I wonder what men think of women online or on dating sites who seek sex.
Depends on the woman.
Depends on what she looks like.
Depends on her life situation.
Depends on a lot of things.
IME a lot, to maybe most, women are down for "just sex," or "really" online for just sex...if the guy is hot (or sometimes rich) enough.
Women seeking sex online are on a huge spectrum.
There's the married looking because her husband wants to watch or threesome, the woman that wants revenge for her husband cheating, the woman visiting from out of town and wants to feel "free," there's the bi woman looking for another woman, there's the (older) woman that just wants to scratch an itch or is tired of loneliness, there's the woman that's looking to baby trap a guy and she's got a drawer full of pinholed condoms, there's the lesbian that just wants to get pregnant but doesn't want to deal with a guy, there's the just plain ugly woman that can only get attention by offering sex.
And so many more. Lots of different motivations for women to seek sex online.
At least one man on this site thinks it is a myth that women look only for sex .
Then he's either not that attractive, doesn't have a very high income, has a very insecure personality, is inexperienced with the internet, or is telling you what he thinks you want to hear in order to get you to talk about sex more.
There is not the same stigma /shaming attached for a woman to claim she is only looking for sex .
Sure there is.
Why do you think the marriage rate keeps falling.
Women are mostly protected from it because of the internet.
They can find echo chambers where women gather around and tell each other how "strong and independent and empowered" they are for riding the carousel.
Thanks to the internet they can avoid all the statistics and reality.
Not to mention, men have found it benefits them in the short term for them not to. Are you more likely to "netflix and chill" with a guy that tells you how much he hates "sluts" or someone that spouts the "uhh..yeah..you go gyrl, you live your best life and go after what you want...hey! I just realized I got some d for you to empower yourself with, no labels or expectations, I don't want to limit you, I'm here for you, yeah that's it!"
There is the false virtue signal that the stigma/shaming has "lessened."
In practical actual reality, it's just quietly in the background.
Are men subject to the same stigma??
It's a poor comparison.
This is like asking "are men subject to the same stigma when called a bad mother?"
Is it acceptable for a woman to seek only sex ?
"Acceptable" doesn't really apply so much as risks, costs, and consequences.
If she's hot and I want to bang her?
Sure. I don't care.
If I am looking for someone to marry?
And I find out she was out trolling the internet for just sex, one night stands, has a high body count?
I wouldn't take her seriously.
IMO a lot of the time when people are asking if it's "acceptable," what they're "really" asking is "am I absolutely guaranteed no cost, risk, or consequences to following selfish personal gratification?"