Topic: monologue - part 10
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Fri 07/23/21 01:55 PM
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Fri 07/23/21 07:28 PM

I am shocked.
I dont want to believe..
cant stop crying..
I hope he didnt feel much pain, i hope he felt how much he has been loved..
so sorry for his mum, for all who cared about him.
life is so cruel sometimes..

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Fri 07/23/21 10:47 PM

It has been a very sad , emotional and spiritual day in Aotearoa . Some of the posts from the young people with toa are heart wrenching . Every time I read a beautiful post someone posts another .

In his last hour of toa’s life , Ingrid called the young volunteers who had cared for toa into the water , including Ben who had been by Toa’s side since the stranding . They wrapped their arms under and around his little body , to cradle him in the water . He died under a full moon, peacefully and surrounded by love .

I haven’t seen videos of the farewell /blessing ceremony but I imagine that will be kept private . He has been buried on private costal land owned by Ngāti Toa in a beautiful spot at the entrance to the Wellington harbour channel .

At the end of the day .., Another beautiful orca cloud was photographed in the Wellington sky and someone posted it was Toa’s spirit calling to his pod to let them know he was safe . My heart is truly aching :heart:

Have not heard from Dr ingrid yet but I am sure she will post when she feels able to .
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Fri 07/23/21 10:54 PM

this little body takes so much space in my heart
thanks for all the update
my day is not a good one today
at least i know he went being loved and feeling it, i guess..
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Fri 07/23/21 10:59 PM

no word is strong enough to tell how sad i am..
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Fri 07/23/21 11:04 PM

could you please send the link to that new orca cloud?
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Fri 07/23/21 11:15 PM

i am trying hard to keep myself busy and not to think about Toa being gone..
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Fri 07/23/21 11:21 PM

i made 3 jars of plum
from my tree
i put them into 600- 700 gram jars
2 spoonful of sugar added
boiling hot water
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Fri 07/23/21 11:24 PM

cinnamon sticks in them, some grated clove, ginger powder
i boiled water in an other big pan
i put them upside down, to vacuum.
2-3 minutes boiling lids down
check the lids
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Fri 07/23/21 11:28 PM

i cant stop thinking about Toa
i loved him so much..
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Sat 07/24/21 12:16 AM

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Sat 07/24/21 12:22 AM

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Sat 07/24/21 12:28 AM

i loved you so much, so so much..
u didnt know me
i was miles way
my heart was always with u
u are in my heart
u will never be forgotten
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Sat 07/24/21 09:23 AM

at the beginning of covid, there was this big fire in new Zealand
i cant tell how much i cried for those who died
and now this
sometimes i want to take this heart out and live no sense!
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Sat 07/24/21 09:29 AM

sorry, this will be Turkish as it is the best i can pronounce myself

sen minnak 2 aylık balinacık
ismin Toa, bende ismin minik..
annenden ayrı mı düştün?
biz seni çok sevdik ama çok..
umarım huzurla uyursun
hiç unutulmayacaksın
ciğerim gitti senle..
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Sat 07/24/21 01:08 PM

Aww tribu .. brokenheart such beautiful words for Toa .. he was so loved smitten :heart:
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Sat 07/24/21 01:15 PM

Whale cloud ( thought it was seen in Nz sky but apparently was shared by someone in Arizona )

Look above the head of the whale .. do you see a winged white bird that looks like it is carrying or flying with the orca... stunning :-)
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Sat 07/24/21 01:25 PM

A beautiful song For you tribu .. in te reo
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Sat 07/24/21 11:38 PM

the page doesnt come up my dear
it may be a closed group or the post may be deleted?

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Sat 07/24/21 11:46 PM

:heart: :heart: :heart:
i love this song but i think i listened an other version in English.
thank you so much for all your effort to keep me and people up to date about Toa's story, and for putting Toa's touch in my life.. You are a great friend. People may be in different cultures, different countries, different time zones but hearts beat for the same goodness.. God bless you Blondey..