I want a mesh fencing along the side of my driveway, kind of as shown in the drawing.
I'm using these poleholders that you can/should screw into the bricks, then wooden standing pools and the mesh panels attached to them.
So a rather see-through construction which is what I want as it can storm like crazy over here. I do want to grow climbing roses against it.
Now the handyman says he cannot screw that into the bricks. Why I don't know. I guess he doesn't have a proper drill for it.
He wanted to do it with steel cable and then put some 20cm long in the ground, in between the bricks.
That had me flabbergabbered as me's thinking, how's that going to hold it up?
Now I was thinking as alternative to screwing (bolting) it in the bricks, maybe using ground anchors (see photo), but again, is that going to be strong & solid?
Especially considering the heavy storms we get here?
These anchors are 6mm (otherwise they won't fit in between the bricks) and 23cm long.
What do you think? Is that going to work?? It has to be able to withstand heavy gale force as in 10-12 Beaufort.