Topic: monologue - part 10
motowndowntown's photo


Mon 09/13/21 10:24 AM

I've had clams and oysters. I can do with or without them. I suppose it depends on how one prepares them.
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Mon 09/13/21 11:16 AM

i didnt have oysters but had the others
they are addiction.
i would like to have raw oysters but we do not have them much in turkey.
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Mon 09/13/21 11:17 AM

tomorrow mom and malc are bringing chinese food :heart:
motowndowntown's photo


Mon 09/13/21 01:54 PM

Thanks again Trib. Now I am hungry for steamed dumplings. :wink:
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Mon 09/13/21 02:03 PM

Just dropping by after a very long night shift and heading to sleep . Hope all your adorable fur babies are up to mischief lol . As for you and Moto hope you are both behaving bigsmile waving
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Mon 09/13/21 11:53 PM

I'm still to find a good Chinese takeaway shop
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Tue 09/14/21 09:51 PM

Hi Blondey! Me and my fur babies are doing fine. Next door kittens and some other kittens joined the family as well, they are tiny but they learnt to jump over the garden wall laugh the family is getting bigger and bigger. i need to win the lottery !!laugh

I hope you are having enough time to rest as well. As far as i know, night shifts at the hospital last really really very long. take care:heart: :heart:
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Tue 09/14/21 09:54 PM

this wasn't dumplings Moto, i miss them too. Maybe next time..

ix35, ours is good but it is not in your neighbourhood i guess lol
motowndowntown's photo


Tue 09/14/21 10:12 PM

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Tue 09/14/21 11:07 PM

that is the user who wrote in this page
i replied to you and that user in the same post

take a look at the posts my dear :)
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Wed 09/15/21 03:06 AM

one of the next door kittens is dead now....
i saw him laying
ran down there
but the body was already cold..
i stroke his fur and said "sorry for all what human had done to you, so sorry.."
left it to his human mom's door. they will decide about burying or just throwing away - sorry but some people do it
i cant stop crying..
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Wed 09/15/21 03:17 AM

when i left his body there the other babies were still trying to play with his tail and paws
u innocent things..
we make this earth dirty
we beter get erased out of earth and leave it to the real owners..
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Wed 09/15/21 05:04 AM

That's very sad Tribu
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Wed 09/15/21 05:24 AM

so much.
i can not tell how much..
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Wed 09/15/21 05:26 AM

i went there to him 2 more times
sat next to him
i said "i will take you to my place, you will be beside me"
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Wed 09/15/21 05:28 AM

and what i found out he was stil breast feeding
motowndowntown's photo


Wed 09/15/21 09:16 AM

that is the user who wrote in this page
i replied to you and that user in the same post

take a look at the posts my dear :)

ooohhh, slaphead

yeah, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes.
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Sun 09/19/21 10:42 AM

i feel so tired and moody today.
still made some cooking and done the daily routines..
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Sun 09/19/21 11:59 AM

i had a grasshopper guest this evening
first at the balcony, i got it let it to the garden
it came back to my kitchen worktop
i was able to get it in my hands, it was probably frightened
let it back to the garden
such an innocent creature
i love them :heart:
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Sun 09/19/21 12:41 PM

i dont know why i feel like this but i hardly keep my head up
i think i better sleep
tomorrow noon, a/c people will come
i hope i will feel better..