Topic: Biden’s accomplishments
Bart's photo


Mon 03/15/21 11:44 AM

Another Biden Accomplishment Disaster at the Border, call it what it is. The Biden administration calls it a challenge but we got it under control . Bull s***! When FEMA is called in it’s a disaster. Now their blaming Trump. Biden says he inherited a broken system . First of all this is the typical talking point of Democrats when they are oblivious to what their policies produce and they have no idea how to fix it. The system he inherited was working, and Biden foolishly did away it and now he has a disaster on his hands at his own makings. He is keeping kids in crates for much longer than the 72 hours they are suppose to keep them. The amount of Drugs coming across the Border is up about 300% since Trump left. ..Another Biden accomplishment will be Tax hikes , about 2 trillion$ worth, it’s in the works now. That $1400.00 check is the wool he’s pulling over everybody’s eyes.... And now he’s reaching out to Kim Jong-Un, North Koreas leader. Why would he do that after having a totally different opinion when Trump was trying to reach out and have dialogue with him. Joe Biden is the epitome of hypocrisy and stupidity and corruption all in one man. Now that’s an accomplishment!
no photo


Mon 03/15/21 04:29 PM

See i am from canada, and well we are so close what happens to you hits us too in a way. anyways trump did one thing that no one will ever forgot, that is the media lies, he pointed that out big time, and smart people caught on. this is why he had to use twitter.

I guess the media controls people, every time you check email on yahoo for instance, something always negative about trump. Joe took over nothing.

Some people is so busy in thier lives they only catch 15 min of the news when they can, and they trust cnn etc for thier source. its sad.
they go to a bar, club, etc, cnn is on giving out only thier point of view. and it favors dems only. or they dont air it.

Canada does not have that problem in the news media.

I even heard cnn is up for sale months ago.
Bart's photo


Fri 03/26/21 05:25 AM

Did anybody watch the train wreck in DC on Thursday . Demented joe blathered on for an hour and a half reading from his practiced lines in his notebook. He spouted more lies than even his media buddies spout every day. The longer he went the worse his dementia took over. Sometimes he would be rattling off some democrat conspiracy and the just go blank and say well never mind and than walk off from the podium like he was lost. This guy in no way should be doing any job where common sense and lucid thoughts are part of your job. Sometimes I feel sorry for this guy until he starts blaming Trump for all the stupid sh* t the democrats have done to this country. If anyone thinks that Biden is in control of his mental factors than your as brain dead as he. The Biden- Harris administration is like a remake of the movie Dumb and Dumber, only this pair aren’t a laughing matter.
Rock's photo


Fri 03/26/21 05:33 AM

Smartazzjohn's photo


Fri 03/26/21 09:25 AM

I think Biden may have let the cat out of the bag during his supposed news conference when asked about running in 2024.

When asked if he thought he would be running against Trump in the next election he said who knows if there will be a Republican party in 2024.

Is the current plan of the undemocratic Democrat party to get to one party rule by 2024 like NOKO, China, Cuba and Russia? Maybe when Biden called for "unity" he was talking about FORCED unity by eliminating political competition.

Why wasn't he asked about making such a statement? Imagine how the MSM would have reacted if in 2016 Trump had said "who knows if there will be a Democrat party in 2020".
Acquired Taste's photo

Acquired Taste

Sat 03/27/21 10:49 AM
Rock's photo


Sun 03/28/21 12:10 AM

Cockwomble, is an apt, one word description
of Joe Biden.

Rock's photo


Fri 04/02/21 01:59 PM

no photo


Sun 04/04/21 06:59 AM

I thought about it,
democrats stand for the world. that is thier view, like global. bringing all to one.
I think the democrats want a global power put in place. they created the EU i think. seems that way. and everything they do seems they like to be global.

global police.
i see a new war comming soon, and joe will get the united states first in line.

so joe is giving out money to other countries, and why not pay down the dept ceiling instead. does he even care about the united states.

also if they allow iran to sell oil again, would that put oil down 10 dollars again?
just a thought, is he going to wreck the economy like Obama did.
I know right now they are selling to china,
Rock's photo


Sun 04/04/21 08:33 AM
no photo


Mon 04/05/21 06:22 AM

It so easy to criticize , but harder to contribute. what does anyone on this thread actually contribute to society?
List your accomplishments...:rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:
oh look a biden supporter
no photo


Tue 04/06/21 04:44 AM

It so easy to criticize , but harder to contribute. what does anyone on this thread actually contribute to society?
List your accomplishments...:rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:
oh look a biden supporter

yep a biden supporter that does not read the news about biden. figures. or know what is going on in the world.

Smartazzjohn's photo


Tue 04/06/21 10:27 AM

It so easy to criticize , but harder to contribute. what does anyone on this thread actually contribute to society?
List your accomplishments...:rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:
oh look a biden supporter

So this person wants to know what I contribute to society?
I help finance food stamps, I help finance subsidized housing, I help finance healthcare for lower income people, I help finance schools even though I have no kids in school. I help society by NOT being a parasite. Yup I pay taxes which means I'm FORCED to finance things don't like helping foreign nationals entering the country illegally which is a like a slap in the face to families like mine who immigrated LEGALLY.
no photo


Tue 04/06/21 10:39 AM

I guess joe's supporters does not know the stock market has going down ever since joe got elected. That tells you right there how he looks after the economy.

but i guess thier cnn does not cover that cause that is fake.

Now joe working on oil
bring back Iran to the nuclear agreement, just like Obama did. Why!
i guess when Iran says death to united states and Israel. democrats reward them.

If a dog could talk and said I will wipe my neighbors house off the planet; what would you do? Yet for some reason people say it is okay for a dog to be violent. These are people not dogs. Yet are violent. People destroy violent dogs if they bite people. Yet again Iran says every 3 months say Israel be wiped off the map. Now these violent people want nukes. Anyone would see a path here except hypocrites.

so invest opposite what joe does.

no photo


Sat 04/17/21 12:38 PM

Four years from Jan '21, minimum wage will still be $7.50/hr; medical bills will still be the top reason for US bankruptcies; regime-change will still be the military's war agenda ...

...and The Squad will still continue to do what the corporate Dems tell them to do.

I'm a Libertarian progressive, for the record.
no photo


Sat 04/17/21 12:44 PM

When Trump was in Office, they were called prisons.

Now that Biden is in Office, they're called refugee overflow centers.
no photo


Sun 04/18/21 10:07 AM

...and The Squad will still continue to do what the corporate Dems tell them to do.

I'm a Libertarian progressive, for the record.

in the future no, the squad are all muslium they go by the koran, so they fight for any body except except states.
no photo


Sun 04/18/21 10:09 AM

When Trump was in Office, they were called prisons.

Now that Biden is in Office, they're called refugee overflow centers.

kind of one sided, and the united states is doomed, from the media, and from the democrats.
Kenzie's photo


Mon 05/03/21 09:11 PM

He's already outperformed Trump in nearly every category, particularly on Covid.
jaish's photo


Tue 05/04/21 11:14 AM

On Foreign Affairs
Outside of the US, while we have great expectations from the American President there are some aspects that gives us mixed feelings. For instance on Covid, Biden could have credited his predecessor for pushing through the vaccine / masks / ventilators at warp speed. By not giving even token credit, as they say in military parlance, it is 'stolen valor'.

If the category of interest is world peace - then you may agree that during Trump's tenure, and for the first time in decades after 9/11 - Islamic terror trickled down in Europe and Asia; then ceased altogether across the globe. Terrorists & Terror States had to chose between massacring civilians at the risk of their Terror States getting wiped out from the face of the earth. If an Iranian (or anyone else) was to bomb any US allied region, it was clear that while he may not be caught like Osama bin Laden; there would be no home for him to return to. No family, no friends who would remain alive to glorify his Jihad.

Americans worry over BLM. One has to live in countries like India to understand RLM. Trump busted the myth that if one Islamic nation was attacked, Muslims all over the planet would go berserk. He single highhandedly erased Islam's solemnity over any and all religions.

There are other aspects of his legacy in foreign affairs like lassoing in China or keeping the doors open to Russia all the while reminding them where the center of power lay.

If Biden can take forward this legacy in foreign affairs, and indications are that he is looking for a consortium approach with other nations towards long lasting peace; then American leadership will continue to shine.

I personally do not look forward to Trump's return in 2024. For one thing, he completed the mission he was born for. Second, he is full of himself and an older Trump does not mean wiser. Hostile forces have also learnt their lesson and they will simply endure his term.

On Domestics

Biden seems to have the longer term vision and we see this in his efforts to revive education and science which has become a necessity to the world running out of oil. Maybe Biden has plans to push forward hybrid cars / Amtrack and so on.


Revised Outlook
What I do look forward to in 2024 is transparent and fair elections because it is from this truth; the root of democracy; that America derives its legitimacy to lead the world. Whether it is climate change, or whatever.

As I said, it hardly matters to us anymore whether Biden or Harris or any other loony democrat or an idiot like Ted Cruz is in the White House; whether fake news or Big Tech thrives; whether countries like India or Brazil survive with lowered deaths to Covid; whether Taiwan goes under China and so on; because Trump has already gifted the democracies four years to retool. Example, Brexit. For this, I'm grateful.

Let's forget Trump because the old Trumpism is no longer valid in this changed world. If people get hysteria when Trump's name is evoked; as a member here pointed out,the fault lays within us.

He's already outperformed Trump in nearly every category, particularly on Covid.

As you say, Biden has done more in 100 days in 'other categories' - domestic to US. The economy, green or black; is the real and huge domestic challenge. It is up to Biden to harness American science once again to achieves this. (World economy also follows) Biden, needs all the support to turn the economy around with sunrise technologies. Seems like an American Dream but who knows what a bit of luck can do.
Edited by jaish on Tue 05/04/21 11:38 AM