Topic: Biden breaks his promise to America
dust4fun's photo


Thu 07/08/21 03:57 AM

The 3 officers Shot in Chicago while driving/riding survived the incident. That hardly makes the news when close to 200 died from gun fire over the 4th of July weekend, with over 400 shooting incidents occurring over the holiday weekend across the country. Biden was said to have talked to the Mayor about the incident and the other gun violence taking place in the city. He probably would not have brought up the shooting of police in a speech because it may upset his BLM supporters who are anti police. Shooting across the US have skyrocketed in the last year in a half, and guess where these shootings are happening, and who is doing the shooting? Most often inner-city and by people of color. 2 other officers in Chicago were also shot over the weekend with non life threatening injuries bringing a total of 36 officers being shot in Chicago so far this year. And they wonder why police are sometimes a little trigger happy. My idea of gun control is going to the range for target practice, most of the guns involved are illegally owned so I'm not sure how much new laws and regulations would affect things. Then you have people who are soft on crime being voted into office. People like the DA in Philadelphia who will not prosecute low level drug crimes and fire arm violations so now the police are turning a blind eye to such things.
jaish's photo


Thu 07/08/21 08:40 AM

Much too serious than I thought.

dust4fun's photo


Thu 07/08/21 05:36 PM

Nothing to be sorry about, that is actually 26% fewer people then last year. According to CNN the actual number killed by gun fire over this 4th of July weekend (3 1/2 days) was 233 with another 618 injured. Last year in a same time frame 314 were shot and killed with another 751 injured. The US also has a high incarceration rate compared to most countries. That does not mean people are concerned about walking down the street in most areas. The US only has about 350 million people for a very large area. Homelessness is also becoming a big issue here but it is not always clear why, or if it is just being tracked and reported on more. Not sure that the government handing out money will help this issue, in the long run it will probably actually make it worse.
no photo


Thu 07/08/21 05:46 PM

He had promised a black person, also a woman as his running mate.

1. Black is Afro-American.

2. Black is generally understood as being born in a family where at least one parent had an whose family tree showed a slave several generations ago,

3. A woman!

Barrack Obama Failed in the second test

Kamala Harris fails 2nd test. - as she;s daughter of Asian immigrants.

It does not matter if Biden does not know that Asian covers: China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea in the East to India and Afghanistan in the West. One may even exclude Iran and Iraq as part of Middle East but India is definitely Asia. I write this as a tutorial because one has to be born or lived with slave heritage to rise from the ashes and be a Moses; or a Solomon. As Mandela did and so with Collins Powell and C. Rice

What are Americans thinking, all Americans, Black, White. Asian, Latino, Dems and Republicans thinking

Another dream stolen?

so sad to hear I wonder why this people make fake promises to citizens before and during the electoral commencement.
I guess we'll need to stay firm and never believe anyone any longer.. insincere Leaders everywhere GOD help us all
Toodygirl5's photo


Sun 07/11/21 05:25 AM

Have I mentioned anywhere, that Biden
is an idiot?

Even Obama's top ethics advisor thinks so.

jaish's photo


Mon 08/23/21 11:04 AM

Have I mentioned anywhere, that Biden
is an idiot?

Even Obama's top ethics advisor thinks so.

Mr. Zuckerberg is founder, chairman and CEO of Facebook, which he founded in 2004.

He is a Trillionaire

His wife Chan Zuckerberg is leveraging technology to help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges – from eradicating disease, to improving education, to reforming the criminal justice system.

Mark Zuckerberg is also media strategist.

Last time he terminated a president on popular demand.

Biden is not the idiot.

The suckers who watched silently as the Zuckerbergers hacked away, are.

Biden is not the idiot, he's just an old man.

As Amery had said to Chamberlain 'You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go!'

Edited by jaish on Mon 08/23/21 11:44 AM
Smartazzjohn's photo


Tue 08/24/21 03:42 PM

Have I mentioned anywhere, that Biden
is an idiot?

Even Obama's top ethics advisor thinks so.

Mr. Zuckerberg is founder, chairman and CEO of Facebook, which he founded in 2004.

He is a Trillionaire

His wife Chan Zuckerberg is leveraging technology to help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges – from eradicating disease, to improving education, to reforming the criminal justice system.

Mark Zuckerberg is also media strategist.

Last time he terminated a president on popular demand.

Biden is not the idiot.

The suckers who watched silently as the Zuckerbergers hacked away, are.

Biden is not the idiot, he's just an old man.

As Amery had said to Chamberlain 'You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go!'

Old men can be idiots.
Old men can be stubborn idiots.
What's happening in Afghanistan and on the southern border has shown Biden's decision are both stubborn and idiotic. Perhaps some of the idiotic decisions are due to him being easily manipulated.

Deciding to cancel policies that were working on the southern border was idiotic because Biden was too stubborn to leave Trump's policies in place.

Deciding to not be flexible on the withdrawal date from Afghanistan is being stubborn and allowing the Taliban to threaten the United States with "consequences" if they aren't gone by a certain date is idiotic. Allowing ANY
country, military group or terrorist organization to threaten United States with consequences shows weakness and embolden enemies.

You're right that Zuckerberg is strategist. As with most strategist he, along with other strategists in other media platforms and supposed "news" outlets, know that a powerful idiot is easily manipulated. The same strategist also know if the repeat the same thing often enough many people can be manipulated into believing something is the truth even if it isn't......and people can also be manipulated by those strategists hiding the truth.
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Tue 08/24/21 03:43 PM
jaish's photo


Sat 09/11/21 01:05 AM

Kamala's laugh

55 seconds

Smartazzjohn's photo


Mon 09/13/21 08:29 AM

When asked if vaccines should be mandatory a video shows President-elect Biden saying "No — I don't think it should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand it to be mandatory,"

I can't say that he broke a promise or that he actually lied.
I CAN'T even say whether or not he REMEMBERS what he said yesterday let alone what he said 10 months ago.
What I can say is that it turned out his statement WASN'T TRUE!!!
Bart's photo


Mon 09/13/21 10:15 AM

No need to sugar coat it. He’s a lier plain and simple . And he doesn’t care that he’s a total failure as president. He’s used to being a failure for the past 40 or 50 yrs. He only goal is to disrupt the norm. while increasing government intrusion and flooding the red states with illegal immigrants that will likely vote Democrat in the near future. One Big Power Trip
jaish's photo


Tue 09/14/21 08:23 AM

If policies count, what little I know are:
Trump reducing taxes on businesses, Biden increasing;
T spending on modernizing military, B reducing;
Trump’s great wall and Biden on road and bridge repairs;
T less on education (he merged Ed with Labor Dept.) B on reducing the loan burden

There’s a pattern - under Republicans, Businesses prosper - new wealth is generated.
Under Democrats - wealth is distributed.

Thus far, okay; as it's internal matter of US

Now in case Joe develops a ‘condition’ Jill’s around to hand hold him or flag it to the Party so there’s a smooth transition

Transition, needless to say, is KH taking over
If this; then the scary part ..., not because she’s a woman; but because she’s a micro manager. I strongly suspect that it is she who taunted Biden to force the Military to stick to the 31 August withdrawal date - whatever the ground situ, ‘no excuses’. Don’t know whether she learnt anything at all, knowing the Indian part of her gene.

Her presidency could extend the follies. (Trump has a lower attention span ... but funnily he is total attention when he listens for 3 minutes and processes it very fast. From what I read and by observing his interaction with reporters. Never seen him refer to notes.)

During KH’s term,
Big Tech will grow bigger with AI; Dominion Software will monitor from Germany using AI. Last time they made the big mistake of giving a 30% lead in Penn. When 4% was sufficient. But wait, 4% would have been exposed in manual recounting. So 15% it is, in 2024. Goodbye Trump

US Exports reduce because ...
Economically, China will be Number One, US will reduce her presence in South East Asian Seas and Philippines, apart from Taiwan, will not be taken over because of the export angle, nonetheless be slave to Chinese policies. North Korea may light a stick and Japan forced to defend.

Iran’s sanctions maybe lifted but Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan; this entire block will go with China. Islam has no issues with Communism - it is a form of C. KH cannot order a Military re-occupation because of recent past precedent.

The only country that stands in the way is India. Australia government is bankrupt and has become a joke. (sorry. but it’s Australians saying these things in Sky News. Among other things watch Kerry Packer interview; the Country is mired with layers of legislation that has been anti-business while leasing out land and water assets to Chinese firms. Corruption by previous government is suspected)

Unfortunately, India has all along had a defensive approach; never fired the first shot. Defense is no policy.

So anybody but KH; and I sincerely pray for Biden, a healthy and happy full term
dust4fun's photo


Wed 09/15/21 07:38 PM

The US was worried about the cold war with Russia for decades, what happened with that? The US was in Vietnam fighting against communism and lost without a huge impact. In the late '80's into the 90's people thought Japan would own the US with all the money we were spending buying their crap, then their ecconomy took a hit. Many people said that Trump would be the end of America and possibly the world, didn't happen. So, yes there could be some changes that happen, but the end of the world as we know it? I'll believe it when I see it and by then it will be too late, however we can't get worked up at every little bump or curve in the road.
Tony's photo


Sat 09/18/21 02:59 AM

I truly believe the Biden and Harris are both incompetent. Biden has lied about everything. And he is destroying America. His administration are nothing more than Morons. They should all be removed from office.
Bart's photo


Sat 09/18/21 06:07 AM

More indictments aimed at the Clinton corruption corporation. About the Trump Russia conspiracy. It looks like the Durham investigation is digging up more and more evidence against the sickening devious conspiracy about Trump colluding with Putin . Many on this site kept blathering about all the indictments that would be leveled at Trump. Still waiting! Lol. Watch for more indictments against the liberal compost heap that purposely lied and falsified evidence to unlawfully impeach a sitting president. Didn’t that use to be a crime punishable by a firing squad?
jaish's photo


Sun 10/24/21 11:40 AM

Hunter Biden paintings selling for 500,000

jaish's photo


Sat 11/13/21 05:21 AM

In Biden's America, Gender is a social construct

Edited by jaish on Sat 11/13/21 06:17 AM
Mortman's photo


Wed 11/17/21 03:41 PM

More indictments aimed at the Clinton corruption corporation. About the Trump Russia conspiracy. It looks like the Durham investigation is digging up more and more evidence against the sickening devious conspiracy about Trump colluding with Putin . Many on this site kept blathering about all the indictments that would be leveled at Trump. Still waiting! Lol. Watch for more indictments against the liberal compost heap that purposely lied and falsified evidence to unlawfully impeach a sitting president. Didn’t that use to be a crime punishable by a firing squad?

It'll be interesting if those indictments stand up in court. They're all politically motivated charges cobbled into indictments because Durham's got nothing else to go on, and is running out of time. He'll have to show the "lies" made to the FBI reach the level of criminality to be charged. Notice none of them are in front of a grand jury or anything. Probably just stuff for Fox News to run with, and in a few months when they dismiss the charges, it'll be super quiet.
Bart's photo


Wed 11/17/21 04:46 PM

More indictments aimed at the Clinton corruption corporation. About the Trump Russia conspiracy. It looks like the Durham investigation is digging up more and more evidence against the sickening devious conspiracy about Trump colluding with Putin . Many on this site kept blathering about all the indictments that would be leveled at Trump. Still waiting! Lol. Watch for more indictments against the liberal compost heap that purposely lied and falsified evidence to unlawfully impeach a sitting president. Didn’t that use to be a crime punishable by a firing squad?

It'll be interesting if those indictments stand up in court. They're all politically motivated charges cobbled into indictments because Durham's got nothing else to go on, and is running out of time. He'll have to show the "lies" made to the FBI reach the level of criminality to be charged. Notice none of them are in front of a grand jury or anything. Probably just stuff for Fox News to run with, and in a few months when they dismiss the charges, it'll be super quiet.
yea your probably right , the elitist democrat scum that are temporarily in power are good at covering up and dirty deals to pull the wool over the people’s eyes . IMO Durham will do some damage to those scum bags by exposing their true decieptfull ways
Mortman's photo


Wed 11/17/21 10:28 PM

More indictments aimed at the Clinton corruption corporation. About the Trump Russia conspiracy. It looks like the Durham investigation is digging up more and more evidence against the sickening devious conspiracy about Trump colluding with Putin . Many on this site kept blathering about all the indictments that would be leveled at Trump. Still waiting! Lol. Watch for more indictments against the liberal compost heap that purposely lied and falsified evidence to unlawfully impeach a sitting president. Didn’t that use to be a crime punishable by a firing squad?

It'll be interesting if those indictments stand up in court. They're all politically motivated charges cobbled into indictments because Durham's got nothing else to go on, and is running out of time. He'll have to show the "lies" made to the FBI reach the level of criminality to be charged. Notice none of them are in front of a grand jury or anything. Probably just stuff for Fox News to run with, and in a few months when they dismiss the charges, it'll be super quiet.
yea your probably right , the elitist democrat scum that are temporarily in power are good at covering up and dirty deals to pull the wool over the people’s eyes . IMO Durham will do some damage to those scum bags by exposing their true decieptfull ways

Just saying it's a weak charge, and from reports I've read, the evidence against Danchenko is circumstantial. Saying Danchenko spoke to a particular, unnamed guy (he said he didn't) who was at the same place as Danchenko several times. I haven't seen any Democrats trying to stop the investigation or the prosecution. Do you have anything on that?
jaish's photo


Sun 11/28/21 12:45 AM

"It’s my grandmother Biden’s maiden name. It’s French. And it goes back a long, long way. Allegedly the Robinettes came over with Lafayette and never went home. I don’t know that. We can’t guarantee that."

“came over with Lafayette and never went home”? T

In other words, Joe Robinette Biden’s relatives … were illegal aliens

and that my friends, explains the President's open door policy for Illegal Immigrants
Edited by jaish on Sun 11/28/21 12:57 AM