Topic: Is Trump winning the next election?
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Thu 01/20/22 03:22 AM

Will he run for President again?
It seems the USA needs a leader who will keep red and blue happy. An impossible goal IMO.

What would a good President look like for the few who post here?
Would he or she be moral, young, have integrity , a clean background?
Would it matter if they were pristine in character?
Surely their character and actions would be attacked no matter what they do or say. After all it is politics and everyone has an opinion.

What does your perfect President look like in words?

Or is it it easier to complain rather than contribute? Once I heard that the most intelligent and best leaders do not enter politics because it does not pay enough. Are people electing the power hungry leftovers?
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/20/22 03:33 AM
Bart's photo


Thu 01/20/22 04:26 AM

Will he run for President again?
It seems the USA needs a leader who will keep red and blue happy. An impossible goal IMO.

What would a good President look like for the few who post here?
Would he or she be moral, young, have integrity , a clean background?
Would it matter if they were pristine in character?
Surely their character and actions would be attacked no matter what they do or say. After all it is politics and everyone has an opinion.

What does your perfect President look like in words?

Or is it it easier to complain rather than contribute? Once I heard that the most intelligent and best leaders do not enter politics because it does not pay enough. Are people electing the power hungry leftovers?
first of all no one is perfect. But anybody would be a improvement over the one we have now( well not anybody especially the Vice President) . How about a president that does what he campaigns on. A president that’s not afraid to confront the people in our country that want to destroy what America is and stands for. We also need a president that supports border security and law enforcement in our country. How about a president that has the integrity to tell the people the unvarnished truth, no matter what group of people are offended. We need a president that is of sound mind and body. Our Enemies watch and observe our president and how he comes across to his citizens. If they see weakness and division they will be emboldened to act against us. Any person running for President should do so because they want to make America great. It’s not about gaining power for you or your party it’s about empowering your citizens to feel free, safe and prosperous. No president is perfect but that’s no excuse for the lame duck we have now.
Ryan 's photo


Thu 01/20/22 05:09 AM

In my opinion every President will have pros and cons. But I think a good President will not swing too far to the left or right because if he / she does they are not representing the country in whole. I think Trump brought a needed change to the country at a time when that was warranted. I also think he has a big mouth.. doesn't know when to shut crude and at times vulger. AND can't stay the hell off if twitter. But at the end of the day he got the job done.. If the election were tomorrow and both were Trump and DeSantis running I would vote for DeSantis. I think Trump served a important role bug time yo move on. Biden on the other hand has leaned soo far too the left that he has alienated the majority of the population ( as his polls show). When you have a President who has to read from a script..who is lead by people behind a curtain and a President who has failed some much in soo little tjme it makes a county very nervous.
Because no one really knows who is in charge.. and that is dangerous
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Thu 01/20/22 06:10 AM

You guys. I am impressed with your answers. Keep it coming!!!
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Thu 01/20/22 07:57 AM

In my opinion every President will have pros and cons. But I think a good President will not swing too far to the left or right because if he / she does they are not representing the country in whole. I think Trump brought a needed change to the country at a time when that was warranted. I also think he has a big mouth.. doesn't know when to shut crude and at times vulger. AND can't stay the hell off if twitter. But at the end of the day he got the job done.. If the election were tomorrow and both were Trump and DeSantis running I would vote for DeSantis. I think Trump served a important role bug time yo move on. Biden on the other hand has leaned soo far too the left that he has alienated the majority of the population ( as his polls show). When you have a President who has to read from a script..who is lead by people behind a curtain and a President who has failed some much in soo little tjme it makes a county very nervous.
Because no one really knows who is in charge.. and that is dangerous

Completely agree. I've always thought/said if Trump were just a bit less toxic he'd easily win as his policies are mostly dead on. But he just can't help himself unfortunately. SO glad he beat Hillary and so glad he showed what a strong president looks like but I would have no problem at all voting DeSantis or someone a bit more "normal" like Mike Pompeo.
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Thu 01/20/22 08:06 AM

one smart guy in the 2016 presidential campaign was , low profile , Governor Bobby Jindal .... wonder if he is still around and plans on running again !!!!
Smartazzjohn's photo


Thu 01/20/22 09:27 AM

There is no such thing as a "perfect" person so there will never be a perfect president.

That being said as an ACTUAL immigrant who is now a naturalized citizen I'll list a few things I'd like to see in EVERY future president.

1)Put a large emphasis on education, REAL education. The United States ranks around 25th in education internationally. Educators need to make STEM (for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) their number one priority. They need to teach actual history that is fact based, both the good and bad. They need to teach basic "government" as well. When just 39 percent of Americans can pass a multiple choice test with questions taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test, according to a report by The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The test has a passing score of 60. Most Americans can't correctly name the three branches of the federal government.

2)Make citizen a priority. The interests of citizens should come before their political party, people who enter the country illegally and even people who come to the country legally, like myself, before they take the "Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America" and become a citizen.

3)Show strength internationally with a focus on letting Russia, China, Iran and North Korea know their aggression will be met with BOTH sanctions and military intervention. The US doesn't HAVE to go to war to stop a war, it just have to show it will do what is needed. The US and NATO should be putting ground forces in Ukraine near the Russian border to SHOW Putin that not even a "minor incursion" will be unchallenged militarily.

Personally I'd like to see Nikki Haley run for the presidency.
Poetrywriter's photo


Thu 01/20/22 09:46 AM

Trump had good ideas and intentions but I would not vote for him again for a couple of reasons. First he has an ego problem that is on display every time he gets in front of a crowd.

Before he was banned he couldn't stay off Twitter.

He would fire cabinet members at the drop of a hat whether they were qualified or not.

And he shouldn't have family members as senior advisors like his daughter or son in law Jared Kushner. There was a documentary on Netflix called "Dirty Money" and the story on Kushner was he was a slum lord. Not the ideal person to be a president's senior advisor.
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Thu 01/20/22 11:44 AM

"What does your perfect President look like in words?

The PRIMARY DUTY of the President, in order for peace, justice and financial stability for All is to pay off the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation that bought the civil war debt from the original lenders. In accordance with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 this debt can be paid off in full for the amount of $450,000,000.00
in gold. The Federal Reserve Bank is now collecting an estimated one billion dollars per
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Thu 01/20/22 11:55 AM

"What does your perfect President look like in words?

The PRIMARY DUTY of the President, in order for peace, justice and financial stability for All is to pay off the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation that bought the civil war debt from the original lenders. In accordance with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 this debt can be paid off in full for the amount of $450,000,000.00
in gold. The Federal Reserve Bank is now collecting an estimated one billion dollars per

per day in interest.
To make America great again this debt has to be paid, Trump did not do this nor has any other president done so. JFK refused to take the Federal Reserve Note/US Dollar off the silver standard, and had made a speech, shortly before his assassination at a college about paying off the Federal Reserve debt.
In my opinion those who vote for a President that does not run on a platform to pay the debt, are giving power to the "deep state" to continue forcing indentured servitude upon all.
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Thu 01/20/22 12:54 PM

In my opinion every President will have pros and cons. But I think a good President will not swing too far to the left or right because if he / she does they are not representing the country in whole. I think Trump brought a needed change to the country at a time when that was warranted. I also think he has a big mouth.. doesn't know when to shut crude and at times vulger. AND can't stay the hell off if twitter. But at the end of the day he got the job done.. If the election were tomorrow and both were Trump and DeSantis running I would vote for DeSantis. I think Trump served a important role bug time yo move on. Biden on the other hand has leaned soo far too the left that he has alienated the majority of the population ( as his polls show). When you have a President who has to read from a script..who is lead by people behind a curtain and a President who has failed some much in soo little tjme it makes a county very nervous.
Because no one really knows who is in charge.. and that is dangerous

Very insightful. Thank you for sharing!
Bart's photo


Thu 01/20/22 02:01 PM

Trump had good ideas and intentions but I would not vote for him again for a couple of reasons. First he has an ego problem that is on display every time he gets in front of a crowd.

Before he was banned he couldn't stay off Twitter.

He would fire cabinet members at the drop of a hat whether they were qualified or not.

And he shouldn't have family members as senior advisors like his daughter or son in law Jared Kushner. There was a documentary on Netflix called "Dirty Money" and the story on Kushner was he was a slum lord. Not the ideal person to be a president's senior advisor.
I agree that Trump was a little rough around the edges, but personally I liked the clarity of Trumps demeanor. Like it or not you knew where he stood on issues. With our current president you pretty much have to guess where he stands. To have a choice to vote for either Trump or Biden should be a ‘no brainer’ . Compare theTrump years before covid to what we have now. Night and Day.
Dramatic Muffin's photo

Dramatic Muffin

Thu 01/20/22 03:17 PM

I just saw an article that said that over 70% of Americans want to see neither Biden nor Trump on the ballot in 2024. I’d say the primaries are going to be more important than some people think. Trump is not a shoo-in.
Edited by Dramatic Muffin on Thu 01/20/22 03:20 PM
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Thu 01/20/22 03:34 PM

personally, i find its in our own interests to get rid of the old crop of politicians and bring in some new and young blood ... there are a whole slew of them around , all they need is the required exposure, support and encouragement... the rest will follow ....

Ryan 's photo


Thu 01/20/22 03:42 PM

I don't really think anyone is thinking Trump is a shoe in but I also do not think many people believe Biden will actually run in 2024. I don't think he has any intention of running but he can't say that now.. can't be a lame duck president 1 year into the job. And really political views aside, does anyone really think Biden has 7 good mental years left in him.
Bart's photo


Thu 01/20/22 03:47 PM

I just saw an article that said that over 70% of Americans want to see neither Biden nor Trump on the ballot in 2024. I’d say the primaries are going to be more important than some people think. Trump is not a shoo-in.

Absolutely right. There are a few republicans out there that seem to be in favor of securing the border and increasing law enforcement to reduce the crime, among other things the republicans are clamoring for. Some of these are governors that have strong economy’s and no mandates. Very popular reasons to vote for. I’d say Trump has a run for his money in the primaries but I will say that Trump proved that big things can be done if you confront the obstacles of change and expose it for what it is. Who ever the republican candidate is I know will be the right candidate because after Trump, the republicans will not settle for just anybody.
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Thu 01/20/22 03:48 PM

personally, i find its in our own interests to get rid of the old crop of politicians and bring in some new and young blood ... there are a whole slew of them around , all they need is the required exposure, support and encouragement... the rest will follow ....

My thoughts too. The choice of 2 old pensioners that are pushing 80 isn't a good choice.

But fresh blood is something that is required in many countries I think.
In my country for certain. We have many larger political parties but they have been the same for decades on end.
Only Geert Wilders and more recent Thierry Baudet are fresh. Esp Baudet who's younger.
Younger people, fresh beliefs etc. is what is needed in many countries. Time to be done with the old and stale and stagnant.
Slim gym 's photo

Slim gym

Thu 01/20/22 04:01 PM

@ Crystal..

that's exactly what I am talking about.... ALL countries.... but even gradual change is getting to be next to impossible ...
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo

SparklingCrystal 💖💎

Fri 01/21/22 05:01 AM

@ Crystal..

that's exactly what I am talking about.... ALL countries.... but even gradual change is getting to be next to impossible ...

That varies per country I think.
And in that sense the US may have had an accelerant now with Biden.

Over here we have a growing group of people dissatisfied with the ruling of the last years. And about bloody time, as to be honest things have been going downhill since the 80s. But time wasn't ripe then yet.
As it is we are getting closer and closer to that. An increasing amount of people are totally fed up with the bullcr@p.

Some countries will be further, others not, and some countries won't require a drastic change. I think one such country is New Zealand. Not certain as I don't often follow news & politics.
I always thought Australia was quite okay too, but considering how things have been going there so far during the pandemic the country needs a serious overhaul!

You know, it is really up to the people in each country whether it happens or not. If the majority is still willing to put up with the old and stale it might take another decade before things change there.
But people are quickly waking up and begin to see through the illusions. We even got a growing group of vaccinated people now saying, "Bleep that booster! When is this going to stop? It's a road to nowhere. I'm not playing anymore!"

70% of Americans not wanting Biden or Trump anymore. Wowza! meaning most Americans want change too.

Change is happening.
Bart's photo


Fri 01/21/22 06:26 AM

The Echelon insights poll has 56% of Americans don’t want Trump to run in ‘’24 and 54% don’t want Biden . If you break it down to individual party’s, 87% republicans want Trump and 84% of democrats want Biden. With the independents support for Biden down 16 points. Add all that up with the understanding that many more people align themselves as republicans than they do democrats by 9 points. That’s a huge jump in just a year. So going by these numbers I believe Trump would have a much better chance to win the presidency than Biden. Watch for Biden’s numbers to decline further which will definitely make Trumps numbers climb.