Is love all about sex or something else?
lets say man have erectile disfunction. could a woman still love him? if a woman really loves you, she will continously loving you regarless having sex or not.
I love sex but can't find any one who like to last all night yet
it's passion
it's depend. I can say both are incomplete without each other. So both required.
happiness being inlove is forever, but happiness with sex is less than an hour.
Love can no longer love sex with a partner, a news devil's work you want to do
To me the question is a oxymoron you don't need neither one to enjoy the other
Love and sex are like two sides of a coin.only love is like pizza without cheese , curry without spices , sweets without sugar and I am writing about love betwen oppesite sex couple ,partner. on the other hand love has many faces and meanings .love for a father ,mother ,sis,bro, and other relations has a different aspect. moreover be in love with someone to know more about love . some words are hard to describe , it's better feeling it by being in love with someone.