Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
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Wed 06/12/19 02:19 PM

Give this a listen

Give me your ebola your tuberculosis your mumps ridden masses

wait til you hear just how they are giving your tax dollars to people who don't deserve some cases these people are getting as much as 20,000 dollars without paying in anything..So by all means keep those borders open..its all just a matter of time..

If it isn't bad enough they are making you sick and giving away your money..they are trying to destroy our nation from within..We have more important things to worry about than fake news polls..The DEMS haven't proven anything other than just how gullible their base is to believe all the BS backed by NO PROOF..The DEMS haven't proven a thing far as theatrics about that chicken ...
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Wed 06/12/19 02:45 PM

Another Trump failure.

May budget deficit hits record $207.8 billion

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government's budget deficit in May rose to a record $207.8 billion, 41.5% higher than a year ago. Most of that increase reflected the impact of calendar quirks that shifted $55 billion in June benefit payments into May.

The Treasury Department said Wednesday that the increase in the May deficit from an imbalance of $146.8 billion in May 2018 reflected the fact that because June 1 fell on a Saturday, benefit payments for June were paid out in May".
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Wed 06/12/19 02:47 PM

I wonder why these conspiracy theorists feel the way they do? Is everybody really out to get them? Why are they so unable to see the real news around them and read the reports? Seems they have a fixed idea and anything that suggests their idea is wrong must of itself be wrong. A true scientist will always doubt his own theories and spend as much time it takes to try to prove himself wrong. Only by failing to find proof of his errors will his theories be shown to be correct. I guess the conspiracy theorist is like the bad scientist who spends all his time searching for anyone who states somewhere on the net that there really are little green men on Mars, or that the earth is flat, and then shouts from the rooftops about how true it is.

Why make life difficult, when huge amounts of evidence exist to prove what is really happening? No, the world is not flat. No, there are no little green men on Mars. No, the donny boy can't be trusted or even believed on anything he says, ever.

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Wed 06/12/19 03:08 PM

I wonder why these conspiracy theorists feel the way they do? Is everybody really out to get them? Why are they so unable to see the real news around them and read the reports? Seems they have a fixed idea and anything that suggests their idea is wrong must of itself be wrong. A true scientist will always doubt his own theories and spend as much time it takes to try to prove himself wrong. Only by failing to find proof of his errors will his theories be shown to be correct. I guess the conspiracy theorist is like the bad scientist who spends all his time searching for anyone who states somewhere on the net that there really are little green men on Mars, or that the earth is flat, and then shouts from the rooftops about how true it is.

Why make life difficult, when huge amounts of evidence exist to prove what is really happening? No, the world is not flat. No, there are no little green men on Mars. No, the donny boy can't be trusted or even believed on anything he says, ever.


For some people it's just ignorance. For others, it's a combination of hate and ignorance. While for others it's more of a mental condition. They believe so deeply in the misinformation that no one can get through to them. Ones like those trying to kill people that don't think as they do. Others, It's all about division. They feel the need to try to divide people. They think if they believe the lies long enough, the lies with become the truth. Other's are Russian trolls. A nation divided against its self can not stand.

There are a lot, a WHOLE LOT of Russian backed trolls on many dating/ forums, social media sites. FB is dealing with them and so is Yahoo. All I can tell you if it doesn't make sense, it's probably a lie. The best way to prove something a lie is by trying to prove it true. And if you listen and read for yourself, you will figure out who is possibly a Russian backed troll. Or any of the others I spoke of above. Some are just plain out batshyt crazy. You read close enough, long enough, it starts to stand out.
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Wed 06/12/19 06:07 PM

House panel votes to hold top US officials in contempt

"WASHINGTON (AP) — A House committee voted Wednesday to hold two top Trump administration officials in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with subpoenas for documents related to a decision adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

The Democratic-controlled House Oversight Committee voted 24-15 to advance contempt measures against Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who has said he supports an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, was the sole Republican to join with Democrats".
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Wed 06/12/19 06:28 PM

Trump waved an alleged 'secret' Mexico deal around. A photographer got a picture of it.

"WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, President Donald Trump went in front of reporters, took a piece of paper out of his front pocket, and said it was his "secret" deal with Mexico concerning stemming the flow of Central American migrants to the U.S. southern border.

"That’s the agreement that everybody says I don’t have," Trump said. "I’m going to let Mexico do the announcement at the right time".

One page? A trade agreement covering a wide range of products and billions of dollars in value and it is covered in a single page? A mortgage is dozens and dozens of pages with dozens of signatures by a group of people and this major trade agreement is covered in one page?

Doesn't any treaty like this need to be ratified by Congress before it is valid? There has been no such vote therefore if such an agreement exists it is not yet legal.
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Wed 06/12/19 06:49 PM

If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".

Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".

Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".

The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too

Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "


Hope Hicks to testify before the House Judiciary Committee

"Hope Hicks, a former longtime confidant of President Donald Trump, will testify behind closed doors before the House Judiciary Committee next week, Chairman Jerrold Nadler announced Wednesday.

Hicks, who served as a top aide to Trump’s presidential campaign and in the White House as communications director, will answer lawmakers’ questions next Wednesday as part of the committee’s investigation into whether Trump obstructed special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. A transcript of her testimony will be made public".

Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/12/19 06:50 PM
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Thu 06/13/19 02:14 AM

Trump Hates the Job. Does He Even Like Running for It Anymore?

"The headline I most wish I'd written ran in an Irish newspaper when a certain beloved publican changed a Dublin establishment, and one of the local journals declared, "The Ship Is Deserting The Sinking Rats." If I'd have written it, it would be perfect for the story in The New York Timeson Tuesday in which what appears to be a general revulsion toward El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago reached maximum volume in perfect harmony. The queue at the ratlines apparently looks like the one at the top of Mount Everest. "
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Thu 06/13/19 06:16 AM

A certain group of people complain about conspiracies while engaged in constant conspiracy theories. That same group of people complain about hatred while engaged in constant hysterical hatred.

There aren't enough psychiatrists in the world to treat those in desperate need.
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Thu 06/13/19 09:33 AM

Trump hates the job? If he does.. no wonder..all day surrounded by a bunch of "BUTT HURT" LOSERS who can't get over the fact that they couldn't win an election if they rigged it..and they did.. and managed to waste the tax payers 40 million dollars on top of it with their BOGUS back up plan of Russian Collusion..real geniuses..noway

I say we start by taking their money and paying the tax payers back and end it by perp walking all their azzes in to GITMO..and that's being nice compared to what I really want seen done to them..perhaps to be revealed in a later post..or not..smile2

But hang on to those bags of pop corn girls and boys..because if they DECLAS all that I hope..this show will take an even more macabre turn..I hope you all like horror shows unfortunately this one is real..


ps..they like children....follow the rabbit..

Edited by tombraider on Thu 06/13/19 09:45 AM
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Thu 06/13/19 02:07 PM

This is the kind of man your president is.

Trump defends position on ‘oppo research’ from foreign governments: ‘How ridiculous’ to tell the FBI

"President Trump on Thursday attempted to defend his stunning admission that he would accept damaging information against his political rivals from foreign governments without necessarily alerting the FBI".

The fact this country does not trust or even believe most of what the president says or does, is kind of one of the problems we have in this country. I want a President who has a clue. One who is well informed, ethical and honest, at least some of the time. Is that too much to ask?

Trump promised to lift sanctions on Russia. That is treason and selling political favors. First, it never happened, now it is sure we can and will collude with foreign governments to win an election. reference Giuliani's trip to Ukraine to get that country to investigate Bidens son, who died several years ago.

Working with a foreign government against candidates for president should disqualify the person working with them. That is 100% collusion. I don't think Trump is smart enough to realize it.

'I think I’d take it': In exclusive interview, Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on opponents
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/13/19 02:10 PM
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Thu 06/13/19 02:22 PM

One less liar in the White House.

Trump's 'warrior,' press secretary Sarah Sanders, is leaving the White House

"WASHINGTON — President Trump announced on Thursday that his press secretary, Sarah Sanders, will be leaving the White House at the end of the month. Sanders served as the face of the Trump presidency since the departure of her predecessor, Sean Spicer, in mid-2017. Her tenure was notably lengthy in an administration that has seen record turmoil; in recent months, however, Sanders virtually eliminated the practice of holding regular public press briefings".

Maybe this one will be gone next. Another one of Trump's swamp.

Federal agency calls for firing Kellyanne Conway over partisan remarks.

"A federal watchdog agency Thursday recommended firing senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway for violating the law by making partisan public statements in her official capacity.

Investigators in the Office of Special Counsel found that Conway repeatedly violated the Hatch Act, a 1939 law that prohibits federal employees from influencing elections. The OSC cited Conway’s comments about Democratic presidential candidates and remarks she made during the 2017 Alabama special election".

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Thu 06/13/19 07:13 PM

FEC chair rebukes Trump over statements on accepting election help from foreign governments

"The head of the Federal Elections Commission issued a thinly veiled rebuke of Donald Trump on Thursday over the president’s stance on accepting opposition research from foreign governments on his political adversaries.

Ellen Weintraub, the FEC chair, expressed her disbelief that Trump believed accepting foreign assistance in a U.S. political election was permissible".

It's a wonder Trump doesn't die from footnmouth disease. It just another display of what the man truly is.
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Thu 06/13/19 07:31 PM

One less liar in the White House.

Trump's 'warrior,' press secretary Sarah Sanders, is leaving the White House

"WASHINGTON — President Trump announced on Thursday that his press secretary, Sarah Sanders, will be leaving the White House at the end of the month. Sanders served as the face of the Trump presidency since the departure of her predecessor, Sean Spicer, in mid-2017. Her tenure was notably lengthy in an administration that has seen record turmoil; in recent months, however, Sanders virtually eliminated the practice of holding regular public press briefings".

Maybe this one will be gone next. Another one of Trump's swamp.

Federal agency calls for firing Kellyanne Conway over partisan remarks.

"A federal watchdog agency Thursday recommended firing senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway for violating the law by making partisan public statements in her official capacity.

Investigators in the Office of Special Counsel found that Conway repeatedly violated the Hatch Act, a 1939 law that prohibits federal employees from influencing elections. The OSC cited Conway’s comments about Democratic presidential candidates and remarks she made during the 2017 Alabama special election".

Kellyanne Conway To Reporter On Hatch Act: “Can You Leave, Please?”

"White House adviser Kellyanne Conway is, apparently, in no mood to discuss her alleged violations of the Hatch Act. MSNBC White House reporter Eamon Javers added this terrific little insider’s tidbit to the latest Conway controversy".

"White House deputy press secretary Steven Groves dismissed the OSC’s reasoning as “deeply flawed” and a violation of Conway’s “constitutional rights to free speech and due process".

She can exercise her Free Speech when she's off the clock, not on TV, or using her official gov't Twitter account Sir. Anything other than that is a Hatch violation. I would love to hear what her husband thinks about this.
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/13/19 07:33 PM
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Thu 06/13/19 07:49 PM

One less liar in the White House.

Trump's 'warrior,' press secretary Sarah Sanders, is leaving the White House

"WASHINGTON — President Trump announced on Thursday that his press secretary, Sarah Sanders, will be leaving the White House at the end of the month. Sanders served as the face of the Trump presidency since the departure of her predecessor, Sean Spicer, in mid-2017. Her tenure was notably lengthy in an administration that has seen record turmoil; in recent months, however, Sanders virtually eliminated the practice of holding regular public press briefings".

Maybe this one will be gone next. Another one of Trump's swamp.

Federal agency calls for firing Kellyanne Conway over partisan remarks.

"A federal watchdog agency Thursday recommended firing senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway for violating the law by making partisan public statements in her official capacity.

Investigators in the Office of Special Counsel found that Conway repeatedly violated the Hatch Act, a 1939 law that prohibits federal employees from influencing elections. The OSC cited Conway’s comments about Democratic presidential candidates and remarks she made during the 2017 Alabama special election".

Kellyanne Conway To Reporter On Hatch Act: “Can You Leave, Please?”

"White House adviser Kellyanne Conway is, apparently, in no mood to discuss her alleged violations of the Hatch Act. MSNBC White House reporter Eamon Javers added this terrific little insider’s tidbit to the latest Conway controversy".

"White House deputy press secretary Steven Groves dismissed the OSC’s reasoning as “deeply flawed” and a violation of Conway’s “constitutional rights to free speech and due process".

She can exercise her Free Speech when she's off the clock, not on TV, or using her official gov't Twitter account Sir. Anything other than that is a Hatch violation. I would love to hear what her husband thinks about this.

Maybe Kelly and Sara can leave together?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Leaving The White House. Here Are The Worst Lies She's Told.

"Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the White House at the end of the month, President Trump announced on Twitter Thursday. She vowed to continue to be an "outspoken and loyal" supporter of Trump after her exit.

Sanders' legacy, according to CNN — an outlet with which she often sparred — will be "the death of the White House press briefing," since she held so few of them. As far as her future goes, she has reportedly discussed running for governor of Arkansas, her home state, in private conversations. "I learned a long time ago never to rule anything out," she told a small group of reporters.

We decided to revive her "greatest hits," a.k.a. biggest lies, for this occasion".
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Fri 06/14/19 08:45 AM

This is the kind of man your president is.

Trump defends position on ‘oppo research’ from foreign governments: ‘How ridiculous’ to tell the FBI

"President Trump on Thursday attempted to defend his stunning admission that he would accept damaging information against his political rivals from foreign governments without necessarily alerting the FBI".

The fact this country does not trust or even believe most of what the president says or does, is kind of one of the problems we have in this country. I want a President who has a clue. One who is well informed, ethical and honest, at least some of the time. Is that too much to ask?

Trump promised to lift sanctions on Russia. That is treason and selling political favors. First, it never happened, now it is sure we can and will collude with foreign governments to win an election. reference Giuliani's trip to Ukraine to get that country to investigate Bidens son, who died several years ago.

Working with a foreign government against candidates for president should disqualify the person working with them. That is 100% collusion. I don't think Trump is smart enough to realize it.

'I think I’d take it': In exclusive interview, Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on opponents

So, if you hire a former British spy to do oppo research or a French research firm to do that research, that is fine. If, on the other hand, the Russian or Saudi governments supply that research, it is wrong? This is what politics has gotten down to. It is all about finding something in their background that can be twisted to attack the person. What ever happened to differences in beliefs and supported policies? Maybe it is a lack of thinking on the part of the electorate and ability to understand anything more complicated than a sound byte!!!! What if the only acceptable political ads were about the candidate paying for them or the policy positions of them?? No personal attacks on another candidate!!!
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Fri 06/14/19 09:36 AM

SOooo You don't think Trump is smart enough to get it..Funny ..Are the Dems and the main stream media smart enough to get the fact that he just SET THEM UP..HOOK LINE AND SUCKER..showed their hypocrisy ..because that oppo research is exactly what the Hag Hillary did..and what did they do about that.....NOTHING..not to mention their oppo research was nothing more than manufactured lies..Slowly the onion peels as the chess board is being prepared by the maestro for the destruction of the house.. Funny how the media and the DNC think they are pointing out Trump's ignorance when in fact they just exposed their own..not to mention their hypocrisy..laugh SO whose the smart one..perhaps we should reelect Bill Clinton..noway rofl

Edited by tombraider on Fri 06/14/19 09:46 AM
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Fri 06/14/19 02:20 PM

Not only is he a crook. He is an unethical crook.

Trump tries to clarify stance on foreign dirt: 'If you don't hear what it is, you don't know what it is'

"President Trump on Friday attempted to clarify his stunning assertion that he would accept damaging information against his political rivals from foreign governments without necessarily alerting the FBI".

He didn't change his position. He just wants it to be good information and then he'll accept it. How about the answer is NO, it is illegal for me to accept information from a foreign government to influence the election.

But he did specify. He said he has never called the FBI and would never call the FBI because he is of the opinion that "the world doesn't work that way." Ladies and gentlemen, the current top law enforcement executive, the POTUS, just stated that he believes in a selective and subjective application of law enforcement.

"I will tell you this: Russia if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails" Candidate Trump, July 27, 2016

Mueller’s indictment offers new evidence that Russia was listening—and acting on Trump’s request. The indictment charges 12 officers of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, with hacking intended to interfere with the election. According to the document:

The Conspirators spear-phished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators 7 attempted after hours to spear-phish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton's personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.

In other words, a Russian attempt to penetrate Clinton’s server and her campaign came around the same time that Trump was publicly pleading with Russia to do just that.

NBC News tallied that Trump had cited WikiLeaks 141 times at 56 events in the last month of the campaign.

“WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks,” he said at one such event.
“This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove,” he said at another.
“I love reading those WikiLeaks,” he said at yet another event, relaying that he had been delayed in arriving because he had been reading the latest batch of emails that WikiLeaks had released.

AFTER Julian Assange was arrested:

“I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” Trump told reporters. “It’s not my thing. I know there is something to do with Julian Assange. I’ve been seeing what’s happened with Assange. And that will be a determination, I imagine, mostly by the attorney general.”

Yeah,right, Trump would do the right thing noway noway

Andrew McCabe Says It’s Time For Impeachment Inquiries Into Trump

"Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said Thursday that it’s time to start impeachment inquiries into President Donald Trump, joining the wave of voices calling for Congress to act.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo asked McCabe on “Cuomo Prime Time” if he believes “an impeachment inquiry is warranted based on what you understand and what has come out of the Mueller report.” McCabe responded, “Absolutely".

Trump And White House Defend Getting Help From Russia, Falsely Accuse Dems Of Doing It

"WASHINGTON — Having gotten away with accepting Russian help to win his 2016 election and admitting he would welcome foreign help again in 2020, President Donald Trump on Thursday continued falsely accusing Democrats of those actions.

“The phony Witch Hunt is a giant scam where Democrats and other really bad people, SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN!” Trump wrote in a pair of morning tweets".

How pro-Trump media spun Trump saying he’d accept dirt from foreign governments in the 2020 election

"After President Donald Trump sparked outrage when he admitted in an interview that he would “listen” to any damaging information on his opponent even if it came from a foreign government, pro-Trump media quickly came to his defense.

On June 13, ABC News host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump whether his campaign would accept, or hand over to the FBI, damaging information on his opponent if it came from a foreign source. Trump responded that “maybe” he would do both, saying, “You might want to listen. There isn’t anything wrong with listening.” Trump also pushed back on the idea that a foreign government providing information on a political opponent is election interference. He conceded that “if I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI” but also asserted that “the FBI doesn’t have enough agents to take care of” what he characterized as “oppo research.” Trump also lied that he had never in his "whole life" called the FBI (he approached the FBI in the 1980s in a matter related to Atlantic City casinos)".

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Fri 06/14/19 02:36 PM

George Stephanopoulos has been around a long time. It has to be hard to sit there and listen to one of the most unethical liars in presidential history.

EXCLUSIVE: President Donald Trump says it 'doesn't matter' what former White House counsel Don McGahn told Mueller

"President Donald Trump is directly disputing the account of a key witness in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible obstruction of justice during the course of the Russia probe saying that it "doesn't matter" what his former White House counsel Don McGahn testified.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos, Trump says McGahn "may have been confused" when he told Mueller that Trump instructed him multiple times to have the acting attorney general remove the special counsel because of perceived conflicts of interest".

If you could read, Donald, maybe you would have seen this:

In late January 2018, the media reported that in June 2017, the President had ordered McGahn to have the Special Counsel fired based on purported conflicts of interest but McGahn had refused, saying he would quit instead. After the story broke, the President, through his personal counsel and two aides, sought to have McGahn deny that he had been directed to remove the Special Counsel. Each time he was approached, McGahn responded that he would not refute the press accounts because they were accurate in reporting on the President's effort to have the Special Counsel removed.

The President later met personally with McGahn in the Oval Office with only the Chief of Staff present and tried to get McGahn to say that the President never ordered him to fire the Special Counsel.
McGahn refused and insisted his memory of the President's direction to remove the Special Counsel was accurate. In that same meeting, the President challenged McGahn for taking notes of his discussion with the President and asked why he had told the Special Counsel investigators that he had been directed to have the Special Counsel removed.

There is evidence that at least one purpose of the president's conduct toward Sessions was to have Sessions assume control over the Russia investigation and supervise it in a way that would restrict its scope.

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Fri 06/14/19 02:45 PM

What else did they expect from an administration of liars?

Trump administration providing ‘false’ information about Gulf of Oman attack, says Japanese tanker owner

"The owner of the Japanese tanker attacked on Thursday said US reports have provided “false” information about what happened in the Gulf of Oman".

Good riddance, Sarah Sanders: Washington's worst communicator

"She wasn’t spicy like Sean or hopeful like Hicks, but she was the perfect spokeswoman for a perfectly lazy and dishonest president".
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 06/14/19 02:49 PM