Topic: Can you love someone from afar?
Fil's photo


Thu 09/22/22 06:17 PM

LDR is a new set up nowadays in online dating. Could love possibly prosper or location is a big deal to anyone?
Maria's photo


Thu 09/22/22 09:25 PM

LDR is a new set up nowadays in online dating. Could love possibly prosper or location is a big deal to anyone?

In my opinion, no. The whole point of signing up was for human interaction, companionship, hugs. Keep it real and keep it simple. Blessings!
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Fri 09/23/22 01:38 AM

You can talk yourself into believing you are in love (romantic love ) from afar .. but to determine reality from imagination you need to spend physical time together .
Riverspirit1111's photo


Fri 09/23/22 02:47 AM

You can talk yourself into believing you are in love (romantic love ) from afar .. but to determine reality from imagination you need to spend physical time together .

I agree! I feel this is especially true if you haven't met face to face yet. And it's important to meet as soon as possible. Otherwise, it's way to easy to fall into an imaginary state of being. Falling in love with your pre-conceived ideas of the other person. It's like being in love with love, rather than with the person him/her self.

Once you do meet face to face and determine whether there is true chemistry, I feel it's very possible for love to prosper and grow while you're a part from each other. So long as both are equally committed to making the relationship work and eventually eliminating the distance between the two of you. Phone time, face time through video chatting, and visiting each other regularly, are all important things, in my opinion, to help keep an LDR thriving and real.
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Fri 09/23/22 11:00 AM

Before i married my ex husband and i were in a LDR for 3 years. We saw each other during that period only 3 times. Even when we had frequent phone calls and wrote letters (yes, no internet or video chats back then, gosh revealing my age LOL) I can tell you that i we were not ‘in love’ when we married. We went thru that stage only after we married. We were married for 25 years until it ends 3 years ago.
I personally think that the physical and face to face interaction are key to foster the deep feeling of being in love.
But, everyone is different and as my nona said: in the power is the will!
Rock's photo


Fri 09/23/22 11:18 AM

LDR is a new set up nowadays in online dating. Could love possibly prosper or location is a big deal to anyone?

I guess, in a creepy stalkerish kind of
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Sat 09/24/22 06:46 AM

For me, anything more than 25 miles distance is not worth considering.
Morticia's photo


Sat 09/24/22 09:09 AM

Unless you're already in a stable relationship and have to be apart for legit reasons like deployment etc, a LDR is really not worth considering.
no photo


Tue 09/27/22 09:33 AM

It worked for me but it's not easy. You both have to be committed and put in the time and effort. When you are in love you know it and it's easy to communicate and put in the time. The hard part was being apart. He visited 2 times in the 3 years of online relationship. Then came and married me. We had a wonderful amazing year together until he passed away from covid.
It really just depends on the maturity and level of commitment from both. It's not for everyone but what else can you do when you find 'the one'.
Edited by Unknow on Tue 09/27/22 09:41 AM
Poetrywriter's photo


Tue 09/27/22 09:37 AM

I did, do and will always love Halle Berry.
no photo


Tue 09/27/22 09:41 AM

for me yes because if you love him you should just wait until you meet :grin: but right now there are many doing cheating for there happiness so sometimes they lose trust.
Duttoneer's photo


Fri 09/30/22 01:23 AM

Lots of good advice given on here. I would say that if you do enter in to a long distance relationship, you both need to agree early on, upon a time when one of you will relocate so you can be together, otherwise the relationship will become no more than pen pals, or a holiday romance, and just fade away in my opinion.
Edited by Duttoneer on Fri 09/30/22 01:25 AM
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Fri 09/30/22 05:52 PM

LDR is a new set up nowadays in online dating. Could love possibly prosper or location is a big deal to anyone?

nowdays we use internet even when we are closer. it is worth to try. :)
Spunge Gero's photo

Spunge Gero

Tue 10/04/22 04:05 AM

I think you can..relationships are like new born babies..they need a lot of care
Angel's photo


Thu 10/13/22 09:05 PM

LDR is a new set up nowadays in online dating. Could love possibly prosper or location is a big deal to anyone?

in my opinion, love works despite of the distance, if the two person really love each other and want the relationship to last and have trust to each other then i can say that LOVE WORKS and DISTANCE doesn't matter.
EaZy's photo


Wed 10/19/22 09:59 PM

You can talk yourself into believing you are in love (romantic love ) from afar .. but to determine reality from imagination you need to spend physical time together .

Yeah but I wish I can have someone who loves me from afar I will do humanly possible to be with her.
no photo


Mon 10/24/22 07:40 AM

in my opinion, love works despite of the distance, if the two person really love each other and want the relationship to last and have trust to each other then i can say that LOVE WORKS and DISTANCE doesn't matter.

the reality is that you can love from distance but cant expres emotion like when you do it real
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Fri 11/04/22 05:29 PM

what you said is very true, always love is about filling that need a feed back of that feeling from the one you love. those filling can be appetized by caring each other through talking, being together, making stories, telling good/romantic world to each other etc.
no photo


Fri 11/04/22 05:30 PM

what you said is very true, always love is about filling that need a feed back of that feeling from the one you love. those filling can be appetized by caring each other through talking, being together, making stories, telling good/romantic world to each other etc.
no photo


Fri 11/04/22 06:42 PM

LDR may sometimes difficult to deal with but if and your partner have a genuine love for each other it will work there's a saying its two to tango in handling a LDR relationship you have ready to dance in the rythm of love , sacrifice and compromise with your partner if she/he came from a different country ❤