Topic: Im black and I support trump
Jayland's photo


Sun 10/18/20 10:33 AM

Is it wrong for me to support trump... i get alot of hate on social media for it but let me know what you guys think.
teckelandtortie's photo


Sun 10/18/20 10:51 AM

I cannot stress enough that number one you have a right to support whatever candidate that resonates you. Number 2 you are not the only black person supporting him. I would google blacks supporting Trump on social media. Number 3 Fox news has a few black commentators who support Trump and give good reasons why. Number 4 I am a middle aged intelligent white Canadian woman who would trade her liberal prime minister for Donald Trump as our leader any day. In other words I am a big Trump supporter. He has done much for black and hispanic communities getting them working and able to support themselves. Trump has built an entire enterprise on hard work and knows how important it is for a country to flourish so that everyone prospers. Would he have given up a life of luxury to get the constant bullying he has endured for the last 3 1/2 yrs and put he and his family at risk daily for possible assassination attempts which all presidents live with daily, if he only wanted to serve himself? No Donald Trump is a good president, he may be arrogant and outspoken but he has protected the country, has boosted the economy and if he hadn't kept a ban on Chinese travel, many asian travellers would have flown into the country unbenounced of being virus carries and could have caused many more deaths. Jayland, you hold your head up high and support the candidate you choose.
no photo


Sun 10/18/20 10:53 AM

think he has done nothing for blacks or ever will, 93% of the blacks do no support him, but you are free if you want to, Trump is a racist and always will be one, fact!
TxsGal3333's photo


Sun 10/18/20 10:55 AM

It does not matter what Race you are, or who you Support do not follow others..

Do the research and pick who you would think is the better of the two to support...

TxsGal3333's photo


Sun 10/18/20 11:02 AM

think he has done nothing for blacks or ever will, 93% of the blacks do no support him, but you are free if you want to, Trump is a racist and always will be one, fact!

And that is your opinion.. that you are entitled too..

But I assure you there are plenty video's from many Blacks that all Support Trump.. As well as there is that will not..

Not sure where you get he is a racist.

Please enlighten with facts that he is Racist.

no photo


Sun 10/18/20 11:46 AM

A lot of media is biased, it comes from cnn and others. people are too busy in thier life, so they turn on the channels for 15 min, and what do they see, someone biased opinion.
you want facts not hate. that is why cnn ratings has gone way down.

that is why facebook, twitter google is getting called in. They are in trouble cause of this.
bobtail76's photo


Sun 10/18/20 12:23 PM

Is it wrong for me to support trump... i get alot of hate on social media for it but let me know what you guys think.

It shows you are strong and have good character. Everyone gets a thumbs up and get applauded when they say orange man bad - so brave of them to say on biased social media.

Ice Cube is taking a lot of crap right now for supporting Trump's policies that support the black community. He doesn't need the money that Trump will pour in, yet he still will stick his neck out. He's got a lot of F-You money, but the leftist elitists can still run him out of hollywood.

The unhinged tend to be louder. Ever been in an argument with an unreasonable person? They tend to think turning up the volume validates an argument.

Keep being brave, you have more allies than you think.
person L 's photo

person L

Sun 10/18/20 04:53 PM

i too support trump

for the fact that he supports the US of A first

and secondly I believe he is doing Australia a favour
LarchTree's photo


Sun 10/18/20 06:19 PM

That is a pretty clever way to use skin for the advantage of all. It is racist to hate Trump!

No matter who gets elected, for people collectively to be happier, the hate would def’ly be better eschewed.
Dakmanau's photo


Mon 10/19/20 01:22 AM

Tumultuous Trump or Uncle Joe. Who would you prefer to have in the White House? I’m an Australian, cannot vote but I know who I would prefer to be in charge. And please if it says “Made in China” then leave it on the shelf.
Rock's photo


Mon 10/19/20 02:54 AM

Is it wrong for me to support trump... i get alot of hate on social media for it but let me know what you guys think.

A free mind is a good thing.

no photo


Mon 10/19/20 02:57 AM

Voting should be a matter of conscience, regardless of the outcome or what others think.
outlander007's photo


Mon 10/19/20 05:44 AM

If in your heart Trump is what's best not just for you but the country as a whole..Go for it, but whatever happens please get behind the winner and truly make the USA a great pleace for all!!
LarchTree's photo


Tue 10/20/20 12:02 PM

Voting by moral instinct.
no photo


Tue 10/20/20 01:37 PM

i am live in Canada, but whatever happens it affects everyone, why everyone has mutual funds, and they invest in other parts in the world not just your own.
parents raised us to have morals, some of them dont care about thier kids. You see this reflection from time to time passed down to thier kids. so yes you are right. and over the years things affect morals. tv, media, songs, friends etc. all you can do is feel sorry for someone that is mean in 20 years he or she may change you dont know.
Edited by Unknow on Tue 10/20/20 01:49 PM