Our purpose in life is to survive and pass our genes. No matter how much we debate about this, it seems life is like a virus and it aims to survive at any environment through reproduction which increased survival of the genes which will be passed on.
In this Universe exists such a thing called Entropy.
In this Universe exists such a thing called Chaos.
These two words represent unpredictable disorder in the Universe.
"Life" uses up as it propogates thru time.
Think 'burning calories' to simplify a complex concept.
Living things are made up of cells.
The cells 'use up' their material which constitutes the living process.
When the material is 'used up' to a point where the living process no longer functions it dies.
We sluff off dead skin cells constantly. It makes up for a great portion of household dust.
Immortality would cause cells not to 'use up' the materials of life. No living cell would die. If no living cells die, no new cells would be needed to be made to take their place. You would stop many things you might love right now.
You would no longer need to sleep.
You would no longer need to eat.
You would no longer need to drink water.
You would no longer need to reproduce.
Just a few simple but important things, there is much more not listed you would give up.
Thing is, when you no longer need to eat, you no longer need a digestive system.
Likewise, when you no longer need to reproduce, you no longer need a reproduction system.
Do you really want to live forever in a body that can't eat or have sex?
Skin is a protective covering for your body. A 'buffer zone' kinda.
If you were immortal, your internal organs would no longer need protection from the environment so you might lose your skin.
So, you no longer need to eat, sleep, drink, have sex or have protection from the environment.
You wouldn't need a house. No need to have plumbing because if you don't eat and never shed skin, no need to bath or go to the toilet.
Your cells would be immortal meaning they need nothing to survive.
You wouldn't need air to breathe, you wouldn't get too hot or too cold but you could freeze or burn up because the laws of thermodynamics would still apply.
I see no benefit to immortality according to the things in life I enjoy now.
Living is the process of dying.
The finality of death makes living enjoyable.
Take away death, that joy is also removed.