Topic: monologue - part 10
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Fri 10/22/21 09:57 AM

Turkish breads are so fluffy
very rarely i eat white bread, it must be this day
cause i am gonna eat the other half of the bread and i will have eaten one whole bread.
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Fri 10/22/21 09:59 AM

not because i am trying to keep away, but white bread has no taste
i love brown bread types since i was 15
but once a 3 months, villager kind of sandwich with white bread is good :)
motowndowntown's photo


Fri 10/22/21 12:04 PM

Wish we had a Turkish restaurant here.
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Sat 10/23/21 02:59 AM

it could be an addiction. Turkish food is really very tasty.
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Sat 10/23/21 03:02 AM

today no extra cooking. i am trying to finish the cooked ones in the fridge. then i have an intention to make either orange & chicken stir fry or coleslaw in "kumpir"

google for "kumpir" :)
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Sat 10/23/21 04:42 AM

i wish there was a filter about visitors as well.
motowndowntown's photo


Sat 10/23/21 10:31 AM

today no extra cooking. i am trying to finish the cooked ones in the fridge. then i have an intention to make either orange & chicken stir fry or coleslaw in "kumpir"

google for "kumpir" :)

and of course I did again.

I gain weight just reading your posts. Then I lose it just drooling.
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Sun 10/24/21 10:10 AM

do you not cook for yourself?
i am sure you can cook these as well at home
not so difficult :)
motowndowntown's photo


Mon 10/25/21 08:48 AM

The only thing I "cook" is coffee. And I don't do that very well.
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Mon 10/25/21 12:53 PM


Do you always order from outside?
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Mon 10/25/21 12:54 PM

tonight is materchefturkey, puzzle, wine and popcorn.
motowndowntown's photo


Mon 10/25/21 10:15 PM


Do you always order from outside?

Sometimes I make a sandwich. Or eat a "poke, ping, and peel", (poke the wrapper, microwave,"ping", peel off the wrapper).
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Tue 10/26/21 05:55 PM

wowwww ! hard job! laugh
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Tue 10/26/21 05:57 PM

today was the day for lots of fresh walnuts
i love them :heart:

finished the very very difficult puzzle eventually
(2 lovely kittens)
we will have it framed.
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Thu 10/28/21 08:53 AM

this evening i am preparing coleslaw but wit sultanas and apple in it.
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Thu 10/28/21 11:38 AM

i also fried shallots. and put them in soy sauce to absorb it. he likes it.
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Fri 10/29/21 04:38 AM

"L is for the way you look at me.
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extraordinary.
E is even more than anyone that you adore can."

by Frank Sinatra :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Edited by butribu on Fri 10/29/21 04:38 AM
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Fri 10/29/21 10:51 PM

before 8 am, early in the morning i went down to feed my cats, before the rain came
they are so lovely
elder ones give me their paws
i played with the kittens
omg! cats are all miracles of God
those colours, those noses, those eyes, everything about them..
after some time with them walking back to my apartment i thanked God, for creating these little miracles, and giving me the chance of getting involved with them. i feel so lucky.
i also wished mercy for those who are not good with animals.
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Fri 10/29/21 10:55 PM

2014 was the year when i tried living at my birth city for a while with my dad and brother
everything was fine till i found a newborn cat (eyes even not fully open) under the soaking rain and i took it to home

that baby one's mother for some reason was always trying to kill her. how many times we collected her from the rubbish, she even put her under a car wheel, dad's neighbour saw her and took from there. mother didnt want this baby and eventually left under rain and i saved her. anyway..

Edited by butribu on Fri 10/29/21 10:56 PM
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Fri 10/29/21 10:59 PM

she was a white one with grey spots on, so i called her "spot" not spotty, spot.
upstairs woman was a cat lover. so we together managed some comfort for spot.
but when dad came home, he went crazy. he said, the cat would bring bugs, flies etc
big problem, and i moved to my grandma's
but i cried a lot for the baby and for my dad's not understanding and behaving so heartless..