Topic: Social Media Is A Game For Women
SpaceCodet's photo


Tue 10/29/19 09:18 AM

I just came across this yesterday. I haven't looked into it as of yet. I probably will get around to it whenever I do.

In any case, seems there's been studies on how girls and women see the interaction on the internet. From the bit I've heard it's the same way boys and men experience video games. Likes, retweets, shares and so forth are the scoring system in this game. Women and girls have a disconnect from the impact that comes from these posts and other messages on the real world.

Since Social Justice Warriors are the major controls of lots of the forums and websites they (women+girls) play by those rules. Dog Whistles, Gaslighting, Dog Piling and other such things are sjw tactics to destroy a person's reputation and livelihood. Most of the bullion is women and girls attacking one another to get them to tow the political line of Progressivism.

Polls I've seen have as high as 68% of women+girls saying they're feminists with no more then 2 or 3% being anti-feminist. The other % are neutral on this topic. Feminism has been a political movement to bring about the Matriarchy to rule the world. Women have less violent tendencies then men so their won't be any wars. The truth is Matriarchy societies had human sacrifice and other violence including wars. That's why both Matriarchies and Patriarchies are frown upon.

Me personally? I think it's just going to be used as an excuse to resolve these social deviants of their guilt in the court of law. The court of public opinion tends not to have much sway there as of yet. Although I've seen that it's starting to change for the worse with having the mob rules mentality seeping in.