Topic: Brainfog & testing if properly hydrated or not
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Wed 09/29/21 07:24 AM

I tend to regularly have brainfog these days. Today was another one, and I found myself thinking, "Why don't I know something to get rid of it?"
Often the energy point I know for it don't work, paracetamol doesn't either.
Then I suddenly remembered: water!!
It is related to Bladder & Kidney meridian and if you have brainfog almost always you aren't properly hydrated!

I've learnt that from my book on the 5 elements, and I've tested it of course, and it is almost always THE remedy!

To see if you are properly hydrated, a very simply test that takes a few secs only:
On the topside of your hand you see the 'creases' over the finger joints.
Choose one of the larger, so not near the tip of you fingers, and pull/pinch on the creases of one such joint with 2 fingers from your other hand.
If a ridge stands up for a bit you are NOT properly hydrated.
If there is no ridge, it goes back straight away, you are properly hydrated.

I thought I would be as I drink quite a lot of water. Taken aback to find I am NOT properly hydrated whoa
I have upped my water intake, but still not enough.
Tom4Uhere's photo


Wed 09/29/21 07:58 AM

Hydration is important and in today's world of sodas and sugar drinks a lot of people tend to not drink enough water. You can however, overdose on water.

I hardly ever get brainfog anymore.
I used to take Ginkgo Biloba.

Ginkgo has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The leaves were used to treat brain and circulatory problems and respiratory conditions. Ginkgo nuts were used for cough, fever, diarrhea, toothaches, and even gonorrhea. It's now sold mostly as a supplement for memory support or brain health.

I also breathe correctly to optimize my brain's oxygen.

Right now, trying to recover from surgery, I am dehydrated a lil.
My brain is still sharp and clear tho.
While dehydration can contribute to brainfog the main concern is oxygenated blood in your brain.

Proper rest also helps. Brainfog is kinda like a computer which has become fragmented. Sleep/rest defragments your brain. It also allows your body to heal itself. Try a few catnaps when you're feeling foggy. Sometimes a 1/2 hour can work wonders. Find a dark, quiet comfy spot and just close your eyes and rest. When I was manager of the shop, I would take lunch naps which made me feel much better. Many people do this for a quick recharge.

You can also try eating for your blood-type. Blood needs hydration, yes...but it also needs the right nutrients to carry the oxygen to where it needs to be.

I hope you find the right relief which works for you.

β€œIn general, you should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day.”

The symptoms of overhydration can look like those of dehydration. When you have too much water in the body, the kidneys can't remove the excess liquid. It starts collecting in the body, leading to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Throbbing headaches all through the day.
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Thu 09/30/21 02:20 AM

You'd be drinking an insane amount of water to get water poisoning. Sort of like 3 litres per hour.
No one does that. Most can't even drink 3 litres a day!
Even when you think you're drinking a lot of water during the day, it mostly is way less than 2 litres.

I drink coffee during the day, milk with a bread meal, and in the evening water. Quite large glasses. Plus a few glasses during the day in between.
I thought my intake was good. Apparently not, hihi. Still not 2 litres...
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Thu 09/30/21 02:21 AM
Dramatic Muffin's photo

Dramatic Muffin

Thu 09/30/21 04:02 AM

I've heard this too, about water and brain fog. Thanks for the reminder!

I know I'm not properly hydrated lately because I have dry lips.

I find that if I freeze my water and let it gradually melt throughout the day, I'm more likely to drink it. I love drinking water that is super cold.
Riverspirit1111's photo


Thu 09/30/21 04:18 AM

I have a 32 ounce water bottle at work, it's a tad less than a liter. I normally drink two of those when I'm at work. But I probably don't drink half of that on my days off.

Being at a higher elevation, I actually should be drinking more than two liters. So, I'm definitely not hydrated enough. I need to increase it to at least three fill-ups with my water bottle.
no photo


Mon 10/25/21 10:15 PM

Brain fog: Several years ago I had brain fog, it keep getting worse for a couple of weeks.
A friend had been telling me for years about colidel silver. From the articles I read about c.s. it seemed to cure many things so I thought it was just hype. I came across an article about electronics stating that silver conducted electricity better than any other metal, I always had thought copper did. So I aquired colidel silver rods hooked them to a 9vdc battery ,put the other ends into a glass of water. I could see bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen coming off the rods along with fine silvery particles.
Drank it about 1 1/2 pints.
no photo


Mon 10/25/21 10:32 PM

Brain fog: Several years ago I had brain fog, it keep getting worse for a couple of weeks.
A friend had been telling me for years about colidel silver. From the articles I read about c.s. it seemed to cure many things so I thought it was just hype. I came across an article about electronics stating that silver conducted electricity better than any other metal, I always had thought copper did. So I aquired colidel silver rods hooked them to a 9vdc battery ,put the other ends into a glass of water. I could see bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen coming off the rods along with fine silvery particles.
Drank it about 1 1/2 pints.

within 15 minutes I felt a surging in my brain, then at the base of my skull to neck vertibra. Brain fog was completely gone and I was able to concentrate doing tasks again.
Jim McMahan, QB Bears, was diagnosed with brain injury as result of concussions from being hit many times as QB. He described it as brain fog. He found a specialist who checked him out and found damaged, out of alignment vertebrae in his neck. After just a few rigorous adjustments to vertibras he was fine, no more brain fog. His doctor explained that the vertibra out of alignment restricted the fluid in his brain from flowing freely leaving contaminated fluid in his causing the fog/unable to concentrate.