judgmental as well, especially the evangelists... I've had so many that have told me that I'm absolutely going to hell, carrying their crosses with the reader board on it and tiny wheel at the bottom, down Bourbon street when I was just walking to work... I was minding my own business!

I finally told them.... "when you die, you think you go to heaven"....

you do not...... you come to US. (wicked smile) I then said some rather gruesome stuff.....

They called me, "the devil's work".

Absolutely appropriate.....They now avoid me like the plague.
no photo


Thu 03/12/20 09:37 AM

It is.... absolutely it is..... and yet, when I was much younger, I have been hit on by numerous Evangelist clergy, Baptist clergy, and Catholic clergy... pissed me off to no end... bunch a hypocrites if you ask me...

each one started by adjusting his pants....then I knew it was coming, the question... "ever thought of being with a man before"??? Schitt, really???...(shakes head)...

judgmental as well, especially the evangelists...

Elaborate... Who said that specifically? As for me personally, I dont rely on a church building to teach me about the bible. Those church buildings or should I say Denominations to me are nothing more than a youtube video chef, with a person like yourself trying to cook food at home and you dont necessarily take all thier advide at heart when they want to add poison to you eggs.

Telling the truth about the bible is why Jehovah Witness no longer come to my home. My brother and I exposed them like there was no tomorrow. No need for vulgar words, just look up why they are wrong on a search engine like Bing and give them a bible quote.

I myself will only listen to 7th day Adventists, like from Amazing Discoveries... This site here They have many lengthy videos. I dont listen to them simply because they are SDA's, I listen to them because what they say holds truth. I only found them on youtube like 2 years ago out of pure chance I guess you could say.
Edited by SeantheChristian on Thu 03/12/20 09:44 AM
no photo

The Wrong Alice

Thu 03/12/20 12:05 PM

I once fed myself on a packet of bacon, a loaf of bread, and some mushrooms
And I was hungry enough, for several lifetimes
And I may well have honestly contemplated that I was the savior at the time
Tom4Uhere's photo


Thu 03/12/20 12:15 PM

Athiesm is a religion. It has certain belief systems, generally if they dont believe in Jesus who is God or rather some other pagan false god, then they are in a sense humanists. It in itself in a sense is a religion. They are their own gods and think they are yours also, lol, they want to be worshiped, look at me sing, look at my movies at how great I am, lol! I could go on forever with this in detail... Politicians who rule over everyone LIKE GOD and the Catholic Pope who thinks he not only is god, but is Gods superior!

While there are people like that in the world it is a slanted view. Having a belief in anything is not being religious, its merely having a belief. Religion requires some sort of doctrine to be followed.
Religions are societies but societies are not necessarily religions. Two or more friends in agreement can be a society.

One of the aspects I find interesting about dating site community forums is the fact that some people are alone and isolated.
There are some that hold onto their religion and some who do not follow any religion.
An Atheist - a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An Agnostic - a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Atheists and agnostics do not follow religious doctrine so they are not religious.
The definitions you cite describe Narcissists.
A Narcissist - a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
Narcissism is most prevalent in religious fanaticism.
One being proud of their accomplishments is not necessarily narcissism.

Mingle 2 is a worldwide social site geared for dating.
The M2 forums is a mix of people with different beliefs and personal situations.
Dating and social acceptance requires a bit of self-proclamation because each candidate needs to stand out from the norm to be noticed. Kinda like bird dance or nest building.
It a mating process to attract a mate.
The behavior is not narcissistic but it can be.

I know people like this. Its almost scary. There is nothing that can be done, no matter how much proof. If someone is evil, you dont just say, Ahh who cares, they think how they think. You cant gain morality with a world that is immoral. People cant make up morals, that is what Jesus is for. Most rules and Laws like rape, theft and murder in all countries come from God himself. It seems to come natural for people to want to break every law God/Jesus has.

I agree there are immoral people in the world.
This is because I base these observations on my own moral fortitude.
Its an individual slanted view which I control.
There are almost 8 billion other views of morality that I don't control.
While many share some of my morality nobody exactly matches me.
The trick to finding the right people to be close to is to find those who match the closest to your own morality.
Its not religion, its pair-bonding and mate selection.

I do agree religion had a lot to do with society's laws of morality.
However, any society will eventually adopt morality laws in favor of unity.
This is because like religions, society thrives on unity.

Believe it or not there are many people living in actual isolation.
No longer practicing religion and no longer part of society.
They do have their different beliefs and morals which guide them.
They may believe in your God, their God or no God at all.
Some are angry, some are sad and some are indifferent.
Some are content just to be alive.
Some anticipate the final sleep.
Some detest having existed at all.

Religion forces its moral code on all others.
It steals authority over one's own life and places it in others control.
Society forces its moral code on all others.
It steals authority over one's own life and places it in others control.

Sexual preference is a personal preference.
I have no business dictating how others feel about personal preferences.
Religion tends to violate that personal boundary in many ways, not just sexual preference.
Their authority doesn't come from actual experience but from faith in the words of a book.
Wisdom and morality comes from experience.
Experiences which are lived, not read about in a book.

Coercion is a common word for being forced against one's will. to compel or restrain by force or authority without regard to individual wishes or desires; to compel by force or intimidation.

Religions attempt to use coercion to force someone to make person decisions so it can create/cause unity. It threatens those who refuse to conform to their doctrine. It ignores/threatens individual preference. Homosexuality is just the tip of a much larger iceberg.
no photo


Thu 03/12/20 07:25 PM

Religion requires some sort of doctrine to be followed?
Yeah, but...

a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.

-If you believe in murdering people, then that's your religion.

Sexual preference is a personal preference?

-Homosexuality for instance is from brainwashing. Men and women were literally made for each other. Not one person on this Earth that didnt want to date the opposite sex didn't have some kind of emotional and or physical trama from childhood. I wish I went to the same high school 9-12 grade to see how some girls turned out later on. I exposed all the girls I knew. Theres always something, no matter what. HECK, I knew 2 ladies that were the polar opposite, they were the BIGGEST nymphomaniacs on earth. It went to such extremes they had notebooks crossing out one guy after another till they had sex with just about every guy in the school. That would be hundreds! One girl had 3 kids by age 16 and the other had a mom that introduced little boys to have sex with her and and her sister at an extremely young age. I'm sure it was just a preference though, nothing was pushed a lot, lol.

Religion forces its moral code on all others?

-There is soo much to that one its ridiculous. In that case, EVERYONE on Earth is Religious. Take away the "Real" Christians, the fake Christians of all denominations, take away all other religions and lets say only leave athiests, would they grow up the same way? Yes because without all the people who believe in a God, you still have the teachers who teach someones own agendas(Vatican most likely) at school, Kindergarten through college. That in itself is another discussion.
Edited by SeantheChristian on Thu 03/12/20 07:42 PM
Ladywind7's photo


Thu 03/12/20 08:27 PM

Athiesm is a religion. It has certain belief systems, generally if they dont believe in Jesus who is God or rather some other pagan false god, then they are in a sense humanists. It in itself in a sense is a religion. They are their own gods and think they are yours also, lol, they want to be worshiped, look at me sing, look at my movies at how great I am, lol! I could go on forever with this in detail... Politicians who rule over everyone LIKE GOD and the Catholic Pope who thinks he not only is god, but is Gods superior!

While there are people like that in the world it is a slanted view. Having a belief in anything is not being religious, its merely having a belief. Religion requires some sort of doctrine to be followed.
Religions are societies but societies are not necessarily religions. Two or more friends in agreement can be a society.

One of the aspects I find interesting about dating site community forums is the fact that some people are alone and isolated.
There are some that hold onto their religion and some who do not follow any religion.
An Atheist - a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An Agnostic - a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Atheists and agnostics do not follow religious doctrine so they are not religious.
The definitions you cite describe Narcissists.
A Narcissist - a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
Narcissism is most prevalent in religious fanaticism.
One being proud of their accomplishments is not necessarily narcissism.

Mingle 2 is a worldwide social site geared for dating.
The M2 forums is a mix of people with different beliefs and personal situations.
Dating and social acceptance requires a bit of self-proclamation because each candidate needs to stand out from the norm to be noticed. Kinda like bird dance or nest building.
It a mating process to attract a mate.
The behavior is not narcissistic but it can be.

I know people like this. Its almost scary. There is nothing that can be done, no matter how much proof. If someone is evil, you dont just say, Ahh who cares, they think how they think. You cant gain morality with a world that is immoral. People cant make up morals, that is what Jesus is for. Most rules and Laws like rape, theft and murder in all countries come from God himself. It seems to come natural for people to want to break every law God/Jesus has.

I agree there are immoral people in the world.
This is because I base these observations on my own moral fortitude.
Its an individual slanted view which I control.
There are almost 8 billion other views of morality that I don't control.
While many share some of my morality nobody exactly matches me.
The trick to finding the right people to be close to is to find those who match the closest to your own morality.
Its not religion, its pair-bonding and mate selection.

I do agree religion had a lot to do with society's laws of morality.
However, any society will eventually adopt morality laws in favor of unity.
This is because like religions, society thrives on unity.

Believe it or not there are many people living in actual isolation.
No longer practicing religion and no longer part of society.
They do have their different beliefs and morals which guide them.
They may believe in your God, their God or no God at all.
Some are angry, some are sad and some are indifferent.
Some are content just to be alive.
Some anticipate the final sleep.
Some detest having existed at all.

Religion forces its moral code on all others.
It steals authority over one's own life and places it in others control.
Society forces its moral code on all others.
It steals authority over one's own life and places it in others control.

Sexual preference is a personal preference.
I have no business dictating how others feel about personal preferences.
Religion tends to violate that personal boundary in many ways, not just sexual preference.
Their authority doesn't come from actual experience but from faith in the words of a book.
Wisdom and morality comes from experience.
Experiences which are lived, not read about in a book.

Coercion is a common word for being forced against one's will. to compel or restrain by force or authority without regard to individual wishes or desires; to compel by force or intimidation.

Religions attempt to use coercion to force someone to make person decisions so it can create/cause unity. It threatens those who refuse to conform to their doctrine. It ignores/threatens individual preference. Homosexuality is just the tip of a much larger iceberg.

Well said Tom :smile:
Tom4Uhere's photo


Thu 03/12/20 09:43 PM

Religion requires some sort of doctrine to be followed?

Yes it does.

Sexual preference is a personal preference?

Yes it is. I've known a few homosexuals in my life and not one was forced to be gay. It was entirely their own choice.

Religion forces its moral code on all others?

Yep, it does.
All you need to do is look around you.
darkowl1's photo


Fri 03/13/20 01:09 AM

It is.... absolutely it is..... and yet, when I was much younger, I have been hit on by numerous Evangelist clergy, Baptist clergy, and Catholic clergy... pissed me off to no end... bunch a hypocrites if you ask me...

each one started by adjusting his pants....then I knew it was coming, the question... "ever thought of being with a man before"??? Schitt, really???...(shakes head)...

judgmental as well, especially the evangelists...

Elaborate... Who said that specifically? As for me personally, I dont rely on a church building to teach me about the bible. Those church buildings or should I say Denominations to me are nothing more than a youtube video chef, with a person like yourself trying to cook food at home and you dont necessarily take all thier advide at heart when they want to add poison to you eggs.

Telling the truth about the bible is why Jehovah Witness no longer come to my home. My brother and I exposed them like there was no tomorrow. No need for vulgar words, just look up why they are wrong on a search engine like Bing and give them a bible quote.

I myself will only listen to 7th day Adventists, like from Amazing Discoveries... This site here They have many lengthy videos. I dont listen to them simply because they are SDA's, I listen to them because what they say holds truth. I only found them on youtube like 2 years ago out of pure chance I guess you could say.

The head of the church each time. I'm not giving names, as they are all dead now anyway.

I'm not a person, more, a functioning thing or object, or some say monster all are fact.. I also, When I had a place, (I exist and sleep in the desert, like any Djinn) I'd invite Jehovah's witnesses in, and won't let them leave until I'm done with obnoxiously long stories.
no photo

The Wrong Alice

Fri 03/13/20 03:07 AM

I honestly cannot believe how many people think being gay, is a choice

It's not a choice

Being in a homophobic religion, that's a choice