I do not understand why people are so selfish and territorial when it comes to “ownership” of a country .
As for refugees .. perhaps Cyrax will share his experiences of life in Germany. Refugees are generally given citizenship in their new country and they have the same rights and entitlements as other citizens .
Yeah it's selfish of the citizens of a country to want to be able to know who's entering. And those selfish people have locks on their doors too, can you believe it????
Why aren't "refugees" going to Germany instead of the United States especially since Germany is more welcoming and closer to the countries they are leaving?
it is not selfish to want to know who is entering … but that is not where this ends . There is clear resentment , hostility and labelling of immigrants/refugees as a whole .
Germany ( and other countries) do welcome and support immigrants/refugees . Is the USA so elite and precious that it should be exempt from humanitarian obligations and growing/accepting cultural diversity .
I'm an immigrant in the United States because my family went through the immigration process. The people you are refer to as "immigrants" that are entering the country ILLEGALLY aren't immigrants, they are foreign nationals. I am so tired, and insulted, when these foreign nationals are given the same label that is assigned to me and other ACTUAL immigrants. There is also a process for refugees to follow that DOESN'T include entering the country ILLEGALLY.
The United States has NO more of an obligation to ANYONE who enters the country illegally than you or I have to someone who enters our home illegally. As far as cultural diversity goes the United States is accepting of diversity and welcomes the culture of ACTUAL immigrants who come LEGALLY. As an ACTUAL immigrant I know this to be true from personal experience.
I didn’t differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants John .
Clearly you and your family had the means to legally enter the USA as a migrant family … many in poverty and desperation don’t have that ability . I am not condoning illegal immigration .. the border laws are there for a reason .. but i am condoning the repulsion with how migrant workers and refugees are viewed as some sort of “underclass “ .
As for refugees . Seeking asylum is not illegal , regardless of how a person arrives .
There is NO such thing as an "illegal immigrant" or an "undocumented immigrant", ACTUAL immigrants are ALLOWED entry AFTER going through the immigration process and are GIVEN documents. The problem is NOT differentiating between people entering a country, ANY country, legally or illegally. If any foreign national who enters a country becomes an immigrant of some kind then someone on vacation and terrorists alike becomes an immigrant.
As for my family, my father wanted to immigrate to the United States in the early 50's but was denied US entry so he moved to Canada. He landed in Canada with barely enough money to eat, the ONLY means our family had was the result of him and my mom working. We never lived in a house let alone owned a house when we lived in Canada. My dad didn't have the MEANS to have a nice car but that didn't give him the right to get one illegally. Not having the MEANS to do something, ANYTHING, doesn't justify doing something ILLEGAL!!!
From the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) website:
"INZ aims to increase the economic and social framework of New Zealand by:
facilitating residence and temporary entry into New Zealand, and ensuring that those who cross New Zealand's borders observe the provisions of New Zealand's immigration instructions and legislation.
Most of INZ's operational work is focused on deciding residence, temporary entry and transit visa applications, but we also provide information and respond to general enquiries. In addition, INZ removes people who are in breach of immigration law, or resolves their immigration status in other ways.
Another responsibility is to determine claims for refugee status in New Zealand under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol. We select quota refugees and escort them to New Zealand".
Your country, New Zealand has laws that need to be followed and "removes people who are in breach of immigration law"...you seem to believe is inhumane if the United States does the same thing to people who don't follow immigration laws.
Also your country has a QUOTA for refugees and "escort them to New Zealand". Your country DOESN'T allow EVERY refugee to enter your country. Is it inhumane for New Zealand to control how many refugees it allows?
How many other countries border New Zealand??? How many points of entry by land, both legal and illegal, does New Zealand have protect? There is a state that is similarly located geographically with New Zealand, that is Hawaii, and that state like New Zealand doesn't have an problem with illegal entry.
It's easy to be self righteous and generous when you aren't facing the problems or paying the price of dealing with those problems. Why haven't the United Nations member countries, as a whole or individually, stepped up to deal with the conditions in the countries that foreign nationals are fleeing? That's a rhetorical question since the answer is obvious.