Rather than start a new thread, figured I'd post here.
No red wave in the midterms for a Dem president with 42% approval, this should have been a wipeout.
Mark, above makes a single statement that I think sums it well "...I'm so tired of all of the hate...".
A handful of regular posters here epitomize that sentiment, non-stop angry blame and insult, the Trump way is no more.
Every single candidate Trump endorsed failed, independents like myself have had enough.
Food for thought to some of you, what you might think is normal, bad mouthing others who don't share your views.
You might go to the local Elks lodge and get good reception, but when online a lot of people are put off, they won't bother engaging because it's pointless.
The anger, name calling, blame and histrionics is costing you.
Trump's going to announce tonight and that's not a good thing for Republicans, especially where he will be running against DeSantis.
The two will engage in a pissing contest for the next two years that's going to drag the entire party down.
Your party needs moderates like Romney, but you push them out, label them "RINO" and no one can tell you different.
I voted D this week, solely for the fact the Trump is going to run and I do not want a republican majority for him to manipulate when he loses.
I live in one of the tight districts, the Dem won.
Edited by
on Tue 11/15/22 06:09 PM