Topic: positive thoughts everyday
Neneng's photo


Sun 07/03/22 07:20 PM

stay strong make them wonder why you're still smiling:blush:
Laska Paul 's photo

Laska Paul

Sun 07/03/22 09:59 PM

stay strong make them wonder why you're still smiling:blush:

Me too , I always tell everyone Smile Alot, you will loose nothing , Becoz a Smile is a Kindaa Happiness you don't have to search on Google , Its just one inch below your Nose . Good Day !
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Sun 07/03/22 10:44 PM

You don't need anyone to be happy - it's in you and you just need to be able to find it.
Neneng's photo


Sun 07/03/22 11:47 PM

You don't need anyone to be happy - it's in you and you just need to be able to find it.

indeed...thank you:blush:
Neneng's photo


Sun 07/03/22 11:48 PM

You don't need anyone to be happy - it's in you and you just need to be able to find it.

indeed...thank you:blush:
Neneng's photo


Sun 07/03/22 11:48 PM

Me too , I always tell everyone Smile Alot, you will loose nothing , Becoz a Smile is a Kindaa Happiness you don't have to search on Google , Its just one inch below your Nose . Good Day !

so true..thank you:blush:
Garry 's photo


Mon 07/04/22 07:43 AM

:):):):) Smiling from the heart
Neneng's photo


Mon 07/04/22 03:22 PM

:):):):) Smiling from the heart

that's a happy heart❤
Neneng's photo


Mon 07/04/22 03:35 PM

Prioritize yourself, Love has long been overdue:ok_hand:
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Tue 07/05/22 03:06 AM

Prioritize yourself, Love has long been overdue

It's true, always me first, then my loved ones, and if I have time and willingness, then I can help others
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Tue 07/05/22 03:10 AM

Always be positive, even when things are hard for you and are not going the way they should be. Positive thoughts attract positive things. Keep smiling
Neneng's photo


Tue 07/05/22 09:44 AM

Always be positive, even when things are hard for you and are not going the way they should be. Positive thoughts attract positive things. Keep smiling

Devita's photo


Tue 07/05/22 03:13 PM

Sorry can't be positif these couple of days.
Been having a rough day in office, hope I can get my cherish moment sooner. :cry: tears
no photo


Wed 07/06/22 12:34 AM

Sorry can't be positif these couple of days.
Been having a rough day in office, hope I can get my cherish moment sooner. :cry:

Hello Devita
I hope it will pass soon and you'll feel better.
I was in a situation like you too, only my life is more complicated.
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Sat 07/09/22 06:42 AM

Don't Wait For Perfect Moment.
Take The Moment and Make It Perfect.
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Sun 07/10/22 07:59 AM

Don't Wait For Perfect Moment.
Take The Moment and Make It Perfect.

You can't always do this - rather rarely.
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Sun 07/10/22 08:30 AM

Stay Positive Speak Negative an Handle Both Attitudes...

Robin :monkey:
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Mon 07/11/22 02:53 PM

No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets I’m gonna make it. I have no choice and I will not give up.
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Thu 07/14/22 12:05 AM

S-ee your goal.
U-nderstand the obstacles.
C-reate a positive mental picture.
C-lear your mind of self doubt.
E-mbrace the challenge.
S-tay on track.
S-how the world You Can Do It !
Edited by Unknow on Thu 07/14/22 12:07 AM
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Thu 07/14/22 12:15 AM

See the world through pink glasses, sometimes change to green or blue. Be better for yourself