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Sun 06/02/19 07:41 PM

Bernie Sanders Rips Joe Biden's 'Middle Ground' Policies

"SAN FRANCISCO ― Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took a veiled shot at former Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday, arguing in a speech to the California Democratic Party convention that Biden’s “middle ground” approach would fail both to address the country’s problems and to unseat President Donald Trump".
oldkid46's photo


Mon 06/03/19 09:52 AM

One of the things we should have learned from past episodes including the 2016 Trump rallies is that there will be protesters. While some are just interested in drawing attention to their cause, others are seriously interested in violence toward a politician or public official. It appears that we need a much higher level of security now for these officials. To allow any situation where someone can jump up on a stage next to a candidate for state or federal office is just asking for violence against that person.

Additionally, we do not seem to have laws or prosecution that sends an appropriate message. At the very least, that person should have been charged and convicted of attempted felony assault of a public official. There is a large difference between interrupting a speech through noise or banners, or marches vs actually physically confronting the speaker on stage!
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Mon 06/03/19 01:39 PM

Can anybody stop Biden? Challengers make their case to California Dems

"SAN FRANCISCO — While 14 top Democratic presidential candidates swarmed the Golden State this weekend for the California Democratic Party’s convention and related events, one was conspicuously absent: former vice president and early frontrunner Joe Biden, who decided to skip the festivities in favor of an LGBTQ-rights gala 2,500 miles away in Columbus, Ohio".

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Mon 06/03/19 05:50 PM

And what a fine group of democratic hopefuls you all got there..laugh
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Tue 06/04/19 12:37 AM

When the Democratic candidates have been voted down to just one, you will be looking at the next POTUS :thumbsup:
oldkid46's photo


Tue 06/04/19 08:04 AM

Billionaire left-wing megadonor George Soros, in an interview with The Washington Post, said Gillibrand was the only Democrat he hoped would not win the presidency, because of what he termed her political opportunism.
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Wed 06/05/19 02:00 PM

Candidates have a plan, or a score of different ones, to change the tax code

"No one likes taxes, and about 45 percent of Americans think they pay too much in federal income taxes, according to a 2018 Gallup poll".

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Wed 06/05/19 02:17 PM

Democrat O'Rourke unveils voting rights plan to get 35 million more to the polls

"(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke issued an ambitious plan on Wednesday to revamp the U.S. voting system by cracking down on voter suppression and getting an additional 35 million people to the ballot box by the 2024 elections".
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/05/19 02:17 PM
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Thu 06/06/19 01:45 PM

Democratic presidential candidate Moulton: restore benefits of military discharged for being gay

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative Seth Moulton, a 2020 presidential candidate, on Thursday said if elected he would seek to retroactively upgrade the discharge status of military members dismissed on the basis of their sexual orientation".
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Fri 06/07/19 01:40 PM

Elizabeth Warren Slams Biden’s Support Of Hyde Amendment: ‘It’s Been Wrong For A Long Time’

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took aim at fellow presidential candidate Joe Biden’s support of the Hyde Amendment on Wednesday, slamming the abortion funding restriction as an attack on underprivileged women that had been “wrong for a long time".
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Fri 06/07/19 01:55 PM

2020 Vision: Biden’s 'flip-flop-flip' on abortion funding caps his bad week

"Since launching his presidential campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden had largely avoided the types of unforced errors some were worried the self-described “gaffe-machine” might make. Until this week".

Bernie Sanders calls on Walmart to raise ‘starvation wages’ for its workers

" "

Biden faces stiff criticism from Democrats for skipping California convention

"SAN FRANCISCO – Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden decided to skip this weekend’s California Democratic Convention, but he was hardly forgotten.

The former vice president was the only top tier White House hopeful to take a pass on the convention that draws some of state party's most active supporters. Instead, Biden headed to Ohio to speak at an event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. "

" "

Joe Biden still supports controversial abortion rule, campaign confirms

"Joe Biden still supports a decades-old ban on using federal funds for most abortion services, his campaign has confirmed.

The clarification arrived after American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) shared a video last month of one of the nonprofit group’s volunteers asking the former vice president whether he’d commit to abolishing the amendment".

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Fri 06/07/19 05:20 PM

Poll: Biden Leads Trump by Four Points in Texas

"A new poll of red-leaning Texas has Joe Biden several points ahead of President Trump in a hypothetical general-election matchup.

The former vice president leads Trump 48 to 44 in the Lone Star State, according to the Quinnipiac University poll, which was released Wednesday".

If Mr. Touchy Feely will keep his hands to himself it will eventually be more than 4 points.
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Fri 06/07/19 05:30 PM

Elizabeth Warren Slams Biden’s Support Of Hyde Amendment: ‘It’s Been Wrong For A Long Time’

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took aim at fellow presidential candidate Joe Biden’s support of the Hyde Amendment on Wednesday, slamming the abortion funding restriction as an attack on underprivileged women that had been “wrong for a long time.”

“Here’s how I look at this: I’ve lived in an America where abortions were illegal. And understand this: Women still got abortions,” said Warren, speaking to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes at a town hall-style forum in Fort Wayne, Indiana. “Now, some got lucky on what happened, and some got really unlucky on what happened. But the bottom line is they were there".

What Is the Hyde Amendment? A Look at Its Impact as Biden Reverses His Stance

"As a wave of highly restrictive state laws have made abortion a key issue in the 2020 campaign, the Hyde Amendment has drawn new scrutiny.

Numerous presidential candidates had already come out against the provision before Wednesday, when former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. became the only one to say he supported it, prompting intense criticism. By Thursday, almost all of the other 22 candidates in the Democratic race were on the record calling for its repeal. Less than 48 hours after his initial statement, Mr. Biden changed his mind".
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Fri 06/07/19 05:37 PM

Elizabeth Warren Gains Ground in 2020 Field, One Plan at a Time

"NEWTON, Iowa — To the crowd of Iowans gathered in a school gym on Saturday night, Senator Elizabeth Warren made a request: They should pose a question to the other presidential candidates who come to Iowa seeking their vote.

“Ask them: Where do you get your money?” she said. “Are you getting it from a bunch of millionaires?".
hardBNhard's photo


Sat 06/08/19 09:03 AM

When the Democratic candidates have been voted down to just one, you will be looking at the next POTUS :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Sun 06/09/19 08:11 PM

Lots of Texas Democrat Voters Want Beto O'Rourke to Run for Senate Instead

"Democratic voters in Texas might be more politically savvy than one of their actual congressmen, presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke. A new poll from Quinnipiac University finds that an overwhelming majority of respondents would rather O'Rourke run to replace Republican Senator John Cornyn in 2020. Per the Houston Chronicle".

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Sun 06/09/19 08:36 PM

If we don't hold Trump accountable, we'll set precedent some are above law: O'Rourke
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Mon 06/10/19 01:12 AM

Biden ahead of Trump by double digits in key state of Pennsylvania, poll finds

"Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is leading the pack of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, has been buoyed by a message that he is the candidate best able to defeat President Donald Trump in a general election, and a new poll lends additional weight to that assumption.

Biden leads Trump 53% to 42% in the key state of Pennsylvania among registered voters, according to a poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University.

Women favored Biden 60% to 36%, while men narrowly broke for Trump 45% to 49%. Biden led every age group (although he was only favored by two percentage points among those ages 50-64). He was narrowly the choice of white voters (49% to 45%) and the overwhelming favorite among non-whites (70 to 27%).

Trump had a strong lead among white men (54% to 41%) and whites without a college degree (56% to 38%)".
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Mon 06/10/19 06:55 PM

Another act of the far right propaganda machine. They are scared of Biden.

Fox News Stars Begin Pushing Rumors About Joe Biden’s Health

"One month after Joe Biden announced his run for president, several Fox News stars have already begun quietly pushing rumors that the 76-year-old ex-veep is in poor health.

Since the end of May, Fox Business Network and Fox News star Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery and Fox News prime-time host Sean Hannity have speculated on-air, on at least four separate occasions, that the current Democratic presidential frontrunner is secretly dealing with health issues, often comparing his condition to illness-related conspiracy theories the network pushed about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

The Biden rumor-mongering seemingly began May 29, during the broadcast of Fox News’ afternoon gabfest The Five. While assessing Biden’s candidacy, Kennedy claimed to know Democratic operatives engaged in a whisper campaign about Biden’s health".
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Wed 06/12/19 12:31 AM

Biden gambles on high-risk primary strategy

"He brags about his ability to get along with Republicans. He’s not in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s good graces. His campaign has sent mixed messages on climate change and abortion funding.

If it seems like Joe Biden is running for the nomination of a different Democratic Party than the rest of his rivals, that’s because he is.

From his schedule, his messaging, to policy positions, the former vice president is carving a divergent path through the primaries based on a theory that few of his rivals appear to believe — that the Democratic base isn’t nearly as liberal or youthful as everyone thinks".