If this is actually real what you are describing and there is nobody else who is just playing a trick on you, then the origin of this phenomenon is rooted in sorcery and witchcraft. We call them "poltergeist" but that has nothing to do with ghosts, they do not exist - all of that paranormal and encounters that people describe to them are actually demonic activity. And there is nothing that you can "burn" to get rid of that, you can't fight sorcery with witchcraft!
I know how to get rid of it but unless you are a true believer and follower of JESUS CHRIST you really have no authority over them - NO matter what anyone else will tell you or trying to convince you of.
So unless that first step is not taken (you have to take that yourself) the rest is pretty much useless, so I won't go into any details here.
Open yourself up to God and He will reveal Himself to you. But there is more to that then just chasing away a few annoying demons. God is interested in you and your heart. He is just a prayer away...
Just because you do not believe in ghosts does not mean they do not exist. I believe in God and I know of nowhere in the Bible that suggests that paranormal entities are demonic. I go on ghost hunts and I have photographic proof, tape recording proof. I have a SLS Kinect camera that sees in infrared and turns people and ghosts into stick figures. I have a picture taken with that at my father's home we presume of him as a stick figure sitting in his favorite chair. He passed in 2014. That was not demonic activity. So you go right ahead and believe what you want to but do not state that what you do not believe is not real and is Satanic or demonic.
Well, I do not know what part of the Bible you want to pick out and believe or not believe or what "paranormal" biblical activity you are referring to.
You can of course believe whatever you want that still doesn't necessarily make it the truth and you should know that if you really believe in God or better believe God and His word. But if you think that these are ghosts or your dead father, then sorry but you are being deceived. And I will state that also with proof of over 25 years of experience but I can also tell you the same thing - to not negate something that you do not believe but that definitely exist and is very real and is exactly what I was talking about in this case of the OP. That was to help him and for him to ponder, I really do not care what you believe or not.