Topic: Would you like to live forever?
Blaze's photo


Sat 05/02/20 03:29 AM

This is contemplated a little in Lord of the Rings; the immortal Elves and the mortal Men. It makes one think - what is the value of losing an immortal vs a mortal life? If you're immortal, do you play life with less risk than a mortal?

I would take myself through to about 28 - which is not a bad age for health and fitness. I presume I'd still keep building experience from there and gain wisdom and all that. After a while, like a century or two, imagine the quality of tennis at the tennis club! (With all that experience building; assuming that others get the same opportunity.)

What about procreation? If I was 28 for ever - every now and again I'd probably meet some new lady and go through a baby making episode. Wouldn't that create a huge overpopulation situation with no end in sight?
That's a very good question about procreation. The problem of overpopulation would be solved only with eradication of reproduction. Our purpose in life is to survive and pass our genes. No matter how much we debate about this, it seems life is like a virus and it aims to survive at any environment through reproduction which increased survival of the genes which will be passed on. But now that we have evolved to certain level, we do not need such things. The world i talk of is a futuristic world where we have evolved enough to understand this and have technology to stop aging.

In this world, we will have to make laws to stop reproduction or we would have to enhance the immortal people such that they lose ability to reproduce.

You can call this utopian or dystopian. It depends on your moral values. For me, its utopian. i would like to live and experience tons of things rather than have a child and die of old age.
Bastet127's photo


Sat 05/02/20 05:43 AM

Honestly, I am not able to grasp “forever”. It’s much easier for me
to say I’d like to live ...longer. Let’s say aging slows down and we
are able to live to say 200, I’d go for that. While the world holds
much to explore, it’s really my kids and grandbabies that bring
me the most joy and to share the world a little longer with them
would be utopia for me.
no photo


Sun 05/03/20 06:08 AM

Hell no. Im not a well woman. I live with pain everyday.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sun 05/03/20 11:42 AM

Our purpose in life is to survive and pass our genes. No matter how much we debate about this, it seems life is like a virus and it aims to survive at any environment through reproduction which increased survival of the genes which will be passed on.

In this Universe exists such a thing called Entropy.
In this Universe exists such a thing called Chaos.
These two words represent unpredictable disorder in the Universe.

"Life" uses up as it propogates thru time.
Think 'burning calories' to simplify a complex concept.

Living things are made up of cells.
The cells 'use up' their material which constitutes the living process.
When the material is 'used up' to a point where the living process no longer functions it dies.
We sluff off dead skin cells constantly. It makes up for a great portion of household dust.

Immortality would cause cells not to 'use up' the materials of life. No living cell would die. If no living cells die, no new cells would be needed to be made to take their place. You would stop many things you might love right now.

You would no longer need to sleep.
You would no longer need to eat.
You would no longer need to drink water.
You would no longer need to reproduce.
Just a few simple but important things, there is much more not listed you would give up.

Thing is, when you no longer need to eat, you no longer need a digestive system.
Likewise, when you no longer need to reproduce, you no longer need a reproduction system.
Do you really want to live forever in a body that can't eat or have sex?

Skin is a protective covering for your body. A 'buffer zone' kinda.
If you were immortal, your internal organs would no longer need protection from the environment so you might lose your skin.

So, you no longer need to eat, sleep, drink, have sex or have protection from the environment.
You wouldn't need a house. No need to have plumbing because if you don't eat and never shed skin, no need to bath or go to the toilet.
Your cells would be immortal meaning they need nothing to survive.
You wouldn't need air to breathe, you wouldn't get too hot or too cold but you could freeze or burn up because the laws of thermodynamics would still apply.

I see no benefit to immortality according to the things in life I enjoy now.
Living is the process of dying.
The finality of death makes living enjoyable.
Take away death, that joy is also removed.
Blaze's photo


Tue 05/05/20 10:44 AM

Our purpose in life is to survive and pass our genes. No matter how much we debate about this, it seems life is like a virus and it aims to survive at any environment through reproduction which increased survival of the genes which will be passed on.

In this Universe exists such a thing called Entropy.
In this Universe exists such a thing called Chaos.
These two words represent unpredictable disorder in the Universe.

"Life" uses up as it propogates thru time.
Think 'burning calories' to simplify a complex concept.

Living things are made up of cells.
The cells 'use up' their material which constitutes the living process.
When the material is 'used up' to a point where the living process no longer functions it dies.
We sluff off dead skin cells constantly. It makes up for a great portion of household dust.

Immortality would cause cells not to 'use up' the materials of life. No living cell would die. If no living cells die, no new cells would be needed to be made to take their place. You would stop many things you might love right now.

You would no longer need to sleep.
You would no longer need to eat.
You would no longer need to drink water.
You would no longer need to reproduce.
Just a few simple but important things, there is much more not listed you would give up.

Thing is, when you no longer need to eat, you no longer need a digestive system.
Likewise, when you no longer need to reproduce, you no longer need a reproduction system.
Do you really want to live forever in a body that can't eat or have sex?

Skin is a protective covering for your body. A 'buffer zone' kinda.
If you were immortal, your internal organs would no longer need protection from the environment so you might lose your skin.

So, you no longer need to eat, sleep, drink, have sex or have protection from the environment.
You wouldn't need a house. No need to have plumbing because if you don't eat and never shed skin, no need to bath or go to the toilet.
Your cells would be immortal meaning they need nothing to survive.
You wouldn't need air to breathe, you wouldn't get too hot or too cold but you could freeze or burn up because the laws of thermodynamics would still apply.

I see no benefit to immortality according to the things in life I enjoy now.
Living is the process of dying.
The finality of death makes living enjoyable.
Take away death, that joy is also removed.

Thanks for your comment. I see your understanding of immortality is a little bit different from mine.

I didn't really mean we would become immortal in the sense that we won't need any organs. There is a jellyfish that is immortal, it lives deep in ocean. Researchers are trying to find out how it regenerates its cells. Immortality simply means an organism won't age and aging is a process of death of cells. If you've to stop aging you don't stop the cells from dying, you actually let the cells die and let the body regenerate and produce the new cells for those organs. As we age, there is a certain enzyme in our body which is responsible for regeneration of cells. This enzyme gets depleted as we age. Radiation from sun and surroundings are possible reasons for depletion by time. It's present in our DNA and our age is set right at our birth. I'm sorry i don't not remember the complex name of the enzyme i can try to research more. If we manage to keep the enzyme from getting depleted, we can end aging. Researchers are trying to do that right now. Hence they study the genome of immortal jellyfish.

Our organs will work just fine, we will eat an we will sleep, we will have sex, we will do everything infinitely when we stop the process of aging. Organs will still be needed to keep you alive. We won't be immortal though we can still die from accidental death or murders.
Edited by Blaze on Tue 05/05/20 10:53 AM
Blaze's photo


Tue 05/05/20 10:48 AM

In this Universe exists such a thing called Entropy.
In this Universe exists such a thing called Chaos.
These two words represent unpredictable disorder in the Universe.

"Life" uses up as it propogates thru time.
Think 'burning calories' to simplify a complex concept.

Living things are made up of cells.
The cells 'use up' their material which constitutes the living process.
When the material is 'used up' to a point where the living process no longer functions it dies.
We sluff off dead skin cells constantly. It makes up for a great portion of household dust.

That's right. Its pretty sad that entropy of universe keeps on increasing no matter what happens. Chaos is characteristic of our universe. I wish we could control the entropy of a system. But then again its entropy that is responsible for day to day events in our reality. Entropy will be our doom even if we end aging. We won't be immortal. Everything breaks up eventually. Chaos prevails. Another proof that universe is not so perfect.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Tue 05/05/20 11:53 AM

There is a potential form of actual immortality.
Its the theory of nano-assemblers.
Far beyond our current abilities in nanotechnology right now but a potential based on atomic manipulation.

Eric Drexler's Engines of Creation has explored nano-assembler technology. Its a decent read...

Not only does it have the potential of keeping living beings alive indefinitely, it promises to rebuild the health of our planet and possibly terraform other places.

It does this by rearranging individual atoms.

If we stop the aging process at a cellular level, the cells do not die.
If the cells do not die, they do not need to be replaced.
If they do not need to be replaced, there is no reason to build a new one.
If no new cells need to be manufactured, no new material needs to be added to the body, there is no need to eat.
All the body parts related to eating are then obsolete.
Those parts go the way of our tails.
Likewise, If the organism lives potentially forever, reproduction is no longer needed. Thus all the organs related to reproduction become obsolete.

If you were born in space in micro-G and lived your life in micro-G your muscles would waste away because you no longer need to use them.
Astronauts must exercise because they want to return to Earth.
They need muscles so they can function when they return to the planet and the gravity.

If you never age, you never return to aging.
If you never get hungry or horny, you will stop exercising those aspects of your body and they will waste away.

Having more time to think things, your brain/skull would likely grow disproportionately large requiring your neck and chest to also enlarge.
Your senses would ramp up because your brain would have a higher capacity for their input. We might develop new senses as well.

I'm just saying there are many things associated with aging which hide below the surface concept.
People have a tendency to only see the surface of things when a whole bunch of stuff is happening behind the scenes.
no photo


Tue 05/05/20 12:45 PM

Only if I get to be 25 forever
ivegotthegirth's photo


Tue 05/05/20 08:45 PM

Only if I get to be 25 forever

Mmmmmmmuah me too!
no photo


Wed 05/06/20 07:18 AM

Yes I would
lbaker3602k1's photo


Fri 05/08/20 11:25 AM

Yes I wil,l after this life is over with. "This world is not my Home I'm just passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue".
no photo


Sun 05/10/20 02:54 PM

You would no longer need to sleep.
You would no longer need to eat.
You would no longer need to drink water.
You would no longer need to reproduce.
Just a few simple but important things, there is much more not listed you would give up.

I would have to disagree with you on this aspect. You would have to eat and drink. You aspirate and sweat liquid and that would need to be replaced. When you use your muscles, you burn calories. You would need to replenish them. Albeit, I would assume that the amounts needed would be drastically less than what we take in today, but you still would need some level of intake of both food and water.

Psychologically, you need to dream. The mind has to power down and reset. If you don't, eventually you will go mad.

The procreation issue is easily fixed. A little *snip, snip* for a man (take a breath, I'm saying a vasectomy, not a castration) and he can continue one without worry of over-breeding. Unless this gift contains a Wolverine version of regeneration, you shouldn't have an issue...and if it does, just wrap that rascal and be responsible.

As for the original question...yes, yes and HELL YES. Sign me up. Just watching the evolution of the species, eventually traveling off-planet to other worlds...the opportunities are just so overwhelming.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Sun 05/10/20 03:06 PM

You would no longer need to sleep.
You would no longer need to eat.
You would no longer need to drink water.
You would no longer need to reproduce.
Just a few simple but important things, there is much more not listed you would give up.

I would have to disagree with you on this aspect. You would have to eat and drink. You aspirate and sweat liquid and that would need to be replaced. When you use your muscles, you burn calories. You would need to replenish them. Albeit, I would assume that the amounts needed would be drastically less than what we take in today, but you still would need some level of intake of both food and water.

Psychologically, you need to dream. The mind has to power down and reset. If you don't, eventually you will go mad.

The procreation issue is easily fixed. A little *snip, snip* for a man (take a breath, I'm saying a vasectomy, not a castration) and he can continue one without worry of over-breeding. Unless this gift contains a Wolverine version of regeneration, you shouldn't have an issue...and if it does, just wrap that rascal and be responsible.

As for the original question...yes, yes and HELL YES. Sign me up. Just watching the evolution of the species, eventually traveling off-planet to other worlds...the opportunities are just so overwhelming.

Yeah, I disagree because Immortality means immortal, does not die.
Immortal means the cells which make up the body no longer need anything to stay vital, you wouldn't sweat, you wouldn't breathe because the cells no longer degrade. You would not get tired, you wouldn't need to sleep.
All the cells in your body would function at peak efficiency all the time.
You would stop growing hair and nails too. You would no longer cry. Never cough or sneeze. You wouldn't need clothes, shelter, food...You would be immortal.
no photo


Sun 05/10/20 03:14 PM

The Soul never dies
LarchTree's photo


Sun 05/10/20 03:31 PM

Frozen in time, growing like a mineral.
Edited by LarchTree on Sun 05/10/20 03:31 PM
Patrick's photo


Tue 05/12/20 04:54 AM

Yes provided that i was not the only one and alzheimers and dementure were curable
no photo


Fri 05/22/20 12:43 AM

Honestly, I believe we all wanna live forever provided we are in perfect health and everybody around enjoys the same kind of life
Tom4Uhere's photo


Mon 05/25/20 08:42 AM

Honestly, I believe we all wanna live forever provided we are in perfect health and everybody around enjoys the same kind of life

Try not to include me in your delusion.

I not only don't want to live forever in any way shape or form, I would like to invent a time machine, go back and put a rubber on my dad so I never existed.
Try to fathom what that means.
ReginaLinGa's photo


Mon 06/08/20 08:26 PM

No. Watching everyone I care about die on me continuously is not my idea of a good time. I think I'll rather make the best of the life I have, and live it well.
Larsson71's photo


Mon 06/08/20 11:04 PM

No. Watching everyone I care about die on me continuously is not my idea of a good time. I think I'll rather make the best of the life I have, and live it well.
Precisely! You hit the nail on the head! drinker