Topic: I'm going to be 1st time Grand Mum!!
Vergi's photo


Sun 09/04/22 04:34 PM

It's very early days still, but... I'm going to be a first-time grandmum!!

My daughter is 5 weeks pregnant, and beginning to show due to hormonal changes in the body.
Everyone is over the moon happy, although I admit it is still a strange thought, hihi.
Here's me on dating sites, hoping to find partner, and there's me becoming a grandmum. Seems a bit of a contradiction, but I suppose something that happens to many of us these days.
Overall there's joy! And the prospect of holding my own grandchild, my blood, my daughter's child, wow!

My daughter and son in law have already gotten the furniture and pram in. And yesterday she bought 2 pacifiers.
They want to know the gender, but we'll have to wait a bit longer for that.

Funny thing is, I knew before she'd told me, before she was late even.
I suspected it as they were on holiday and then you're relaxed, which helps. (and clearly it did, haha).
Then I was taking the few parts of my own babybed out of the garage the other day, thinking I have space now upstairs. So as I was cleaning them first, it went through my mind that maybe, soonish, the bed would be in my front room with my grandchild. And that I'd have to buy a new mattress for it.
Then I pushed the thought away. But it was there.

A few days later I was told she was late.
Intuition is the darndest thing!

So there it is. I'm going to be a grandmum!! Somewhere April, likely a Taurus, like me and my girl although we both are May Taurus.

She thinks a girl, but the thought 'boy' creeps into my mind all the time... Wait and see!

Congratulations πŸ₯³:hugging:
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Mon 09/05/22 01:56 AM

My best wishes for her flowerforyou

And congrats to you too, 1st time granny @SparklingCrystal

Thank you!
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Mon 09/05/22 01:57 AM

It's very early days still, but... I'm going to be a first-time grandmum!!

My daughter is 5 weeks pregnant, and beginning to show due to hormonal changes in the body.
Everyone is over the moon happy, although I admit it is still a strange thought, hihi.
Here's me on dating sites, hoping to find partner, and there's me becoming a grandmum. Seems a bit of a contradiction, but I suppose something that happens to many of us these days.
Overall there's joy! And the prospect of holding my own grandchild, my blood, my daughter's child, wow!

My daughter and son in law have already gotten the furniture and pram in. And yesterday she bought 2 pacifiers.
They want to know the gender, but we'll have to wait a bit longer for that.

Funny thing is, I knew before she'd told me, before she was late even.
I suspected it as they were on holiday and then you're relaxed, which helps. (and clearly it did, haha).
Then I was taking the few parts of my own babybed out of the garage the other day, thinking I have space now upstairs. So as I was cleaning them first, it went through my mind that maybe, soonish, the bed would be in my front room with my grandchild. And that I'd have to buy a new mattress for it.
Then I pushed the thought away. But it was there.

A few days later I was told she was late.
Intuition is the darndest thing!

So there it is. I'm going to be a grandmum!! Somewhere April, likely a Taurus, like me and my girl although we both are May Taurus.

She thinks a girl, but the thought 'boy' creeps into my mind all the time... Wait and see!

Congratulations πŸ₯³:hugging:

Thank you, Vergi!
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Mon 09/05/22 02:16 AM

My daughter is now 7 weeks pregnant and beginning to feel a bit sick every now and then.
And also feeling hungry, not getting to feel "full", not even when she eats.
I had the exact same problem when pregnant AND when going through peri-menopause. It's oestrogen related and a real pain in the neck.
Hope it doesn't get too bad for her as I know all to well how god-awful that is.

This afternoon she has the first ultrasound :) The li'l one is still very small, but they should be able to see the heart beat.
I will no doubt hear from her afterwards!

In the meantime I've decided that I want to put the baby bed up in the front bedroom. A mattress that fits the bed isn't even all that expensive, at the time we had to have them made which was very costly.
It's the bed I have been in as a baby, and my elder sister, and both my kids.
My girl doesn't want it, but I'll set it up myself. Easier when she comes over with the little one and I like the thought that my grandchild sleeps in the family bed, -even though my girl doesn't care about such things.
The bummer is that I think I put the side panels behind my wardrobes and I don't see them. So getting this sorted might become quite the thing!

Plenty of time still though :)

Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Mon 09/05/22 02:17 AM
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Mon 09/05/22 02:13 PM

I've seen the first 2 photos of my grandchild! The first ultrasound :)
And turns out that my daughter's own initial calculations of duration of pregnancy were correct after all. She's 8 weeks and 1 day now. The app she was using for some reason said 7 weeks.
The due date is April 16th, so not the 3rd Taurus in the family (me and my daughter) but an Aries.
sonofrangi's photo


Tue 09/06/22 01:44 PM

tis awsum news Miss Crystal :smile: ....and there is no doubt as you WILL be on baby cooing duties and yes you'll be fine....maybe spoil bubs but tis what grandparents do..tis their right to do so :smile: nice to hear and see you happy and making a nest for the newborn :smile:
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Tue 09/06/22 04:32 PM

tis awsum news Miss Crystal :smile: ....and there is no doubt as you WILL be on baby cooing duties and yes you'll be fine....maybe spoil bubs but tis what grandparents do..tis their right to do so :smile: nice to hear and see you happy and making a nest for the newborn :smile:

Thank you, and yes, really looking forward to it!
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Sat 09/10/22 05:03 AM

As it is I'm trying to get the side panels of the baby bed out from behind the wardrobes. I placed two narrow tall cupboards next to the wardrobes AFTER I'd put the side panels there, so I can barely get to it.
There a gap about 10 cms wide but the panels are way out of reach.
I managed to get 1 out, the other one is proving to be a pain in the neck. I'd need a boat hook or something.
Going to try with a thin wooden thingie and a nail screwed into it. Fingers crossed.

I also retrieved and cleaned the holder for the canopy.
A very romantic white one that I bought at the time for my own babies. My girl doesn't want it either, so I'm going to use it here :) I always carefully stored it as it cost a bomb, and it's still as white as it was 31 yrs ago!

Slowly getting there, provided I can get that last side panel out...
If I succeed, no, WHEN I succeed I can measure and order the mattress.
Vibes's photo


Mon 09/12/22 08:16 AM

Congratulations Sparkling .
Becoming grandmother for the first time is awesome and gives more exciting.
Your pre preparations are enjoyable and go on one by one to welcome your grandkid.
We have three grandkids thro our two daughters and have enjoyed and still enjoying.
All the best to your daughter.
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Thu 09/15/22 03:14 AM

Thank you, Vibes!
My daughter isn't feeling too well, so I hope that will pass once she gets to the 12 week mark.
Fingers crossed!
Steve's photo


Fri 09/30/22 09:22 PM

A very exciting news Crystal…More wins i will say..
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Sat 10/01/22 08:50 AM

Thank you, and indeed exciting!

OT -- my girl is now 11 weeks and since last week she's beginning to feel much better.
She also had the 2nd ultrasound, and now it's really clear to see the li'l baby love :heart:
She told me that at some point it was sucking its thumb, SO cute!! smitten
Rock's photo


Wed 10/05/22 09:02 AM

Congratulations to you, and your family,

Becoming a grandparent is one of the most
awesome feelings, ever.

May good fortune shine on you and yours.
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Wed 10/05/22 11:28 AM

Congratulations to you, and your family,

Becoming a grandparent is one of the most
awesome feelings, ever.

May good fortune shine on you and yours.

Thank you, Rock!
Everyone in my family is really excited about it!
She's now 12,5 weeks and feeling much better than the first 10 weeks.
Humblemannnnn's photo


Fri 10/07/22 05:58 AM

You're so beautiful....
bobtail76's photo


Sat 10/08/22 08:14 AM

Congrats, Crystal!
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Sat 10/08/22 11:18 AM

Thank you, Bobtail!
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Sat 10/08/22 11:26 AM

My daughter and her man chose to do a NIPT (Non invasive prenatal testing) by using her blood to check the baby's DNA for any abnormality.
Everything was fine!
There was no reason to suspect anything but you never know, and at least now that concern has gone.

Tomorrow she's going to be 13 weeks.
Yesterday she fell over really hard at work. Stupid cleaner didn't put up the sign that the floor was wet.
Thank goodness she didn't fall on her belly but her knees and wrists. She has a wrist issue so that wasn't great, and her knee was black & blue, badly bruised.
They had to help her up as she couldn't stand up herself. She went home after that, hobbling to the car, then phoned me.
I told her to go to the GP to have her knee (patella) checked out, just to be certain everything is okay.

To be honest, I'm still really PO with that cleaning woman who was very indifferent when she heard my girl had fallen badly.
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Mon 10/17/22 08:04 AM

My girl was having an ultrasound to find out whether it's a boy or a girl, but the li'l one was cooperative, hihi. She was told to go for a bit of a walk.
Not sure yet how it ended.

The idea is to get the results in an envelope but not open it. She will drop it off at the baker's and they will make a cake for either a girl or a boy.
So that's how they then will find out, together, at home.
But then the ultrasound has to work out of course. Fingers crossed!
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž

Mon 10/17/22 11:56 AM

It worked! They got a 2nd chance to do the ultrasound and they could tell what it is :)
My girl and her man don't know yet. THe baker is going to make a beautiful cake tomorrow morning and on the inside make layers in the cake that are either pink or blue.

In Dutch tradition we eat Dutch crisp bakes with sugared aniseed balls to celebrate the birth of a baby. The sugared aniseed balls -called "mice"- are either pink when it's a girl and blue when it's a boy.

They will put the right colour inside the cake as well. So when they cut it these pink or blue aniseed balls will come spilling out :)