Anyone know anything about Cottonwood trees?
Personally no but a quick search reveals...
Cottonwood Tree Uses
Their rapid growth makes them well-suited to use as a windbreak tree. The tree is an asset in wildlife areas where their hollow trunk serves as shelter while the twigs and bark provide food. As lumber, cottonwood trees tend to warp and shrink, and the wood doesn't have an attractive grain.
Are cottonwood trees dangerous?
They're beautiful trees, those stately cottonwoods. They stand tall in gnarled magnificence all across Rapid City. They're also dangerous trees that can be destructive to private and public property, especially when the wind blows.
How old do cottonwood trees get?
Life span: Eastern cottonwoods typically live 70 to 100 years, but they have the potential to live 200 to 400 years if they have a good growing environment.
Why do cottonwood trees die?
Late-Spring Frosts
Old age is not the only reason Cottonwoods and Poplar trees die. By the end of May, trees are leafing out and in full bloom, and like any tree, a late-spring hard frost can damage Cottonwoods and Poplars.
Cutting Down the Cottonwood
If you have a young cottonwood tree less than about 6 feet tall, you should be able to safely cut it down yourself, but larger trees should be left for only professional arborists to remove.
Is cottonwood tree poisonous to dogs?
Cottonwood seeds are not toxic per se but they are not readily digestible in a dog's stomach, and therefore will act as a foreign body causing the dog to vomit. It is best to keep your dog from eating the male cottonwood flowers! It may require keeping the dog inside or raking the area too remove the flower remnants.
Do cottonwood trees have invasive roots?
Cottonwoods are beautiful, fast-growing deciduous trees with vigorous, potentially invasive roots. Deep watering and careful placement away from pavement, septic systems, and sewer lines are important to keep roots from becoming a problem.
How long do cottonwood trees shed cotton? Cottonwood seeds are fully grown and ready to fall in late April or early May and then wrap up the shedding process by June or July at the latest.
The cottonwood—also known as the poplar—is a tall tree with a spreading crown, named for its cotton-like seeds.
Cottonwoods are widely grown for timber production along wet river banks, where their exceptional growth rate provides a large crop of wood within just 10–30 years. The wood is coarse and of fairly low value, used for pallet boxes, shipping crates, and similar purposes where a cheap but strong enough wood is suitable.
Do cottonwood trees stink?
The word putrid comes to mind when I think about the smell of cottonwood. One of the funnest trees to remove around here, soft and light compared to everything else, they just stink.
Cottonwood is moderately good for firewood because it is a hard wood that splits easily when seasoned properly, burns relatively clean and produces a fair amount of heat. They are difficult to split when green and if not seasoned properly give off a very unpleasant aroma.
Wind-pollinated flowers usually appear in the spring before leaves unfold during March to May. Trees have either male (staminate) or female (pistillate) flowers that are located in drooping catkins. When fruits mature, the capsules split open and release small seeds attached to silky hairs that assure wind dispersal.
Is Cottonwood good for smoking?
COTTONWOOD – It is a softer wood than alder and very subtle in flavor. Use it for fuel but use some chunks of other woods (hickory, oak, pecan) for more flavor. Don't use green cottonwood for smoking. ... HICKORY – Most commonly used wood for smoking–the King of smoking woods.
How long do cottonwood allergies last?
A very mild allergen, cottonwoods effect sufferers BEFORE the spreading of all that fluffy cotton. Cotton Lasts Only Two Weeks and Blows Up to 5 Miles - That's some serious frequent flier miles! However, we only have to put up with the large amounts of cotton for only two weeks a year.
ID Using Leaves, Bark and Flowers
Leaves: Alternate, triangular, coarsely curved teeth, leafstalks flattened. Black Cottonwood leaves may also have an ovate shape and the leaves of mature trees may show a light rust color on the side facing the ground. ... Flowers: Catkins, male-female on separate trees.