Topic: Cutting off your nose...
Mark's photo


Fri 10/07/22 07:33 AM

This morning's stellar unemployment report, with 263,000 jobs created, unemployment dropped to 3.5%, wages up 5% year over year and over 10 million jobs that can't be filled was ..."disappointing".

The problem we face is the complete opposite to any problem America has seen in my adult life, labor supply is so lopsided that employers are having to competitively raise wages to compete, which in turn fuels inflation via price increases to consumers.
(Wage inflation)

It's also fueling a housing bubble, with both wages higher and mortgage rates still historically low.

The Fed has increased rates in 2022 faster than any time in history to counter excess consumption.

This equates to pain for us if the Fed's forced to keep raising.

The only feasible way around forcing the fed's hand would be if we had some way of increasing our labor pool, if, say, we had access to a large group of workers who wanted to come to America and fill that gap, especially at a time where baby-boomers are retiring the same as the birth rate.

Edited by Mark on Fri 10/07/22 07:37 AM
no photo


Fri 10/07/22 08:32 AM

yes but half of americans don't want any immigrants thanks to orange Mussolini
he released the hate that was always bubbling under the surface
sad but true!
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Fri 10/07/22 09:26 AM

yes but half of americans don't want any immigrants thanks to orange Mussolini
he released the hate that was always bubbling under the surface
sad but true!
Correction, we WANT immigrants but we want them to come here LEGALLY like every one of them before this lawless group came thanks to the Biden/Harris train wreck encouraging them to come. (No, their rare, feeble barely audible "dont come" remarks don't count).

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. Every Republican I know has always favored LEGAL immigration. Guess that's too difficult to wrap your heads around since the Dems keep repeating the nonsense that Republicans don't want immigration.
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Fri 10/07/22 09:27 AM
Bart's photo


Fri 10/07/22 10:15 AM

yes but half of americans don't want any immigrants thanks to orange Mussolini
he released the hate that was always bubbling under the surface
sad but true!
Correction, we WANT immigrants but we want them to come here LEGALLY like every one of them before this lawless group came thanks to the Biden/Harris train wreck encouraging them to come. (No, their rare, feeble barely audible "dont come" remarks don't count).

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true. Every Republican I know has always favored LEGAL immigration. Guess that's too difficult to wrap your heads around since the Dems keep repeating the nonsense that Republicans don't want immigration.

To keep out any is to keep all out according to the dems. Just like if your not be in favor of full term abortion your against any and all abortions. If you don’t want drag queens performing their filth in our schools you are a transphobic. If you have a American flag or pray in public your are a insurrectionist . Most illegal immigrants don’t like anyone that tries to stop them from invading or country . On the other hand most legal immigrants don’t want the illegals to come in like they are because the legal ones have done it the right way. Trump turned more Latinos into Republican voters than any one else. Same with black voters.
Rock's photo


Fri 10/07/22 12:27 PM

Whilst I do agree with your premise, Mark.
That, the U.S. does need a ready, and
available labor force.

I don't know from
your original post, if you're suggesting
an open borders policy, to let 'em all in.
A free for all, without any vetting.

Or, if you're suggesting a more sane
approach to immigration.

Perhaps, and I give you kudos, if you
simply decided to, metaphorically, grab
a stick to give the fora hornet's nest
a good whack.
no photo


Fri 10/07/22 12:35 PM

yes but half of americans don't want any immigrants thanks to orange Mussolini
he released the hate that was always bubbling under the surface
sad but true!

Leafs Fanny 1 :
Why Don`t You Take in a Whole Bunch of illegal Aliens into Your Home ??!!
Put Your Money, Where Your Mouth is.
no photo


Fri 10/07/22 01:25 PM

This morning's stellar unemployment report, with 263,000 jobs created, unemployment dropped to 3.5%, wages up 5% year over year and over 10 million jobs that can't be filled was ..."disappointing".

The problem we face is the complete opposite to any problem America has seen in my adult life, labor supply is so lopsided that employers are having to competitively raise wages to compete, which in turn fuels inflation via price increases to consumers.
(Wage inflation)

It's also fueling a housing bubble, with both wages higher and mortgage rates still historically low.

The Fed has increased rates in 2022 faster than any time in history to counter excess consumption.

This equates to pain for us if the Fed's forced to keep raising.

The only feasible way around forcing the fed's hand would be if we had some way of increasing our labor pool, if, say, we had access to a large group of workers who wanted to come to America and fill that gap, especially at a time where baby-boomers are retiring the same as the birth rate.

Great Marky :
Then You can Get a Job Helping "JANET YELLEN"
Ruin America with Her Democratic Ideas and Rules.
Mark's photo


Fri 10/07/22 06:08 PM

Whilst I do agree with your premise, Mark.
That, the U.S. does need a ready, and
available labor force.

I don't know from
your original post, if you're suggesting
an open borders policy, to let 'em all in.
A free for all, without any vetting.

Or, if you're suggesting a more sane
approach to immigration.

Perhaps, and I give you kudos, if you
simply decided to, metaphorically, grab
a stick to give the fora hornet's nest
a good whack.

You pretty much hit it, definitely some "hornets nest", buttons here are hilariously easy to push, redponses predictable.

That said, YES to a sane approach, if you follow and understand economics and the Fed's current dilemma, it's f###ing insane for us to be pushing out the best solution we have, more so to propose spending tax dollars to do so.

So, screen out the criminals, give temp status and voila.

Mark's photo


Fri 10/07/22 06:08 PM

Whilst I do agree with your premise, Mark.
That, the U.S. does need a ready, and
available labor force.

I don't know from
your original post, if you're suggesting
an open borders policy, to let 'em all in.
A free for all, without any vetting.

Or, if you're suggesting a more sane
approach to immigration.

Perhaps, and I give you kudos, if you
simply decided to, metaphorically, grab
a stick to give the fora hornet's nest
a good whack.

You pretty much hit it, definitely some "hornets nest", buttons here are hilariously easy to push, responses predictably knee-jerk.

That said, YES to a sane approach, if you follow and understand economics and the Fed's current dilemma, it's f###ing insane for us to be pushing out the best solution we have, more so to propose spending tax dollars to do so.

So, screen out the criminals, give temp status and voila.

Edited by Mark on Fri 10/07/22 06:10 PM
dust4fun's photo


Sat 10/08/22 07:24 AM

Whilst I do agree with your premise, Mark.
That, the U.S. does need a ready, and
available labor force.

I don't know from
your original post, if you're suggesting
an open borders policy, to let 'em all in.
A free for all, without any vetting.

Or, if you're suggesting a more sane
approach to immigration.

Perhaps, and I give you kudos, if you
simply decided to, metaphorically, grab
a stick to give the fora hornet's nest
a good whack.

You pretty much hit it, definitely some "hornets nest", buttons here are hilariously easy to push, redponses predictable.

That said, YES to a sane approach, if you follow and understand economics and the Fed's current dilemma, it's f###ing insane for us to be pushing out the best solution we have, more so to propose spending tax dollars to do so.

So, screen out the criminals, give temp status and voila.

Instead of importing people to work how about we get some of the lazy people we have here to actually work. Yes, many people here have jobs, but how many actually WORK? People want to show up when they want, and do what they want, and they want top dollar just to show up. They feel like they are entitled, that people owe them just for existing. I have long had a saying "fire half the people and double production". The people whom actually work are so busy fixing the F'ups of the other morons that are just in the way. Pay people for what they accomplish, not for how many hours they stand around. Quit giving handouts to freeloaders, if you can't afford food you can get a loaf of bread and a bag of rice, if you don't like it go out and earn your own money. Tap into the prisons, there are many able bodied people who could be working there. For the most part College is a joke, any valuable information could be learned in a much shorter time, or on the job. Instead of having people waste 4+ years of their working life going to class 4 hours a day they could be doing much more productive things and learning while they do it. People basically freeload off society til they are 18, or 22 if the go to college. They then work til around 65 when they retire, so if they live to be 100 they only spend half their life working, and the rest of the time freeloading off others. It's not about getting more people, it's about working smarter, using technology, and using the resources we already have.
Bart's photo


Sat 10/08/22 08:13 AM

Whilst I do agree with your premise, Mark.
That, the U.S. does need a ready, and
available labor force.

I don't know from
your original post, if you're suggesting
an open borders policy, to let 'em all in.
A free for all, without any vetting.

Or, if you're suggesting a more sane
approach to immigration.

Perhaps, and I give you kudos, if you
simply decided to, metaphorically, grab
a stick to give the fora hornet's nest
a good whack.

You pretty much hit it, definitely some "hornets nest", buttons here are hilariously easy to push, redponses predictable.

That said, YES to a sane approach, if you follow and understand economics and the Fed's current dilemma, it's f###ing insane for us to be pushing out the best solution we have, more so to propose spending tax dollars to do so.

So, screen out the criminals, give temp status and voila.

Instead of importing people to work how about we get some of the lazy people we have here to actually work. Yes, many people here have jobs, but how many actually WORK? People want to show up when they want, and do what they want, and they want top dollar just to show up. They feel like they are entitled, that people owe them just for existing. I have long had a saying "fire half the people and double production". The people whom actually work are so busy fixing the F'ups of the other morons that are just in the way. Pay people for what they accomplish, not for how many hours they stand around. Quit giving handouts to freeloaders, if you can't afford food you can get a loaf of bread and a bag of rice, if you don't like it go out and earn your own money. Tap into the prisons, there are many able bodied people who could be working there. For the most part College is a joke, any valuable information could be learned in a much shorter time, or on the job. Instead of having people waste 4+ years of their working life going to class 4 hours a day they could be doing much more productive things and learning while they do it. People basically freeload off society til they are 18, or 22 if the go to college. They then work til around 65 when they retire, so if they live to be 100 they only spend half their life working, and the rest of the time freeloading off others. It's not about getting more people, it's about working smarter, using technology, and using the resources we already have.

I agree our government has given to many handouts that are a incentive for people to scam the system. Mostly from the democrats policies.
Unemployment payouts during the pandemic actually increased about 65% of a workers pay to not work. While the people who had jobs listed as essential got no extra $ for staying on the job and increasing their chance of contracting covid. The extra unemployment payment from the government was overkill, a unneeded waste of $$$. As for people that have jobs but don’t show up to work or just stand around on their phone , here in N.Carolina( a right to work state) that person won’t have a job for long . That’s the problem with unions , you can’t fire anybody for their poor performance or unwillingness to show up for work. Including our educators . This is part of the reason our education system is so out of wack. These are liberal woke policies that need to be reversed… I don’t agree that people who go to college for 4 plus years is a waste of time. I don’t want a Dr. that went to a vocational school to operate on me . We need higher education for all fields of work… as far as using the illegals to pick our crops or fill menial jobs, it’s against the law to hire illegal immigrants. Nancy P. should know that.
Mark's photo


Sat 10/08/22 09:46 AM

Holy Tolstoy Batman, folks I can be verbose but damn, the last two replies I read the first sentence and stopped.

All I can say is you can lead a horse to water, but if that horse is too obsessed with the horses around him drinking too much of what he thinks is his water, don't bother, Let It Die.
Bart's photo


Sat 10/08/22 10:16 AM

Holy Tolstoy Batman, folks I can be verbose but damn, the last two replies I read the first sentence and stopped.

All I can say is you can lead a horse to water, but if that horse is too obsessed with the horses around him drinking too much of what he thinks is his water, don't bother, Let It Die.

Lol, yea, you lost me with your horse analogy . Is that some more of that Plato-ism, sounds more like Asops Fables . But it sounds like you want my government to give more handouts. That’s why we are in the fix we are now.To many in this country thinking they are entitled to government subsidies and services just for being. The only thing any able body should be entitled to is the right to earn a education and a living. Period. Ask not what your country can do for you …..Still relevant today.
dust4fun's photo


Sat 10/08/22 01:10 PM

Holy Tolstoy Batman, folks I can be verbose but damn, the last two replies I read the first sentence and stopped.

All I can say is you can lead a horse to water, but if that horse is too obsessed with the horses around him drinking too much of what he thinks is his water, don't bother, Let It Die.

You answered your own question, if you would have read beyond the first sentence perhaps you would have figured a thing or two out? Of all these people you seem so willing to get into the country, how many do you think are hard workers? How many do you think are just freeloaders? And what happens when they retire but have paid little to no money to Social Security? They also need housing, food, infrastructure. So how many of these people can we add before the system is worse off instead of better off? We have already shipped much of our manufacturing over seas and even some other fields are being done over seas now. The problem is the United States has become filled with low paying service jobs because Americans have become lazy, greedy, and feel entitled. What happens when the economy starts to head in the other direction and people get laid off? Are we going to send these people back to where they came from? Are we going to give them government handouts? I know people like you think we can continue to just print money to make everybody happy, but that's why we are in the mess we are in the first place. Handouts for the Corona virus was one of the stupidest things they could have done. The amount of greed that created, the amount of entitlement, the amount of debt that is impossible to pay off. I have no problem with letting some people come into the country legally, many that do come have a drive and a dream to make their life better. They start their own businesses and work there butts off to keep it going. But on the other hand you have many coming to the land of the free for free food, free housing, free healthcare. The freeloaders. If we would go back to natural selection and let nature take it's coarse about 30% of the population would die because they would be too dumb or lazy to figure out they had to actually work to feed and shelter themselves. Be careful what you wish for,because it doesn't always work out the way you envision it. We may end up as a third world country sooner then many think and then we will be the ones seeking other countries to work in and feed us?
Mr Good Guy's photo

Mr Good Guy

Sat 10/08/22 01:23 PM

Holy Tolstoy Batman, folks I can be verbose but damn, the last two replies I read the first sentence and stopped.

All I can say is you can lead a horse to water, but if that horse is too obsessed with the horses around him drinking too much of what he thinks is his water, don't bother, Let It Die.

You answered your own question, if you would have read beyond the first sentence perhaps you would have figured a thing or two out? Of all these people you seem so willing to get into the country, how many do you think are hard workers? How many do you think are just freeloaders? And what happens when they retire but have paid little to no money to Social Security? They also need housing, food, infrastructure. So how many of these people can we add before the system is worse off instead of better off? We have already shipped much of our manufacturing over seas and even some other fields are being done over seas now. The problem is the United States has become filled with low paying service jobs because Americans have become lazy, greedy, and feel entitled. What happens when the economy starts to head in the other direction and people get laid off? Are we going to send these people back to where they came from? Are we going to give them government handouts? I know people like you think we can continue to just print money to make everybody happy, but that's why we are in the mess we are in the first place. Handouts for the Corona virus was one of the stupidest things they could have done. The amount of greed that created, the amount of entitlement, the amount of debt that is impossible to pay off. I have no problem with letting some people come into the country legally, many that do come have a drive and a dream to make their life better. They start their own businesses and work there butts off to keep it going. But on the other hand you have many coming to the land of the free for free food, free housing, free healthcare. The freeloaders. If we would go back to natural selection and let nature take it's coarse about 30% of the population would die because they would be too dumb or lazy to figure out they had to actually work to feed and shelter themselves. Be careful what you wish for,because it doesn't always work out the way you envision it. We may end up as a third world country sooner then many think and then we will be the ones seeking other countries to work in and feed us?
Well said. And I second the foolishness of sending out Corona virus money willy nilly. I know I sure as heck didn't need it, want it, or ask for it but you can bet it's spurred a whole new generation of people thinking they don't have to work as hard as the Government will always bail them out and take care of them. It's a very bleak future if things continue going this way.
Mark's photo


Sat 10/08/22 02:31 PM

One clear takeaway here, if you want to weed out the most disinformed, post a topic here and let 'er rip.

You guys have been magnificent.
no photo


Sat 10/08/22 02:55 PM

One clear takeaway here, if you want to weed out the most disinformed, post a topic here and let 'er rip.

You guys have been magnificent.

Mr. Political Expert Mark :

Just Because a Person has a Total Contrary Opinion
to Yours ( Believing or Not Believing the Established News Media Bias )
Does Not Make Them Wrong.
Bart's photo


Sat 10/08/22 04:23 PM

One clear takeaway here, if you want to weed out the most disinformed, post a topic here and let 'er rip.

You guys have been magnificent.

Without trying to impress anyone with your Plato or Socrates ramblings, please explain what in the past few posts are disinformation . In your mind.
Mark's photo


Sat 10/08/22 05:30 PM

Immediately after you explain Plato's allegory of the cave.

If you're going to call it "ramblings", at least show us proof that you've validated that opinion.

Or, just keep whining about "Democrats" and how they, but not you, have ruined your life.

Rock's photo


Sat 10/08/22 05:36 PM


The metaphor;
"You can lead a horse to water,
but you can't make it drink", originated
around the twelfth century.
And... Has been in fairly common usage since.